M.A. Jakub Frejtag
ORCID: 0000-0001-5083-9611
Pages: https://uw.academia.edu/JakubFrejtag, https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jakub-Frejtag-2
Born 1994. Graduate of the Institute of History, University of Warsaw (BA in 2016 under Prof. Piotr Ugniewski, PhD; MA with honours in 2019 under Prof. Grażyna Szelągowska, PhD) and the Institute of Art History, University of Warsaw (MA with honours in 2019 under Prof. Gabriela Świtek, PhD).
His research interests are focused primarily on urban history, with particular emphasis on the development and modernization of cities and towns in the Congress Kingdom of Poland, as well as on the history of architecture and urban planning, including the terms of propaganda and ideological values of both single edifices and spatial ensembles as a whole.
The doctoral dissertation on the historical topography of railway districts in the cities of late Congress Poland in preparation under the supervision of Prof. Grażyna Szelągowska, PhD.
Most important scholarly articles
Frejtag, „Gotyk jakby z koronki dziergany”. Recepcja „stylu wiślano-bałtyckiego” w twórczości radomskich architektów przełomu XIX i XX wieku [“As if Lace-Knitted Gothic”. Reception of the “Vistula-Baltic Style” in the Oeuvre of Radom Architects from the Turn of the 20th Century], „Biuletyn Historii Sztuki”, LXXXIV (2022), 1, pp. 133-170.
Frejtag, Society of Workers’ Housing Estates and its Attempt to Overcome the Residential Crisis in Interwar Poland. A Contribution to Further Research (Towarzystwo Osiedli Robotniczych i jego działalność na rzecz przezwyciężenia kryzysu mieszkaniowego w międzywojennej Polsce. Przyczynek do dalszych badań), „Budownictwo i Architektura”, XX (2021), 1, pp. 25-36.
Frejtag, „Salomon na tronie”. O toposie starotestamentowego władcy w propagandzie królewskiej Stanisława Augusta [Solomon on the Throne: On the Topos of Old Testament King in Stanisław August’s Royal Propaganda], w: „Skłócony naród, król niepewny, szlachta dzika. Polska stanisławowska w świetle najnowszych badań”, red. P. Ugniewski, Warszawa 2020, pp. 93-111.
Frejtag, Turning “Polish Boxes into German Houses”: On the Transformations of Architecture in Poland during the Second World War as Exemplified by the Changing Design of the Zajdensznir Tenement in Radom, „Ikonotheka”, XXVIII (2018), pp. 97-120.