What happened in 2023

The Faculty of History of the University of Warsaw is a place of learning. To sum up 2023, we managed to collect over 150 events of various nature and scope. And that’s probably not all!
We are proud to present a summary of all faculty initiatives, conferences and achievements that took place in 2023. This rich range of events highlights the involvement of our community and its dynamic intellectual development
Calendar of events, scientific events and events initiated by the Faculty of History of the University of Warsaw in 2023:
The Faculty of History joined the 31st Finale of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity “We want to win against sepsis!” We have set up a virtual donation box. The collected income (PLN 900) fully supported the 31st finale of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity.
January 13, by order of the Dean of the Faculty of History, we established the Digital History Lab
January 16, the public defense of Marty Marii Michalskiej doctoral dissertation took place. Title of the dissertation: „Dźwięki, ludzie i nasłuchiwanie Warszawy na przełomie XIX i XX wieku. Wybrane elementy fonosfery miasta”. Promoter: prof. Błażej Brzostek
The international conference “Global Easts: Entangled Histories and Memories” was held on January 19-21. We organized the conference in cooperation with the Faculty of Applied Linguistics of the University of Warsaw
January 20, a Gender History Seminar was held, during which Dr. Zofia Reznik presented a paper “Mówione herstorie sztuki artystek z Wrocławia lat 70” The comment was delivered by Dr. Hab. Agata Jakubowska
January 24, Marian Małowist’s seminar from the Global History & Anthropology Seminar series took place. Our guest was Henning Sievert, who gave a lecture “Medina and the Red Sea from the Perspective of the Local Ottoman Governor in the 18th Century”
January 26, a scientific meeting of the Department of 20th Century History was held, at which Prof. Michał Leśniewski and prof. Piotr M. Majewski conducted a debate: “Kontrowersje wokół Monachium 1938”
January 31, the conference “Nowa perspektywa – ukraińska edukacja historyczna” was held. The aim of the conference was to familiarize the Polish community of historians and educators with the direction of planned changes regarding the shape of historical education in Ukraine.
In February, the National Agency for Academic Exchange announced the results of the call for applications in the Bekker NAWA program. Among the people who received a scholarship covering the costs of stay in renowned research centers abroad were prof. Marek Węcowski and doctoral student – Jakub Gruchalski
February 7, Marian Małowist’s seminar from the Global History & Anthropology Seminar series took place. Prof. Stephen Smith gave a lecture entitled “The politics of rumor in the Soviet Union (1917-1941) and the People’s Republic of China (1949-1976)”
February 10, the Gender History Seminar was held, during which Łukasz Hajdrych presented the paper„Nie tylko czarownice. O mężczyznach oskarżanych o czary w XVII-XVIII w. słów kilka”. Comment was made by Michael Ostling
February 23, Ewa Wipszycka’s Warsaw Seminar on Late Antiquity took place, where Silvio Roggo delivered the paper “Pagan Persecution under Tiberius and Maurice (578–602)”
February 23-25, a nationwide, interdisciplinary student conference “Kobiety i literatura” was held.
In March, the results of the next edition of the QS World University Rankings were announced – one of the most prestigious rankings of universities in the world. “History” major at our Faculty, was ranked among the 101-150 best history majors in the world (promotion from places 151-200 in 2022). The ranking showed that we are number 1 in Poland
In the IDUB competition, as part of the New Ideas 3B activity (Priority Research Area IV), funding was awarded for Dr. Olga Gaidai’s project: „Wojna i medycyna. Lekarze w walce z epidemiami dżumy w południowo-zachodnich guberniach Rosji w latach 1770-1812”
March 2, Ewa Wipszycka’s Warsaw Seminar on Late Antiquity took place, during which Sean Leatherbury delivered the paper “Geometries in Motion: A New Look at the Fifth-Century Floor Mosaics of the Hama Cathedral, Syria”
March 8, Marian Małowist’s seminar from the Global History & Anthropology Seminar series took place. Georgi Derluguian (NYU Abu Dhabi) delivered a lecture “Russia and Poland: A Study in Historical Divergence”
