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Ph.D. Katarzyna Wagner


MA at the Institute of History, UW (2010), PhD with honors there (2017). Assistant professor at the IH UW since 2017. Curator at the Museum of Warsaw (2010-2018). Editor-in-chief of the annual journal “Almanac of Warsaw” (2016-2018). Plenipotentiary and then Deputy Director for Scientific Affairs at the National Museum in Warsaw (2018-2020).

Fellow at the University of Vienna and The Robert Anderson Trust in London; she has taught at the Universidad Iberoamericana in Mexico, among others. Member of Svenska Historiska Föreningen, European Association for Urban History (EAUH), Polish Society for Research on the Eighteenth Century, The International Council of Museums – ICOM, Association of Polish Museums Workers.

Research interests: modern history of cities (especially Warsaw), looting in 16th – 18th centuries, history of museums, Polish-Swedish relations.

Most important publications

Most important scholarly articles

  • Inwentarz przedmiotów wywiezionych z Warszawy podczas potopu szwedzkiego. Edycja źródła, „Kronika Zamkowa. Roczniki”, 2017, nr 4(70), pp. 151-164.


  • Did Large Cities Exist in the 17th Century Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth? A Definition Attempt, „Codrul Cosminului”, 2017, nr 23, z. 1, pp. 139-150.


  • Szwedzkie zdobycze z Rzeczpospolitej. Zarys problematyki, w: „W hetmańskim trudzie”. Księga Pamiątkowa ku czci Profesora Jana Wimmera, red. Z. Hundert, M. Wagner, Oświęcim 2017, pp. 121-137.

Current scholarly projects