Conference “Data and Language: Perspectives on Research in Digital Editions of Historical Sources”

Conference Invitation
We are delighted to invite you to the international academic conference entitled ʽData and Language: Perspectives on Research in Digital Editions of Historical Sources’. This conference aims to serve as a forum for the exchange and presentation of research conducted by scholars and practitioners who integrate their interest in sources with methodologies offered by new digital tools. It is directed to historians, literary scholars, linguists, and all those who, in their document-based research, endeavor to embrace new information technologies.
Date: November 13–15, 2024
Location: University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland
Theme: Data and Language: Perspectives on Research in Digital Editions of Historical Sources
In an era marked by remarkable technological advancements, the digital processing of historical sources emerges as an attractive area of scholarly inquiry. Our conference aims to address the issue of digital editions from various perspectives. We are particularly interested in the challenges related to data compilation in digital editions and the treatment of language in digital editions of historical sources. We invite you to participate in the conference and to present the results of your work. We propose the following thematic scope:
- Current digital editions of historical sources and methodologies for their preparation
- Standards and practices of text encoding
- Challenges and opportunities associated with the digitization of historical sources
- Multidisciplinary approaches to digital editions
- Natural language processing techniques for historical digital editions
- Research practices in teams developing digital editions
- Preservation of generated data and its management
The conference is intended to be a venue for disseminating research findings but also to serve as a platform for networking, collaboration, and the exchange of ideas, fostering dialogue among researchers. We encourage academics, doctoral students, and professionals interested in digital humanities, historical research, literature, linguistics, and related fields to participate in this event.
The conference will be conducted in both Polish and English. Simultaneous translation will be provided to ensure that all participants can fully engage in presentations and discussions.
Abstract submissions of up to 2000 characters should be sent by May 15, 2024, to the email address: For more information regarding submissions, registration, and conference updates, please visit our website.
There is no conference fee.
For the year 2025, we plan to publish post-conference materials in the form of a special issue of the journal ‘Roczniki Humanistyczne’, Volume 2: History. The journal ‘Roczniki Humanistyczne’ is indexed in Scopus.
Organizers: Faculty of History, University of Warsaw; Faculty of Humanities, John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, in cooperation with the Digital Initiatives Foundation.
Organizing Committee: MA Iga Adamczyk (University of Warsaw); PhD Aleksandra Kuligowska (University of Warsaw); Prof. Wojciech Kruszewski (John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin); PhD Hanna Rajfura (University of Warsaw).