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Ph.D. Anna Pomierny-Wąsińska


Master’s degree at the University of Warsaw (2013), PhD at the Institute of History of the Polish Academy of Sciences (2020) in cooperation with the University of Florence. In the years 2021-2023, employed at the IH PAN at the Department of Medieval Studies as an assistant professor. Head of the Preludium NCN grant, entitled “Urban space of late medieval Florence: imagination and perception” and internal projects of the IH PAN devoted to spatial issues in the Middle Ages. Scholarship holder of the Lanckoroński Foundation (2023) and the Erasmus+ program. Since 2023, he has been the editorial secretary of Acta Poloniae Historica.

Research interests: History of cities in the pre-modern era, with particular emphasis on the cultural and political history of medieval Italian cities; urban planning and urban space in the Middle Ages; historiography in cities, historiography.

Most important scholarly articles

  • Urban Measurements and Accountability in Late Medieval Florence, w:  Accountability in Late Medieval Europe Households, Communities, and Institutions, red. Ionut Epurescu-Pascovici (Utrecht Studies in Medieval Literacy, vol. 62),Turnhout 2025, s. 209-238.

  • Rationalizzazione dello spazio urbano. Le mura cittadine e la misura nelle descrizioni della Milano tardomedievale, „Archivio Storico Italiano”, CXVII, 2019, 4, s. 673–717.



  • Per popolo e per confini. Florentine tavola delle possessioni and the property registration in the middle of the 14th c., „Acta Poloniae Historica”, CXX, 2019, s. 45–78.


  • Measuring and shaping late medieval city. Mathematical descriptions of city walls in Florence and Milan, „Kwartalnik Historyczny”, CXXVI, 2019, Eng.-Language Edition nr 3, s. 5–42.


  • Tommaso Davizzi – abakista i mierniczy w czternastowiecznej Florencji, w: Księga: teksty o kulturze średniowiecza ofiarowane Hannie Zaremskiej, red. H. Manikowska, Warszawa 2018, s. 229–257.


  • Zbytek zarejestrowany. O florenckich spisach kosztownych ubiorów i ozdób z lat 1343–1345, „Roczniki Dziejów Społecznych i Gospodarczych”, LXXVIII, 2017, s. 9–37.


  • [wraz z H. Manikowską] Urbanistyka – socjotopografia – rytuał. Główne nurty badań nad przestrzenią miasta średniowiecznego, „Kwartalnik Historii Kultury Materialnej”, LXIII, z. 2, 2015, s. 189–200.