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Professor Grzegorz Myśliwski


B. in 1966; master’s degree at the Historical Institute of the University of Warsaw in 1989, Ph.D. thesis (1996) and habilitation (2010).

Employed at the Historical Institute of the University of Warsaw since 1989 as a trainee assistant, since 1990 as an assistant, and since 1997 as an assistant professor. Secretary of the IH for general affairs (2001-2002).

Head of the Department of Medieval History in the years 2019-2025.

He is a member of the Standing Committee of Polish Medievalists.

Most important publications

Most important scholarly articles

  • “Between Coexistence and Persecution. Economic Activity and the Cohesion of Multi–Ethnic Societies in Cities of the Polish Territories (between the Thirteenth and the First Part of the Sixteenth Century)”, [in:] “Inter-Ethnic Relations and the Functioning of Multi-Ethnic Societies Cohesion in Multi-Ethnic Societies in Europe from c. 1000 to the Present”, vol. 2, ed. P. Wiszewski, Turnhout 2022, s. 159–207

  • Grzegorz Myśliwski, Balazs Nagy „Mining, Finances, and Commerce in Medieval Central Europe” [in:] „Oxford Handbook of Medieval Central Europe”, red. N. Zecevic, D. Ziemann, Oxford 2022 (pp. 295–317)

  • “Central Europe,” [in] Agrarian Change and Crisis in Europe, 1200-1500, ed. by H. Kitsikopoulos, New York – London 2012, pp. 250-291


  • “The Sudeten Carpathian Zone and Lviv. The place of Silesia, Lesser Poland and Red Ruthenia in the economy of Western Europe (mid-thirteenth century – early sixteenth century)”, [in:] “The Polish Lands to the West. Studies on the development of medieval Europe”, ed. S. Gawlas, Warsaw 2006, pp. 247-319


  • “Starość i długowieczność w Polsce do połowie XVI w. na tle porównawczym”, “Kwartalnik Historii Kultury Materialnej”, vol. 49, 2001, z. 3, pp. 169 -198