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M.A. Tomasz Kisiel


ORCID: 0000-0002-7617-3173

I come from Krakow. I am a graduate of the Pope John Paul II University, and I also studied at the Jagiellonian University. My scientific interests focus on the history of the National Democracy, with particular emphasis on the structures of Malopolska. I am also involved in the history of law and historical biography.

Title of the doctoral dissertation

„Obóz narodowy w Krakowie i województwie krakowskim w okresie międzywojennym”

Research topics

The subject of my research is party structures (the People’s National Union, the National Party), the Camp of Great Poland (as an organisation sui generis), specialised organisations (including the National Guard, the All-Polish Youth Academic Union, the National Organisation of Women) and satellite organisations and clandestine structures of the national camp in Krakow and the Krakow Province in the years 1918-1939. The dissertation will focus on three main themes: institutional history, social history and history of political thought. Both the organisational evolution of the Krakow national camp and the biographies of its activists will be examined in order to reconstruct a complete picture of this political milieu. An important component of my research will also be an analysis of the relations between the urban (Kraków) and provincial (Kraków voivodeship) structures of National Democracy.

Most important scholarly articles

  • „Józef Marian Haydukiewicz”, [w:] „Słownik biograficzny polskiego obozu narodowego”, t. III, red. K. Kawęcki, Warszawa 2021, s. 117-121.; „Józef Archutowski”, „Władysław Folkierski”, [w:] „Słownik biograficzny polskiego obozu narodowego”, t. IV, red. K. Kawęcki, Warszawa 2022, s. 1-5, s. 65-74.


  • „Relacje Związku Akademickiego Młodzież Wszechpolska z narodową inteligencją w międzywojennym Krakowie”, [w:] „100 lat Młodzieży Wszechpolskiej. Historia – Tradycja – Współczesność”, red. P. Sobiło, Warszawa 2022, s. 118-143.


  • „Analiza kanonistyczna motu proprio Traditionis custodes”, (współautorstwo z Filipem Warownym), „Christianitas”, nr 83-84, 2021, s. 76-95.