March 9, we were able to take part in the seminar „Miasta Europy środkowowschodniej w XIV-XVII wieku”, during which doctoral student Orysia Vira gave a lecture entitled „Nazwy ulic w miastach i miasteczkach Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej w okresie przedindustrialnym w perspektywie porównawczej”
March 9, Ewa Wipszycka’s Warsaw Seminar on Late Antiquity took place, during which Ewa Wipszycka delivered a lecture “„Mnisi melicjańscy, czyli o tym czego byśmy o nich nie wiedzieli bez papirusów”
March 16, Dr. Natalia Królikowska–Jedlińska gave a lecture entitled “Emiddio Portelli d’Ascoli na dworze Mehmeda III Gireja. Dyskusje religijne misjonarzy katolickich z władcami muzułmańskimi w XVII wieku” as part of the medieval and modern studies seminar by Agnieszka Bartoszewicz, Dariusz Kołodziejczyk, Grzegorz Myśliwski
March 16, prof. Keely Stauter-Halsted gave a guest lecture “Borders and Bordering in the Polish Second Republic: Refugees and the Shaping of Modern Citizenship”. The discussion after the lecture was led by prof. Dariusz Stola
March 16, Ewa Wipszycka’s Warsaw Seminar on Late Antiquity took place, during which Magdalena Łaptaś delivered the paper “Angelic Epiphanies, Feasts of the Archangel Michael and the Story of Dorotheos and Theophiste in the Light of New Discoveries in Egypt and Nubia”
March 20, there was a guest lecture by prof. Tomasz Szarota entitled “O urokach profesji i satysfakcji z wykonywaniu zawodu historyka”
March 23, Ewa Wipszycka’s Warsaw Seminar on Late Antiquity took place, where Alison John delivered the paper “Ausonius’ Bilingual Poetry: Author, Audience, and Reception”
March 22-23, scientific workshops of the ELITES project “Beyond the Centers of Power” were held. Rulers’ Negotiation of Power, Legitimacy and Communication with the Peripheries of their Realms (Central Europe and Scandinavia, 900–1350)
On March 24, we celebrated the 80th birthday of prof. Marcin Kula. On that day, an anniversary ceremony was held combined with discussion panels: „PRL, Naród, Peryferie”
March 28, we listened to a guest lecture by prof. Steve Murdoch titled “The Battle of Lemgo 1638: An Empirical re-evaluation”
March 30, Ewa Wipszycka’s Warsaw Seminar on Late Antiquity took place, where Piotr Jutkiewicz delivered the lecture “The Gospel of John in the Syriac Harklean Version. Challenges and Contributions of a Critical Edition”
In April, the results of the competition for co-financing the scientific activities of employees of the Faculty of History and PhD students carrying out their research under the supervision of employees of our Faculty were announced (spring edition 2023). The total amount of funding was PLN 65,706
The Minister of Education and Science announced the results of the procedure for awarding MEiN scholarships for significant achievements to students for the 2022/2023 academic year. Among those honored was a student of our Faculty – Mr. Maciej Waleszczyński
April 13, a medieval and modern studies seminar was held by Agnieszka Bartoszewicz, Dariusz Kołodziejczyk, Grzegorz Myśliwski, during which Dr. Michał Starski gave a lecture entitled “Kształtowanie się Pucka w późnym średniowieczu. Archeologia małego miasta na Pomorzu Gdańskim”
April 13, Ewa Wipszycka’s Warsaw Seminar on Late Antiquity took place, during which Amin Benaissa delivered the lecture “The Archive of Philoxenus, Wine-Steward”
The final of the „Najlepszy Debiut Historyczny Roku w zakresie historii najnowszej”competition took place on April 14. Our master’s student, Mr. Michał Puchalski, was recognized in the competition for his work titled: “Sprawa Jana Kaima (1947–1949)”, written under the supervision of prof. Tadeusz P. Rutkowski
On April 17 and 19, we listened to guest lectures by Dr. Amira Ashura from the University of Haifa: “The Cairo Geniza and it’s discovery”; “Family and marriage in the Geniza”; “Maimonides in the Cairo Geniza” and “The Geniza as a source for Islamic and Arabic language and culture”
On April 20, there was a discussion devoted to the textbook „Wprowadzenie do metodologii historii” addressed to students of history and other humanities studies.
April 20, Ewa Wipszycka’s Warsaw Seminar on Late Antiquity took place, where Karolina Tomczyszyn gave a lecture entitled “Anoint Your Chest and Eat Some of the Wax-Salve. The Non-Liturgical Use of Holy Oils in the Late Antique East
April 22, we took part in the university Open Day, where, with the support of the Student Government of the Faculty of History, we presented our study offer.
