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Ph.D. Olga Gaidai


In 1993 I graduated with honours from the Nikolaev State Pedagogical Institute – historian, teacher of history and law.
From 1995-1998 I studied at the Postgraduate School of the Mykolaiv State Pedagogical Institute at the Department of History of Ukraine.
PhD in historical sciences (2006), topic: “The movement of Ukrainian society for universal primary education: late 19th century – early 1917” in specialty 07.00.01 – History of Ukraine, Odessa National University.
Docent of general history (2011).

On 1 September 2007, I was admitted to the Faculty of General History of the Peter Mogilev National University. From 2007 to 2012, I served as Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Political Science at Peter Mogilev University. From 2012 to 2015, I did my doctoral studies. From 2015 to the present, I have been an associate professor of general history, as well as deputy director of the Ukrainian-Polish Research Institute at Piotr Mogilev National University.

О Description of research interests: history of the 19th century, museum studies, Ukrainian history and culture, social anthropology, history of education, history of science and technology.

Most important scholarly articles

  • 1.Приватна колекція П.І. Харитоненка(друга половина ХІХ – початок ХХ століття) // Емінак: науковий щоквартальник. 2018. № 2 (22). Т. 1. 2018. С. 47-52 / link


  • 2.Provincial aristocratic manors of Mykolaiv region.//Danubius, XXXVІІІ, Supliment, 80 Years of Higher Educationin Southern Bessarabia. Tradition, CultureandEducation. Galaţi, 2020. Р. 47-66. (SCOPUS) / link


  • 3.Representatives of the sugar industry of the Russian empire at the world’s fair in Paris in 1900// History of Science and Technology, 2021, 11(1), стр. 150–170.
    (SCOPUS) / link


  • 4.Occurrence and fighting of infectious diseases in the Polish territories in 1807 | Wystȩpowanie i zwalczanie chorób zakaźnych na ziemiach polskich w 1807 roku// Przeglad Nauk Historycznych, 2021, 20(1), р. 321–341. (SCOPUS) (współautor: T. Srogosz) / link


  • 5. Донька польського купця, дружина українського цукрозаводчика// Історичний архів. Наукові студії: збірник наукових праць. Миколаїв: Вид-во ЧНУ ім. Петра Могили, 2020. Випуск 21. С. 12-20 / link