Warsaw Seminar in Epigraphy and Papyrology – lecture schedule for November

We would like to invite you to the series of meetings of the Warsaw Seminar in Epigraphy and Papyrology in the winter semester 2024/2025.
Meetings will be held at the UW Department of Archaeology on Mondays, 16:45, room 2.06.
- 4 November
Joanna Porucznik (Uniwersytet Opolski)
Consolation Decrees for Women and Children from Amorgos and Caria
- 18 November
Cornelia Römer
To the Other Shore. Ferry Boats on Lake Qaroun
- 25 November
Wojciech Pietruszka (Uniwersytet Wrocławski)
Independent or Not – Italian Augustales as ‘Businessmen’ in the Light of the Epigraphic Evidence