Ewa Wipszycka Warsaw Late Antique Seminar – lecture schedule for November

Winter semester 2024/2025
Always on Thursdays, at 16.45 Warsaw time, in room 203 at the Faculty of Law and Zoom.
For the link, please send a message to the presenters: Agata Deptuła (agata.deptula@uw.edu.pl) or Robert Wisniewski (r.wisniewski@uw.edu.pl).
- 7.11 Jakob Riemenschneider (Universität Giessen), Social distinctions and commonalities in sixth-century Gaza
- 14.11 Basemah Hamarneh (Universität Wien), Iconophobia in the Churches of the Levant: (Re)inventing images or seeking salvation?
- 21.11 Serena Ammirati (Università Roma Tre), References and cross-references in late antique law books: a few years after REDHIS
- 28.11 Adam Łajtar & Agata Deptuła (UW) Severus of Antioch in Nubia. Tracing early Christian traditions in Qasr Ibrim’s Greek manuscripts