Scientific projects

Danes as a “community of text” in the 12th-century narratives of Danish chronicles preceding Saxa Gramatyka

Kronika Zbrasławska (Chronicon Aulae Regiae) – a great narrative of the times of the Central European breakthrough. Translation from Latin into Polish with a full scientific study

Translating Toleration: Concepts, Texts, and Intermediaries between Poland and Protestant Germany (1645–1795)

Gender history as an object of knowledge. Theoretical framework and research practice of Polish studies on women’s past in the international context.

The Second Temple Jews – between tradition and the Greek world. The influence of Greek culture on the Jews of the Second Temple period and its dynamics

Sources of monastic culture patterns – transformation and reception in medieval Poland: written culture, oral and visual transmission
- Dwa stanowiska adiunkta (typu post-doc) oraz dwa stanowiska asystenta (z kompetencjami programisty) do zespołu badawczego kierowanego przez prof. Francisa Harveya, Miejsca, ludzie, wydarzenia: innowacje, badania z zakresu przestrzennej humanistyki dla wsparcia interpretacji i wyjaśniania” / “Places, People and Events: Innovative Spatial Humanities Research to support Interpretation and Explanation”, realizowanego w ramach programu Profesura Gościnna – NAWA. Składanie dokumentów do 6 maja.Ogłoszenia poniżej:
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