Unveiling of a plaque dedicated to prof. Karol Modzelewski

March 23, 2024 in Warsaw at ul. Perzyńskiego 14D, in front of the house where prof. lived. Karol Modzelewski, a plaque dedicated to his memory was unveiled.
Prof. Modzelewski used to say that although his city is Wrocław, where he lived and worked scientifically from the 1970s to the 1990s, his university has always remained the University of Warsaw. Here he finished his historical studies in 1959 and began preparing his doctoral dissertation under the supervision of prof. Aleksander Gieysztor, finally completed in 1974.
The figure of Karol Modzelewski is extremely important for our environment. Historian, medievalist, political prisoner and member of the democratic opposition during the Polish People’s Republic, knight of the Order of the White Eagle. But also an educator of entire generations of young people, a mentor and a champion of many people who still work at the Faculty of History of the University of Warsaw.
Professor Modzelewski died almost 5 years ago, on April 28, 2019.