M.A. Cezary Jasiński
ORCID: 0009-0007-0007-8560
Since September 2022, I have been working as a fellow in the NCN OPUS project: “Bishop’s Trees. An environmental history of the Biala Forest” (No. 2021/43/B/HS3/02636), led by Dr Tomasz Związek.
Since November 2021, I have been serving as the editorial secretary of the Przegląd Historyczny.
My interests include monasticism and the Church in the Middle Ages, the cult of saints, memory studies and, more broadly, medieval culture in all its manifestations. I am also interested in palaeography.
Title of the doctoral dissertation
Kreowanie kultów świętych w zachodnioeuropejskich wspólnotach monastycznych w epoce pełnego średniowiecza (X-XII wiek)