Micro-grants for the scientific activities of students

We would like to inform you about the possibility of obtaining a micro-grant for the scientific activities of students of the Faculty of History of the University of Warsaw. Applications can be submitted from January 1 to March 31, 2025.
students of first-degree and second-degree studies at the Faculty of History of the University of Warsaw. The microgrant can be used only once during the academic year.
Individual scientific projects, e.g. archival or library research, participation in a scientific conference, training or summer school, copies of archives necessary for the completion of the diploma thesis.
You can receive a maximum of PLN 2,500 at one time
Applications are accepted on two dates during the academic year:
- from October 1 to November 30
- from January 1 to March 31 – ONGOING RECRUITMENT
Microgrants for scientific activities are intended to finance individual research projects of students. The project may be an archival or library query, participation in a scientific conference, training or summer school, as well as making copies of archives necessary for the completion of the diploma thesis.
Students of first- and second-cycle studies at the Faculty of History of the University of Warsaw can apply for microgrants.
The amount of one-time funding under a microgrant cannot exceed PLN 2,500.
In the case of trips abroad, the subsidy may cover: the cost of bus, train or plane tickets to get to the destination and return, estimated on the basis of currently applicable market rates (in the case of air travel, only the cost of an economy class or low-cost airline ticket may be eligible, in the case of rail travel, only a 2nd class ticket may qualify). In the case of domestic trips: accommodation costs, settled on the basis of an invoice; travel costs, based on bus or train tickets to the destination and return, estimated on the basis of currently applicable market rates (in the case of rail travel, only a 2nd class ticket may qualify). In the case of participation in conferences, training and summer schools in Poland and abroad taking place remotely: costs of the conference fee; costs of reprographic services incurred in archives and libraries.
Accommodation costs are only charged for domestic trips lasting at least two days. Accommodation costs cannot be higher than: PLN 250 for 1 night for one person in a single room in a hotel with a maximum three-star standard; PLN 120 for 1 night for one person in a single room in a hotel of a lower standard than three-star and in a guesthouse, motel, etc.
Applicants are informed electronically about whether or not a microgrant has been awarded.
A student who has been awarded a micro-grant may use the awarded funding only while he or she is a student. Loss of student status results in loss of funding.
A student who received co-financing for a domestic or foreign research, a trip to a domestic or foreign scientific conference, training or summer school, covers the costs of the trip from his or her own funds. He/she submits an invoice for travel expenses within 14 days of return. The invoice is accompanied by a copy of boarding passes, tickets and an invoice for accommodation issued to the University of Warsaw. On this basis, the University of Warsaw reimburses the project implementation costs in an amount not exceeding the amount of the granted funding.
Reimbursement of the costs of the conference fee, training or summer school fee incurred by the participant from his/her own funds is based on an invoice. Student who received funding for this purpose, within 14 days from the end of the conference, training or summer school, submits a financial and substantive report, to which an invoice issued to the University of Warsaw is attached.
The University of Warsaw does not refund the costs of participation in the conference if the participation does not take place.
Reimbursement of the costs of reprographic services in the archive or library is based on an invoice issued to the University of Warsaw.
In justified cases, it is possible to change the purpose of the allocated funds. Applications to change the allocation of funds should be submitted to the Chairman of the committee, who makes a decision on this matter.
The responsibilities of students awarded a microgrant include: implementing the project in accordance with the plan specified in the grant application; settlement of the project in accordance with the costs incurred and submitting to the Commission a financial and substantive report on the trip within 14 days from the date of its completion; participation in a conference, training or summer school for which funding was granted; settlement of participation in a conference, training or summer school in accordance with the costs incurred and submitting to the Commission a financial and substantive report on their progress within 14 days from the date of their completion; submitting an invoice confirming expenses incurred for reprography services in the archive or library.
A student going on a research trip, conference, training or summer school is obliged to have insurance for medical expenses and accidents. UW is not responsible for lack of insurance or improper insurance insurance for medical expenses and accidents incurred by the student.