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Introduction to the USOSweb – online training for international UW employees

Employees using the system are invited to an introductory training course on the basic principles of functioning of USOSweb.



The course will be carried out online (Zoom) on January 24, 5 p.m. Link will be sent to registered employees via email.
Due to IDUB funding requirements, we reserve the right not to create a group if the number of participants is insufficient.


Who can apply?

The course is intended for international employees of the University of Warsaw.

An employee should be understood as a person employed during the period of implementation of the development activity at the University on the basis of a contract of employment or appointment.


How to sign-up?

Visit the Kampus Platform and click “Enroll me” at the bottom of the page. To sign-up please use your CAS account.


Application deadline

January 19, 3 p.m.


More details

WWW, or please contact Welcome Point staff: welcome.event@uw.edu.pl


Course implemented under Action II.2.3. “Support of the relocation process of employees from abroad by introducing solutions facilitating involvement of new foreign employee to work at UW and preparation to stay in Poland” of the Excellence Initiative – Research University (IDUB) at the University of Warsaw.