Workshop “Understanding Ancient Women: New Approaches from Material Texts”

The international workshop “Understanding Ancient Women: New Approaches from Material Texts”, organised by Dr Karolina Frank (University of Warsaw) and Dr Grace Stafford (University
of Vienna), will take place on May 17-18th 2024 in the Columned Hall at the UW Faculty of History. We invite all those interested in the history of ancient women, as well as the study of epigraphic and papyrological sources, to join us for the presentations delivered by the participants and the ensuing discussion.
Friday 17 May:
13.00 – 13.30 Karolina Frank (Warsaw)/Grace Stafford (Vienna): Welcome
13.30 – 14.15 Grace Stafford (Vienna): Ancient Women and Material Texts: A Methodological Introduction
14.15 – 15.00 Rachael Helen Banes (Austrian Academy of Sciences): Gendering Graffiti: Establishing Female Authorship, Presence and Behaviours in Greek Graffiti from Late Antiquity
— Break —
15.30 – 16.15 Sofia Bianchi Mancini (Erfurt): Women in Sicilian Legal Curses and Their Role in the Lawcourts
16.15 – 17.00 Marina Bastero Acha (Warsaw): Women at the Table: A Methodological Approach to Roman Banquets and Women’s Benefaction through Epigraphic Sources
Saturday 18 May:
10.00 – 10.45 Karolina Frank (Warsaw): Juxtaposing Formats: Studying Epirote Women through Personal and Public Epigraphic Texts (5th – 1st c. BCE)
10.45 – 11.30 Beatrice Pestarino (Liverpool): Women’s Sacrifices in Classical Cyprus? The Kition Tariff Revisited according to a Brelichian Approach
— Break —
12.00 – 12.45 Nuna Terri (Brussels): Choosing Thekla: Women’s Devotions Through Name-Giving and Name-Taking Practices from Inscriptions in Rough Cilicia
12.45 – 13.30 Anna Kelley (St Andrews): Violence and Social Bonds in Roman and Late Antique Egyptian Papyri: Women as Victims, Perpetrators, and Adjudicators
— Lunch —
14.30 – 15.15 Karolina Tomczyszyn (Oxford): ‘Here lies Dulis, the nun’: Shedding Light on Female Urban Asceticism in the Late Antique East through Inscriptions
15.15 – 16.00 Eugenia Vitello (Oxford): Women at the Intersection between Production and Euergetism: The Case of Roman Hierapolis
— Final discussion and wrap up —