April 25, a seminar was held. Mariana Małowista from the Global History & Anthropology Seminar series. Lecture titled “An invitation to a party? Creating a colonial public and managing urban space in nineteenth-century Batavia” was delivered by Dr. Mikko Toivanen
April 27, Ewa Wipszycka’s Warsaw Seminar on Late Antiquity took place, where James Corke-Webster delivered the lecture “Law and the Christianity: Problems and Solutions”
April 28, as part of the Gender History Seminar, Dr. Alicja Urbanik-Kopeć presented a paper entitled Najbiedniejsze na świecie istoty – tożsamość i aspiracje guwernantek w Królestwie Polskim po 1864 roku”. The comment was delivered by Dr. Monika Piotrowska-Marchewa
In May, the National Science Center announced the results of the next editions of the OPUS and SONATA competitions. Among the winners was our employee, Dr. Igor Chabrowski, with the project “Przyczółek: Chiny, Azja Południowo-wschodnia i globalna rewolucja na peryferiach, 1945-1954“
May 10, the Council of the Faculty of History of the University of Warsaw adopted a resolution regarding the attacks on prof. Barbara Engelking from the Center for Holocaust Research at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
May 11, a seminar “Miasta Europy środkowowschodniej w XIV-XVII wieku” was held, during which Dr. Piotr Okniński delivered a lecture “Spisy członków rady miasta Krakowa z XIV-XVIII w.: niedocenione On
May 11, Ewa Wipszycka’s Warsaw Seminar on Late Antiquity took place, during which Artur Obłuski delivered the lecture “Shedding the Light on Sudanese Dark Ages. “Preliminary Results of the UMMA StG ERC Grant”źródło do badań nad miejską ideologią władzy”
May 15, we organized a workshop on publishing books “Publishing workshop”, which we organized with Central European University Press
May 18, as part of the medieval and modern studies seminar, Agnieszka Bartoszewicz, Dariusz Kołodziejczyk, Grzegorz Myśliwski, prof. László Tapolcai delivered a lecture “Opis kraju i ludu w polskich źródłach narracyjnych XII–XVII. Perspektywa długiego trwania”
May 18, Ewa Wipszycka’s Warsaw Seminar on Late Antiquity took place, where Peter Riedlberger delivered the paper “Petition and Response: You Can’t Always Get What You Want”
May 18-20, The international conference “Hospitals in times of crisis” took place on
May 22, on the main campus of the University of Warsaw, a ceremony took place to unveil a plaque dedicated to the victims of the bench ghetto. Employees of the Faculty of History were involved in work aimed at symbolically commemorating the victims of those times
May 24-26, The National Urban History Conference was held under the slogan „Miasto i miejskość na ziemiach polskich w długim wieku XIX. Społeczeństwo, przestrzeń, polityka”
May 25, we organized a meeting with Ukrainian historians dealing with totalitarianism. Larysa Yakubova and Hennadij Efimenko gave a lecture entitled “Raszyzm – nowa historyczna forma rosyjskiego totalitaryzmu: istota, wyzwania dla Ukrainy i świata”
May 25, Ewa Wipszycka’s Warsaw Seminar on Late Antiquity took place, during which Valentina Grasso delivered the paper “A Sixth-Century Miaphysite Commonwealth? The Case of North-West Arabia
May 30, at the German Historical Institute, prof. Jan Grabowski delivered a lecture “Polski (narastający) problem z historią Holokaustu”, which – after its unprecedented interruption – was repeated on May 31 at the Faculty of History of the University of Warsaw
May 30, a seminar by Marian Małowist took place from the Global History & Anthropology Seminar series, during which the lecture entitled “A Peripheral Factory in the Global Context: the Case of Wristwatch Production in Błonie, Poland, 1959-1969” was delivered by prof. Błażej Brzostek
In June, the “Perspektywy 2023” University Ranking was published. In the ranking of study fields, “history” at our Faculty once again took first place
This month, we also organized a charity event to help victims of the flood caused by the Russians blowing up the dam in Novaya Kachovka in Ukraine. We collected bottles of drinking water that were donated to a charity providing aid to flood areas
June 1, Agata Niedzielska, M.A. from the Doctoral School of Humanities at the University of Warsaw gave a lecture “Protestantki z rodu Radziwiłłów w czasach Wazów i kwestia konwersji religijnej” as part of the medieval and modern studies seminar of Agnieszka Bartoszewicz, Dariusz Kołodziejczyk, Grzegorz Myśliwski
June 1, we organized methodological workshops, combined with discussion, devoted to the social history of things
June 1, Ewa Wipszycka’s Warsaw Seminar on Late Antiquity took place, where Karel Innemee delivered the lecture “The Church, the Cosmos, and Cosmas, the Iconography of the Church Building in Syria and Jordan”
June 3, doctoral diplomas were awarded to people who obtained their degrees in 2021 and 2022. The diplomas were received by the following doctors: Jan Błachnio, Agata Błaszczyk, Viktoriia Cherniak, Łukasz Faszcza, Michał Górny, Piotr Kaliszewski, Izabela Mrzygłód, Michał Mydłowski, Michał Pieńkowski, Sebastian Rajewicz, Hanna Rajfura, Łukasz Sobechowicz, Jerzy Szafranowski, Jakub Turek, Adrian Wesołowski, Stanisław Zawadzki, Kacper Ziemba
June 12, together with the entire UW community, we celebrated the renewal Phd of prof. Michał Tymowski
June 15, there was a guest lecture by prof. John Connelly entitled “Nation as Tragedy: the Story of East and Central Europe”
June 15, Ewa Wipszycka’s Warsaw Seminar on Late Antiquity took place, during which François Gerardin delivered the lecture “Cityscapes in the Papyri of Roman and late Roman Egypt: the Example of Antinoopolis”
June 16, a Gender History Seminar was held, during which Dr. Marta Michalska presented a project of new research “Płeć neurastenii od sanatorium do szpitala psychiatrycznego. Propozycja nowego projektu badawczego”
June 16-17, the 6th National Scientific Conference of Historians of the 19th century was held, devoted to issues related to time and space in historical perspective.
