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M.A. Róża Kochanowska


In my research work I am concerned with the vocabulary created during World War II. As part of my dissertation work, I focus on the vocabulary that emerged or spread in Leningrad during the siege of 1941-1943. I study the chronology of the emergence of neologisms and changes in the meaning of words, the use of new vocabulary in different social strata and after the war. For my work I use the tools of corpus linguistics. My research activity focuses on language history, urban toponymy and language corpora.

Since 2020, I have been a member of the Council of the Institute of Specialised and Intercultural Communication and the Information Technology Laboratory of Translation and Specialised Communication. In 2020/2021, I participated in the organisation of the Memory Studies Association Annual Meeting ‘Convergences’ conference in Warsaw (5-9 July 2021) and co-organised the MSA Forward Postgraduate Workshop for PhD students from around the world (1-2 July 2021). As of 2022, I am employed by the project 24.02.2022, 5am: Testimonies of War’ of the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences.

Title of the doctoral dissertation

Potencjał słowotwórczy mieszkańców miast dotkniętych II wojną światową i jego implikacje tłumaczeniowe (na przykładzie Leningradu)”

Most important scholarly articles

  • „Ленинградцы, дети мои!” – badanie korpusowe poezji czasów blokady Leningradu”, Language and Literary Studies of Warsaw (przyjęty do druku)



  • „(Nie)oficjalna toponimia Sankt Petersburga”, Language and Literary Studies of Warsaw, Warszawa, 2018 (8), s. 125-149