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Professor Włodzimierz Lengauer


B. 1949; master’s degree at the University of Warsaw in 1971, Ph.D. and habilitation there in 1975 and 1985, titular professor in 1996. Employed at the Historical Institute of the Warsaw University since 1971 as trainee assistant, assistant, assistant professor, associate professor, full professor since 1999. Dean of the Historical Faculty of the Warsaw University 2005-2008. Vice-rector of the University of Warsaw 2008-2012; Editor of the Historical Review, member of the Polish Philological Society, PTH, the Main Committee of the Historical Olympiad, the Committee on the Study of Ancient Culture of the Polish Academy of Sciences; Member of the Editorial Board of the journal Palamedes. A Journal of Ancient History.

Most important scholarly articles

  • Greek Commanders in the 5th and 4th Centuries B.C. Politics and Ideology: A Study of Militarism, Warszawa 1979;


  • Pojęcie równości w greckich koncepcjach politycznych. Od Homera do końca V wieku p.n.e., Warszawa 1988,


  • Religijność starożytnych Greków, Warszawa 1994;


  • Starożytna Grecja okresu archaicznego i klasycznego, Warszawa 1999,


  • Storia dell’ antichità in URSS (1917-1956), „Index. Quaderni camerti di studi romanistici”, t.28, 2000, s.89-116;


  • Cenzus wieku dla członków ateńskiej boule, Przegląd Historyczny, t.92, 2001, s.155-160.