June 16 and 20, workshops on mental health were held for employees, doctoral students and students of our Faculty, entitled: “Rozmowy o zdrowiu psychicznym. Czy trzeba bać się depresji?” The workshops were conducted by employees of the Psychological Assistance Center of the University of Warsaw
June 22, a workshop was held during which the results of the latest research and archival research in the field of history and historical epistemology of Poland, Eastern Europe in the 19th and 20th centuries were presented.
June 22, we listened to a guest lecture by Albert Ammerman entitled “Landscape transformations in Early Rome: Roman Forum, Velabrum, east bank of the Tiber”
June 26-28, the international conference “The Multi-confessionalism of Central Europe under the Reign of Stephen Báthory” was held
June 30 as part of TEDx UW “Naukowy UPDATE. Młodzi badają świat” Dr. Piotr Okniński presented a lecture entitled “Powszechna historia Polski?
In July, we received news that Mrs. Marta Pawlińska won the first prize of the „Historyka. Studia Metodologiczne” for the best master’s thesis in the field of works on the theory of history, history of historiography and methodology of history for the dissertation “Nie trzeba się załamywać, jest się przecież mężczyzną. Obrazy męskości w pamiętnikach polskich mężczyzn pracujących przymusowo na rzecz Trzeciej Rzeszy” (supervisor: Prof. Piotr M. Majewski)
July 6-7, Polish-German workshops “Revisiting Oral History Archives in Poland and Germany” were held on the interpretation of accounts from the “Zwangsarbeit 1939-1945” archive. During the meeting, we discussed various approaches to methods of researching oral history in a historical workshop and ways of using archives offering sources of this type.
On July 12, lecturers from Bulgaria, Latvia, Serbia and Hungary took part in the “Claims Conference University Partnership in Holocaust Studies” workshop. During the workshop, a lecture was delivered by prof. Michał Bilewicz, who talked about the psychological aspects of distorting the history of the Holocaust
On July 17, we organized the workshop „Analiza sieci danych historycznych. Warsztaty dla polskich instytucji dziedzictwa kulturowego”
In September, we received news that Dr. Paweł Nowakowski was among the finalists of the 23rd edition of the POLITYKA Science Awards. Dr. Nowakowski received (October 22) the 2nd degree award
September 15, during the Gender History Seminar, Dr. Katarzyna Stańczak-Wiślicz presented a paper “Narracje kryzysu. Podmiot autobiograficzny, wielka historia i nowy reżim emocjonalny w pamiętnikach konkursowych z lat 80. XX w”. The comment was delivered by Dr. Hab. Karolina Krasuska
The 16th Forum of Military Historians took place on September 15-16, dedicated to Polish military historians active in the 19th and 20th centuries.
September 19, 20 and 24, we participated in the 27th Science Festival in Warsaw. Our employees gave the following lectures: prof. Konrad Bobiatyński „Wiktoria większa niż wiedeńska? Bitwa pod Chocimiem 11 XI 1673”; prof. Jolanta Choińska-Mika „Pierwsze wolne elekcje”; prof. Piotr M. Majewski „W jaki sposób Adolf Hitler doszedł do władzy?” dr Maria Antosik-Piela, prof. Artur Markowski, prof. Paweł Skibiński took part in the main historical discussion of the Science Festival „Wspólnie czy obok siebie? Żydzi na ziemiach polskich i w Polsce w pierwszej połowie XX w.”
