Ph.D. Wiesława Duży
Assistant professor at the Department of Historical Atlas at the Institute of History Tadeusz Manteuffel of the Polish Academy of Sciences and at the Faculty of History of the University of Warsaw as part of the “People, Places, and Events” project carried out under the supervision of prof. Francis Harvey thanks to financial support from the NAWA Chair program. PhD in history with prof. Krzysztof Mikulski at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń (2013), BA in sociology (2009), MA in history (2007). Scholarship holder of, among others DARIAH (Lisbon 2019), the Herder Institute (Marburg 2018), the Lanckoroński Foundation (London 2015), the Lithuanian government (Vilnius 2015), the Polish Historical Mission (Wuerzburg 2013), EUI (Florence 2007). In 2014-2015, assistant professor at the Silesian University in Opava. She is currently running the “Historical Ontology of Urban Space” project. The future habilitation project concerns the harmonization of data on the boundaries of historical administrative units. Research interests: social history of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, field ontologies in the humanities and spatial historical databases.
Most important scholarly articles
Kujawy i ziemia dobrzyńska w drugiej połowie XVI wieku, red. W. Duży we współpracy z A. Borkiem i M. Słomskim, cz. 1: Mapy, cz. 2: Komentarz, indeksy, Warszawa 2021, Wydawnictwo IH PAN (seria wydawnicza: Atlas Historyczny Polski. Mapy szczegółowe XVI wieku, red. H. Rutkowski, M. Słoń, t. 6).
W. Duży, Z badań nad siecią osadniczą w dekanacie Lidzbark Warmiński w końcu XVIII wieku, [w:] Historia to (nie) fraszka. Studia ofiarowane prof. Krzysztofowi Mikulskiemu z okazji 60. rocznicy urodzin, red. A. Zielińska, M. Targowski, Toruń 2020, s. 279-297.
W. Duży, City through Empires: Toruń (Poland) in an Ontology of Historical Geographic Information Systems from the 10th to 20th Centuries, [w:] Lana Pitcher and Michael Pidd. Proceedings of the Digital Humanities Congress 2018. Studies in the Digital Humanities, Sheffield: The Digital Humanities Institute, 2019. Dostęp online: <>
W. Duży, Ecclesiastical sources for the settlement network in Warmia (Ermland) in 16th century, [in:] Quelleneditionen zur Geschichte des Deutschen Ordens und anderer geistlicher Institutionen (seria: „Deutsch-polnischen Gesprächskreises für Quellenedition”), ed. J. Tandecki, H. Flachenecker, K. Kopiński, Toruń 2017, s. 1–12.
W. Duży, Pamiętnikarze polscy przełomu XVIII i XIX wieku wobec starości, Opava 2016.