Information from the Faculty Election Committee on the election of deans

Information from the Faculty Election Committee
of the Faculty of History of the University of Warsaw
on the procedure and timetable for the election
of candidate for Dean of the Faculty of History (hereafter FH)
- Both ballots, for the indicative election and the final election (selecting a single candidate) will be held online in the “Ankieter” system. The voting links will be open on election days between 10.00 and 20.00.
- The indicative ballot to determine the candidates who will proceed to the final ballot will take place on 22 April 2024 (Monday). Each person taking participating in the indicative ballot (faculty electors) is entitled to nominate no more than two candidates.
- The the Faculty Election Committee will on 24 April 2024 (Wednesday) announce the results of the indicative ballot, indicating those candidatures which have received a minimum of 10% of the valid votes cast and thus qualify for the final ballot. Those concerned will be informed individually and asked to confirm their candidacy in due time.
- The successful candidates in the indicative ballot should confirm their consent to stand for election as Dean of WH by 30 April 2024 (Tuesday) at 3 p.m. by completing the relevant forms: “Candidate Consent” and “Candidate Declaration”. After this deadline, the Faculty Election Committee will close the list of candidates to be considered for the final vote. The relevant forms can be found in section 15 of the FH and should also be submitted there.
- By 6 May at the latest, the Faculty Election Committee will publish the announcement of the final election, including the candidates included in it.
- The final vote to select one candidate for FH dean will take place on 13 May 2024.
- After this date, the Faculty Election Committee will announce and communicate the results of the election of 13 May 2024 to the relevant bodies as soon as possible.
- The Faculty Election Committee informs that only members of the College of Faculty Electors are eligible to vote at all stages of this election. These persons will be notified individually about the next stages of the election process and only they will receive voting links.
- The passive right to vote for the functions of dean is governed by the Act of 20 July 2018. “Law on Higher Education and Science”, stipulating the following conditions for a candidate:
- has full legal capacity;
- enjoys full public rights;
- has not been sentenced by a final judgment for a deliberate crime or a deliberate fiscal crime;
- has not been disciplined;
- did not, in the period from 22 July 1944 to 31 July 1990, work in state security bodies within the meaning of Article 2 of the Act of 18 October 2006 on disclosing information on documents of state security bodies from 1944-1990 and the content of such documents (Journal of Laws of 2007, item 2186, as amended), did not serve in such bodies or cooperate with such bodies;
At the same time, the candidate must be employed at the Faculty of History as a professor, university professor or assistant professor with a postdoctoral degree.
On behalf of the Faculty Election Committee FH UW
Marek Stępień
Chairman of the Faculty Election Committee