September 19-20, we organized the 7th National Conference of Archivists and Historians “Educare necesse est…” entitled “„Kobieta w społeczeństwie od średniowiecza do końca XX wieku”
September 21-22, in Krakow co-organized by our Faculty took place: „Sympozjum Starożytny Bliski Wschód i jego dziedzictwo. Przemysław Dec in memoriam”
September 21-23, we co-organized the scientific conference „Pola chwały” in Niepołomice, titled “The History of War and Environmental History – Interconnections and Entanglements”
September 26, we hosted Dr. Jacek Shlachter from Los Alamos National Laboratory, who gave a lecture entitled “Jews in Theory. “Jews at Los Alamos during the Manhattan Project”
September 27-29, Adaptation days for newly admitted students took place on
September 30, during the seminar “Miasta Europy środkowowschodniej w XIV-XVII wieku”, we listened to the report „…gdzie między Kaliczą Górą a przerzeczonemi dwoma łanami miejskimi własny termin miara sama pokaże. Próba rewizji spisu podatkowego i opisu przedmieść Lwowa przez Stanisława Anserina w latach 1607-08” which was delivered by prof. Mariana Dolynska
At the beginning of the 2023/2024 academic year, our Faculty initiated English-language studies: “History of Ancient Mediterranean Civilizations”
In October, the results of the competition for co-financing the scientific activities of employees of the Faculty of History and PhD students carrying out their research under the supervision of employees of our Faculty were announced (autumn edition 2023). The total amount of funding was PLN 140,567
The National Program for the Development of the Humanities announced the winners of the Uniwersalia 2.2 program (competition 12). The winning projects included that of prof. Piotr Ugniewski Pierwszy rozbiór Polski w twórczości Giacoma Casanovy. Edycja z komentarzem Turbolenze della Polonia“
October 3, the faculty inauguration of the academic year 2023/2024 took place, combined with the oath of newly admitted students.\
October 3, the first episode of the podcast „Historia i przyszłość” recorded at the Faculty by Błażej Brzostek, Maciej Łubieński and Piotr M. Majewski was released
October 4, we launched the faculty Common Room, a shared social space for students, doctoral students and employees, with microwaves, kettles, tableware and a friendly space for eating meals.
October 5, Ewa Wipszycka’s Warsaw Seminar on Late Antiquity took place, at which prof. Ewa Wipszycka delivered a lecture„Co się zmieniło w monastycyzmie egipskim między czwartym wiekiem a początkiem ósmego”
October 6, the first full-length film based on, among others, “The Frogs” by Aristophanes, which was recorded entirely in Ancient Greek. Our employee, Laurens van der Wiel, played one of the main roles
October 9, Henryk Samsonowicz’s seminar took place, during which prof. Laszlo Tapolcai delivered a lecture „Opis Polonii, Boemii i Scytii w dziełach Galla Anonima, Kosmasa i anonimowego notariusza króla Beli”
October 11, a meeting of the Historical Sources Editing Team took place, during which Dr. Hab. Bartłomiej Szleszyński delivered a lecture entitled: “O możliwościach naukowego edytorstwa cyfrowego z wykorzystaniem standardu TEI”
October 12, Ewa Wipszycka’s Warsaw Late Antique Seminar was held, during which Lucy Grig delivered the paper “Representations of the emperor in late antique popular culture”
October 13, a seminar „Miasta Europy środkowowschodniej w XIV-XVII wieku” was held. The lecture “Белз у другій половині XV–XVI стoлiтт: влада тa сoцiум” (“Bełz w drugiej połowie XV – XVI wieku: władza i społeczeństwo””) was delivered by Dr. Bohdana Petryshak
October 13, the Gender History Seminar was held, at which Dr. Michael Zok presented the paper “Every sperm is sacred. Sexuality as a subject of Irish and Polish discourses after 1945. The comment was made by Dr. Anna Dobrowolska
October 16-20, Humanities Career Days were held. The aim of which was to help establish contacts between exhibitors and students entering the labor market.
October 19, Ewa Wipszycka’s Warsaw Seminar on Late Antiquity took place, during which Lieve Van Hoof delivered the lecture “Libanius’ Oration for the Prisoners: A plea against social injustice”
October 23, a seminar took place. Henryk Samsonowicz, where Dr. Zoltan Gyalokay delivered a lecture“Meandry ikonografii Bernardyna ze Sieny i Jana Kapistrana w Europie Środkowej, 1444-1520”
October 26, prof. Agnieszka Bartoszewicz delivered a paper “Chłopi i dokumenty w późnośredniowiecznym Królestwie Polskim” as part of the medieval and modern studies seminar of Agnieszka Bartoszewicz, Dariusz Kołodziejczyk, Grzegorz Myśliwski
October 26, Ewa Wipszycka’s Warsaw Seminar on Late Antiquity took place, at which prof. Jakub Urbanik delivered a lecture “On the function of the Petition of Dionysia (P. Oxy. II 237)”
October 27, thanks to the Volunteer Center of the University of Warsaw, we were able to take part in workshops on intercultural contacts
October 30, Henryk Samsonowicz’s seminar took place, during which prof. Błażej Brzostek delivered a lecture„Kłopoty z historią kobiet”
The elections to the Scientific Committees of the Polish Academy of Sciences ended in November. Prof. was elected to the Committee of Historical Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Łukasz Niesiołowski-Spano, and the following were elected to the Committee of Ancient Culture of the Polish Academy of Sciences: prof. prof. Ryszard Kulesza, Łukasz Niesiołowski-Spano, Marek Węcowski and Robert Wiśniewski
November 6, a scientific conference „Białystok: historie żydowskie” was held
November 6, a seminar took place. Henryk Samsonowicz, where Maciej Stachowicz, M.A. delivered a lecture „Dobre strony tyrana. Biała legenda Piotra Orseolo w źródłach węgierskich oraz Kronice polskiej Galla Anonima”
November 6-7, an international student-doctoral conference „Żydzi i ich nieżydowskie otoczenie. Strefy styku i obszary rozbieżności”
November 8, the results of the competition for the best master’s and bachelor’s thesis in historical anthropology were announced. Bronisław Geremek. The first prize in the master’s theses category was awarded to Ms. Marta Pawlińska for her thesis entitled „Nie trzeba się załamywać, jest się przecież mężczyzną. Obrazy męskości w pamiętnikach polskich mężczyzn pracujących przymusowo na rzecz Trzeciej Rzeszy”, written under the supervision of prof. student Piotr M. Majewski
November 9, a popular science conference took place entitled „Wolna elekcja – źrenica wolności czy decydujący błąd?”
November 9, Ewa Wipszycka’s Warsaw Seminar on Late Antiquity took place, during which Mateusz Fafiński delivered the paper “Monks or citizens: Monasticism and civic unrest in Edessa?
November 10, a Gender History Seminar was held, during which Marta Zagula presented a paper entitled „Proszę sobie wyobrazić, kobiety w naszych wsiach i miastach chodzą w spodniach. Migracja, ubrania i tożsamość” and prof. Ewelina Szpak commented
November 13, the organizers of the third edition of the competition for the best bachelor’s and master’s theses using oral history announced the results. He won 1st place in the “Bachelor’s theses” category. Mr. Maciej Zawistowski for the work „Tożsamość na pograniczu. Historia mówiona wspólnoty potomków braci czeskich w okolicach Strzelina” written under the supervision of Dr. Hab. Dobrochny Kałwy
November 13, Henryk Samsonowicz’s seminar took place, during which prof. Sławomir Gawlas delivered a lecture „Problem transformacji XII wieku w Polsce”
November 15, the ceremony of presenting the Rector’s awards on the occasion of the University of Warsaw took place. The honorees were: Dr. Igor Chabrowski, prof. Grzegorz Pac, prof. Piotr Szlanta, prof. Marek Węcowski and prof. Marzena Zawanowska
November 16, we could take part in a meeting from the „Cyfrowe czwartki” series entitled “Historia statystyką pisana. Budowa i analiza baz danych do badań nad historycznymi populacjami”. The speakers were prof. Piotr Guzowski and Dr. Radosław Poniat
November 16, Ewa Wipszycka’s Warsaw Seminar on Late Antiquity took place, during which Marta Szada delivered the paper “Priesthood, Christian discipline and orthodoxy in the Opus imperfectum in Matthaeum
November 16-17, we co-organized the international scientific conference „Przyszłość i problemy edycji źródeł do historii XX wieku”
November 20, Henryk Samsonowicz’s seminar took place, during which Dr. Bartłomiej Dźwigała gave a lecture „Druk, liturgia i krucjata na Mazowszu na przełomie XV i XVI w. Biskup płocki Erazm Ciołek i jego zainteresowanie dziejami krucjat”
November 21, we organized a meeting dedicated to the memory of prof. Jerzy Tomaszewski, during which Dr. Magdalena Kozłowska gave a lecture „(Re)konstrukcja orientalnego wizerunku: trasa koncertowa Brachy Zefiry w międzywojennej Polsce”
November 23, a seminar was held. Mariana Małowista from the Global History & Anthropology series. Lecture titled “On the Edges of Whiteness. Polish Refugees in British Colonial Africa during and after the Second World War” was delivered by Jochen Lingelbach
November 23, there was a lecture as part of the medieval and modern studies seminars by Agnieszka Bartoszewicz, Dariusz Kołodziejczyk, and Grzegorz Myśliwski. Prof. Stanisław Rosik delivered a lecture: „Od Swarożyca do Trzygława. O przemianach religii społeczności słowiańskich nad Bałtykiem w X–XII w.”
