Ph.D. Olga Gaidai
In 1993 I graduated with honours from the Nikolaev State Pedagogical Institute – historian, teacher of history and law.
From 1995-1998 I studied at the Postgraduate School of the Mykolaiv State Pedagogical Institute at the Department of History of Ukraine.
PhD in historical sciences (2006), topic: “The movement of Ukrainian society for universal primary education: late 19th century – early 1917” in specialty 07.00.01 – History of Ukraine, Odessa National University.
Docent of general history (2011).
On 1 September 2007, I was admitted to the Faculty of General History of the Peter Mogilev National University. From 2007 to 2012, I served as Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Political Science at Peter Mogilev University. From 2012 to 2015, I did my doctoral studies. From 2015 to the present, I have been an associate professor of general history, as well as deputy director of the Ukrainian-Polish Research Institute at Piotr Mogilev National University.
О Description of research interests: history of the 19th century, museum studies, Ukrainian history and culture, social anthropology, history of education, history of science and technology.
Most important scholarly articles
1.Приватна колекція П.І. Харитоненка(друга половина ХІХ – початок ХХ століття) // Емінак: науковий щоквартальник. 2018. № 2 (22). Т. 1. 2018. С. 47-52 / link
2.Provincial aristocratic manors of Mykolaiv region.//Danubius, XXXVІІІ, Supliment, 80 Years of Higher Educationin Southern Bessarabia. Tradition, CultureandEducation. Galaţi, 2020. Р. 47-66. (SCOPUS) / link
3.Representatives of the sugar industry of the Russian empire at the world’s fair in Paris in 1900// History of Science and Technology, 2021, 11(1), стр. 150–170.
(SCOPUS) / link4.Occurrence and fighting of infectious diseases in the Polish territories in 1807 | Wystȩpowanie i zwalczanie chorób zakaźnych na ziemiach polskich w 1807 roku// Przeglad Nauk Historycznych, 2021, 20(1), р. 321–341. (SCOPUS) (współautor: T. Srogosz) / link
5. Донька польського купця, дружина українського цукрозаводчика// Історичний архів. Наукові студії: збірник наукових праць. Миколаїв: Вид-во ЧНУ ім. Петра Могили, 2020. Випуск 21. С. 12-20 / link