Studies in ancient history (in English)

From October 2023 we will launch a free for EU citizens two-year M.A. programme in ancient history in English: History of Ancient Mediterranean Civilizations.
Apart of the general lectures on the ancient world, the curriculum, based on history (70%), archaeology (20%) and studies on culture and religion (10%), will also offer practical courses of ancient languages, helping to reach the level of fluent reading and interpreting sources (for example Greek, Latin, Aramaic, Accadian).
A large block of classes on modern digital tools in research, and a rich offer of field classes are planned: ranging from practical collecting geodata to a research trip to Mediterranean countries.
A digital lab is being created, where our students will train their new skills.
Although the programme will first of all train qualified research project employees, many of the digital skills will also be useful in the “ordinary” job market (e.g., managing databases, editing graphics).
Details (programme, recruitment rules) are available at: