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Professor Urszula Anna Augustyniak


B. 1950; master’s degree at the University of Warsaw 1973, Ph.D. and habilitation there 1979 and 1988, professor there 2000; employed at the Institute of History as a contract assistant 1977-1979, as an assistant professor 1980-1993, as an associate professor 1994-2000; as a full professor from 2000 to the present. Deputy dean of the Faculty of History of the University of Warsaw for didactic matters 1991-1993, Head of the Department of Old Polish Culture at the IH UW (since 2000), since 2013 Deputy Head of the Commission for Lituanistics at the Committee for Historical Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences 2007-2010, Member of the Collegium of the Commission for Lituanistics since 2012, Head of the Department of Modern History at the IHUW since 2013. Member of the editorial board of the scientific semi-monthly “Barok” Historia – Literatura – Sztuka (from 1994 to 2013. Member of the editorial board of the yearbook “Renaissance and Reformation in Poland” since 2012; member of the editorial board of Rocznik Lituanistyczny.

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