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Professor Tomasz Nałęcz


Born in 1949; master’s degree at the University of Warsaw in 1972, doctorate and habilitation there in 1977 and 1988; employed at the Historical Institute of the University of Warsaw since 1972 as a trainee assistant, assistant, senior assistant, assistant professor, associate professor since 1992; member of the editorial board of “Dziejowie Najnowszy” 1988-1991.



The Polish Military Organisation 1914-1918, Warsaw – Wrocław 1984;

Józef Piłsudski – Legends and Facts, Warsaw 1986 (jointly with Daria Nałęcz, Russian edition 1990, Lithuanian edition 1991);

Governance of the Sejm 1922-1926, Warsaw 1991;

Polish Irredentism, Warsaw 1992;

Dispute about the Shape of Democracy and Parliamentarism in Poland in the Years 1921-1926, Warsaw 1994;

History of the 20th Century, Warsaw 2000

20th century history