Departmental news

Warsaw Seminar in Epigraphy and Papyrology

Warsaw Late Antique Seminar – summer 2024/2025


Splendid Encounters XII

Polish Historical Mission scholarships in 2025

Automatic defibrillator

A special emergency number

Wacław Felczak and Henryk Wereszycki Award, 2024
Current projects

Gender history as an object of knowledge. Theoretical framework and research practice of Polish studies on women’s past in the international context.

Treasury records as a source for the history of the Old Polish military during the reign of the Vasa dynasty (1587-1668)

Hebrew poetry of the golden age in al-Andalus. Anthology

Easterners: Polish Jews Looking at Middle Eastern Jews in the Interwar Period
The Columned Hall
The Columned Hall is one of the most beautiful classical interiors in Warsaw. It is rented for the needs of UW units and external institutions.
The beautiful interior impresses with its atmosphere and the malachite splendour of its columns. Frederic Chopin used to walk through it. The hall is authentic and was not destroyed during the war. Currently, it houses figures from the collection of the former Plaster Cabinet of the University of Warsaw.