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Ph.D. Habil. Marek A. Janicki


B. 1971, master’s degree at the Institute of History of the University of Warsaw (1996), Ph.D. there – 2002, since 2004 assistant professor at the Department of Auxiliary Sciences, Sources and Methods of History, secretary of the Institute of History of the University of Warsaw for scientific matters 2005/2006, chairman of the Library Committee of the Scientific Council of the Institute of History of the University of Warsaw (currently WH UW) – since 2013, member of the “Historical Review” editorial board (since 2016), habilitation 2016.

Research interests
Poland and Lithuania XIV-XVI centuries. – socio-political and cultural changes (humanism, reformation, parliamentarism, diplomacy, royal chancellery and court, artistic and literary culture, historical culture), source science and editing (especially narrative, epistolographic and epigraphic sources).

Most important publications

Most important scholarly articles

  • Cronica conflictus – an enchanted source. Prolegomena of the new edition, [in:] Monarchy, Society, Identity. Studia z dziejów średniowiecza, ed. K. Gołąbek, M.A. Janicki, M. Koczerska, R. Michałowski, P. Okniński, M.R. Pauk, A. Pieniądz, P. Węcowski, Warsaw 2020, pp. 143-165.


  • On some dogmas and controversies of the historiography of Grunwald. The stopping place of Władysław Jagiełło before the battle of Grunwald vs. the place of camping after it in the light of Cronica conflictus and Annales by Jan Długosz, “Polish and Universal Middle Ages”, 6 (10), 2014, pp. 202-254


  • The number of Grunwald flags hung in Wawel Cathedral In connection with the new edition of Jan Długosz’s Banderia Prutenorum and Klemens Drzewicki’s note in the “Cracow Cathedral Calendar”, “Rocznik Biblioteki Narodowej”, XLII, 2011, pp. 115-204.


  • Dating the tombstone of Philip Callimachus, “Studia Sourcesznawcze”, XLI, 2003, pp. 19-43.