Polish Language Course for UW international staff – second trimester

Welcome Point continues free Polish language course for UW international staff. The course is aimed at learning communication skills that might be useful during working and living in Poland.
In this course we offer:
- free participation
- 30 hours of Polish language at A1, A1+, A2 levels (let us know if you are interested in other levels: welcome.event@uw.edu.pl)
- placement test
- professional and passionate teaching team of Polonicum UW
- online classes
- great atmosphere in international environment
- opportunity to continue the classes from April 2022
Obligations of participants:
- active participation
- at least 80% presence
Course will be carried out online from January 10 to March 22, using the platform Kampus Pracownik, ZOOM or Google Classroom.
Classes will be held 2 times a week in groups of 8-10 students. Class schedule:
- A1 – on Monday and Wednesday at 16:45 – 18:15
- A1+ – on Tuesday and Thursday at 16:45 – 18:15
- A2 – on Monday and Wednesday at 16:00 – 17:30
* There is a possibility to create a new group, at the level of proficiency according to the interest of participants. In order to do that, we kindly ask you to complete a placement test
Due to IDUB funding requirements, we reserve the right not to create a group if the number of participants is insufficient.
Who can apply?
The course is intended for international employees of the University of Warsaw.
An employee should be understood as a person employed during the period of implementation of the development activity at the University on the basis of a contract of employment or appointment.
How to sign-up?
Visit the Kampus Platform and complete the placement test. To sign-up please use your CAS account.
Application deadline: December 31, 10 am (CET).
For more details please contact Welcome Point staff: welcome.event@uw.edu.pl
Course implemented under Action II.2.3. “Support of the relocation process of employees from abroad by introducing solutions facilitating involvement of new foreign employee to work at UW and preparation to stay in Poland” of the Excellence Initiative – Research University (IDUB) at the University of Warsaw.