November 23, Ewa Wipszycka’s Warsaw Seminar on Late Antiquity was held, at which Julia Borczyńska, Karol Kłodziński and Mohammed Abid delivered a lecture: „Charakterystyka dotychczasowych odkryć epigraficznych z Mustis (Afryka Prokonsularna) ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem późnoantycznego carmen”
November 24, thanks to the student community, we had the opportunity to take part in a guided tour of the temporary exhibition of the Polish History Museum “Wielkie i małe historie. Tworzenie kolekcji Muzeum Historii Polski”
November 27, Henryk Samsonowicz’s seminar took place, during which prof. Ryszard Kasperowicz gave a lecture„Jacoba Burckhardta uwagi o sztuce średniowiecza”
November 27, the awards gala of the fourteenth edition of the „Książka historyczną roku” competition organized by the Institute of National Remembrance and Polish Radio took place. The best scientific book devoted to the history of Poland and Poles in the 20th century was „Kościół wobec totalitaryzmów (1917–1989). Światowy Katolicyzm i doświadczenie Polaków” prof. Paweł Skibiński
November 29, a seminar took place. prof. Anna Żarnowska. The topic of the meeting was „Edukacja jako przestrzeń socjalizacji i kształtowania tożsamości jednostki – wiek XIX i XX”
November 29, it was announced that in the 29th edition of the KLIO competition, the 1st prize in the scientific monograph category was awarded to Dr. Anna Dryblak for the book „Piastowskie fundacje klasztorów żeńskich w Polsce XIII wieku. Między recepcją obcych wzorców a tworzeniem oryginalnego modelu”
November 29, workshops on practical inscription engraving were held as part of the conference organized by the ERC STONE-MASTERS project
November 30, Ewa Wipszycka’s Warsaw Seminar on Late Antiquity took place, where Michael Hahn delivered a lecture entitled “Clerics at the hippodrome? “Foucault’s heterotopia, spatial semantics, and the construction of norms in late antique church communities”
November 30 – December 1, we organized an international conference financed by the ERC Stone Masters grant, regarding the methodology of workshop research entitled “Stonecutters and Mosaicists at Work: Identifying Craftspeople and Their Workshops Through the Lens of Epigraphy”
We received information that prof. Zofia Zielińska was awarded the Officer’s Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta for outstanding contributions to the development of Polish science, for achievements in scientific and research work and for popularizing historical knowledge
December 3, the Association of Historians of Ancient History announced the results of the competition for the best book on ancient history for 2022. The winner of the award was prof. Ryszard Kulesza for the publication “Sparta: History, State and Society”
December 4, Henryk Samsonowicz’s seminar took place, during which there was a discussion around the book by Prof. Paweł Żmudzki’s “Dux fabulosus”. The speakers were prof. prof. Sławomir Gawlas and Marcin Pauk
December 5, the 8th Warsaw Syssitie – a conference on ancient Sparta – took place
December 5-6, information meetings were held for our KJD students
December 6, the organizers of the competition named after Hanna Szwankowska announced the results of the “Varsaviana” competition for the most interesting historical books about Warsaw. Among the winners was prof. Tadeusz P. Rutkowski with the book “Dokumenty odrodzonego Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego z lat 1915–1919”
December 7, Ewa Wipszycka’s Warsaw Seminar on Late Antique took place, during which Ivan Foletti delivered the lecture “Experiencing the sacred in one’s own skin: images and liturgy in late antique Rome”
December 7-8, workshops were held entitled: “Places and locations. “Historical research challenges for present-day digital disambiguations”
December 11, Henryk Samsonowicz’s seminar took place, during which Joanna Szwed, M.A. gave a lecture „Nie pretenduję do bycia historykiem – George’a R.R. Martina gry z historią”
December 11-20, we could watch the exhibition „Dwie wojny – jedno cierpienie” / Дві війни – одне страждання,, prepared by the Museum of Polish Children – victims of totalitarianism in Łódź in cooperation with our Faculty
