Professor Andrzej Chojnowski
Graduate of the Historical Institute of the University of Warsaw (I969), Ph.D. and Habilitation (1976 and 1985), titular professorship (2003), since 1969 employed at the Historical Institute of the University of Warsaw as trainee assistant, assistant, senior assistant, assistant professor, associate professor, since 1991, Head of the Department of History at the Historical Institute of the University of Warsaw (1988-1993), Chairman of the Scientific Council of the University Archives (1991-1997), Chairman of the Scientific Council of the Historical Institute of the University of Warsaw (1999-2002). Visiting scholar: Pilsudski Institute of America (New York) 1980, Institute for Polish-Jewish Studies in Oxford 1987, University of Alberta 1993; visiting professor: The Manitoba University, Winnipeg 1993. Editor of the Independent Publishing House “Krąg” 1982-1984; member of the Program Council of the annual Polin. A Journal of Polish-Jewish Studies since 1986; member of the staff of: the monthly magazine ‘Res Publika’ 1987-1992, the monthly magazine ‘Nowa Res Publika’ 1993-2006, member of the Scientific Council of the Polish Biographical Dictionary since 2005, member of the Council of the Polish History Museum 2006-2011. Member of the Board of the Institute of National Remembrance 2007-2011. Member of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Political Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences since 2015.
Koncepcje polityki narodowościowej rządów polskich w latach 1921-1939, Ossolineum, Wrocław 1979; Piłsudczycy u władzy. Dzieje Bezpartyjnego Bloku Współpracy z Rządem, Ossolineum, Wrocław 1986; Prezydenci i premierzy Drugiej Rzeczypospolitej, Ossolineum, Wrocław 1992, (współautorstwo i współredakcja);Ukraina, Wydawnictwo TRIO, Warszawa 1997; Tadeusz Hołówko o demokracji, polityce i moralności życia publicznego. Wstęp, wybór i opracowanie Andrzej Chojnowski. Redaktor naukowy Michał Śliwa, Wydawnictwo Sejmowe, Warszawa 1999; Izrael, Wydawnictwo TRIO, Warszawa 2001, 2003 (współautorstwo z Jerzym Tomaszewskim); Ukraina, Wydawnictwo TRIO, Warszawa 2006 (współautorstwo z Janem Jackiem Bruskim).