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M.A. Samir Saadi


A doctoral student at the Doctoral School of Humanities at the University of Warsaw in the discipline of History. He is a participant in the international research project “Jewish Emigration to Latin America” at the Institute of Iberian and Ibero-American Studies of the University of Warsaw.
Areas of academic interest: history of national minorities, in particular the Jewish minority, cultural and educational events, intercultural activities.

Title of the doctoral dissertation

Comparing Jewish Emigrations from Europe to Israel: Poland and France 1945-1989

Most important scholarly articles

  • 1Imigranci syryjsko-libańscy w Brazylii i Argentynie między społeczeństwem przyjmującym a ojczyzną od końca XIX wieku do 1939 roku (tyt. oryg. : Syrian-Lebanese immigrants in Brazil and Argentina between Host Society and Homeland from the end of the 19th century to 1939) [w druku].

    The articles will be published in a collective publication under the (working) title: Emigration of Polish Jews to Latin America edited by A. Grabski, U. Ługowska


  • Emigracja Żydów marokańskich do Ameryki Łacińskiej na przełomie XIX i XX wieku (tyt. oryg. The Moroccan Jewish Emigration to Latin America in the Late 19th- and Early 20th- Century) [w druku].

    The articles will be published in a collective publication under the (working) title: Emigracja Żydów polskich do Ameryki Łacińskiej pod redakcją A. Grabski, U. Ługowska