December 11-13, a nationwide, interdisciplinary student scientific conference„Kobiety i codzienność” was held
December 13, Dr. Aleksandra Kuligowska and Dr. Eng. Marta Kuźma gave a public lecture entitled „Historia w świecie cyfrowym”
December 13, the public defense of M.A.’s doctoral dissertation took place. Michał Starczewski. Title of the dissertation: “Historia cyfrowa. Koncepcje, metody, instytucje” Promoter: prof. Tomasz Kizwalter
December 14, Ewa Wipszycka’s Warsaw Seminar on Late Antiquity took place, during which Eric Fournier delivered the paper “Anticipating disaster: Honorius, forbearance and the limits of religious coercion in late Roman North Africa”
December 14, a meeting from the „Cyfrowe czwartki” series was held, related to the popularization of digital humanities, entitled „Konopnicka odkryta na nowo, czyli jak stare zamienić w nowoczesne. Projekt Biblioteki Uniwersyteckiej w Warszawie – Konopnicka na Dobrej”. The speakers were employees of the University Library in Warsaw: Marta M. Kacprzak, Maria Fronczak, Łukasz Ratajczak
December 14, as part of the medieval and modern studies seminars of Agnieszka Bartoszewicz, Dariusz Kołodziejczyk, Grzegorz Myśliwski, Dr. Cezary Kardasz gave a lecture “Rachunkowość miejska na południowym pobrzeżu Bałtyku w późnym średniowieczu. W stronę racjonalizacji zarządzania majątkiem komunalnym”
December 14, at Marian Małowist’s seminar from the Global History & Anthropology series, a lecture entitled “Colonial Connections, Postcolonial Insecurities: Polish Officers in British West Africa after 1941” was delivered by prof. Piotr Puchalski
December 15, a debate took place entitled “Po co nam dziś Napoleon?” with the participation of prof. prof. Anna Barańska, Jarosław Czubaty, Artur Markowski and Dariusz Nawrot
December 18, the public defense of M.A.’s doctoral dissertation took place. Szymon Brzeziński. Title of the dissertation: „Polska a Siedmiogród za panowania Izabeli Jagiellonki i Jana Zygmunta Zapolyi”, supervisor: prof. Urszula Augustyniak
December 18, Henryk Samsonowicz’s seminar took place, during which Grzegorz Garbuz, M.A., delivered a lecture entitled „Antoni Rzymianin – eksłacinnik w średniowiecznym Nowogrodzie czy obiekt ideologicznej kreacji? O dacie i okolicznościach powstania hagiograficznej legendy”
December 19, we announced the winners of the first edition of the competition named after prof. Henryk Samsonowicz for book publications in the field of history published in 2021-2022. In the “source edition” category, the main prize went to prof. Jolanta Sikorska-Kulesza; in the “scientific monograph” category, the awards went to: prof. Marek Węcowski (main prize), Dr. Igor. I. Chabrowski, prof. Michał Leśniewski (ex aequo second-degree awards), Dr. Aleksandra Oniszczuk and prof. Grażyna Szelągowska (ex aequo third-degree awards). That day – during the Christmas meeting – the awards and commemorative statuettes were presented
December 19, the Generation Institute announced the results of the competition for the best bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral thesis in the field of family functioning, taking into account humanistic, social or health aspects. Among the awarded people was Ms. Julia Ruszkiewicz, who wrote her bachelor’s thesis under the supervision of Dr. Hab. Dobrochny Kałwy
December 20, the Historical Sources Editing Team invited Prof. to a meeting. Tadeusz P. Rutkowski delivered a lecture entitled „Listy z Rosji do rewizji: wokół edycji korespondencji Stanisława Kota z Moskwy i Bliskiego Wschodu (wrzesień 1941 – marzec 1943)”
December 21, the Chapter of the Competition for the NBP Money Center Award selected the best master’s theses in the field of economic and social history. The awarded people included three of our graduates: Mr. Karol Banach (main prize, work under the supervision of Prof. Grzegorz Myśliwski), Mr. Rafał Glanz (honorable mention, work under the supervision of Prof. Michał Kopczyński) and Mr. Maciej Waleszczyński (honorable mention, work under the supervision of Prof. Grzegorz Myśliwski). under the supervision of Prof. Marcin Zaremba)