English translation of Aneta Pieniądz’s monograph, Fraternal ties in the early Middle Ages. Imaginary and social practice, Homini-Wydawnictwo Benedyktynów Tyniec, Kraków 2014.
NPRH grant Universalia 0275/NPRH6/H21/85/2017 reg. no. 21H 17 0275 85.
English translation of Aneta Pieniądz’s monograph, Fraternal Ties in the Early Middle Ages. Perceptions and social practice, Krakow 2014
English translation of Aneta Pieniądz’s monograph, Fraternal ties in the early Middle Ages. Imaginary and social practice, Homini-Wydawnictwo Benedyktynów Tyniec, Kraków 2014.
NPRH grant Universalia 0275/NPRH6/H21/85/2017 reg. no. 21H 17 0275 85.