Ph.D. Aleksandra Oniszczuk
I graduated in History from the University of Warsaw (2010, prima cum laude diploma) and in Law from the University of Wrocław (2013). Moreover, I completed a broad university course on Jewish Studies at the Centre for Jewish Languages and Culture, University of Wrocław (2013). My PhD thesis in History, defended at the University of Wroclaw (2016), concerned the policy of the Duchy of Warsaw towards the Jews.
In 2011–2015 I was a member of the History Laboratory at the Institute of Educational Research in Warsaw, working on historical competencies of students of primary and secondary schools.
Research interests: social, cultural, and political history, history of Jews, disability history, history didactics.
Most important publications
Most important scholarly articles
Oniszczuk, ‘The Old Privileges and the New Spirit of Law: Jewish Residential Areas in the Duchy of Warsaw’, Studia Judaica, vol. 45 (2020), pp. 43–74
Oniszczuk, ‘Public Administration and the Challenge to Introduce Egalitarian Legal Order: The Jewish policy of the Duchy of Warsaw (1807–1815)’, Administory. Journal for the History of Public Administration / Zeitschrift für Verwaltungsgeschichte, vol. 5 (2020), pp. 20–38
Oniszczuk, ‘Narracje o pogromie w Kaliszu (1878)’ [Narratives on the pogrom in Kalisz], in: K. Kijek, A. Markowski, K. Zieliński (Eds.), Pogromy Żydów na ziemiach polskich w XIX i XX wieku, vol. 2: Studia przypadków (do 1939 r.) [Pogroms of Jews in the Polish lands in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, vol. 2: Case studies], Warszawa 2019, pp. 49–65
Oniszczuk, ‘Doświadczenia Księstwa Warszawskiego w zakresie edukacji prawniczej’ [Experience of the Duchy of Warsaw in the field of legal education], Krytyka Prawa, vol. 3 (2016), pp. 67–90
Oniszczuk, ‘The Jews in the Duchy of Warsaw: The Question of Equal Rights in Administrative Theory and Practice’, in: G. Dynner, A. Polonsky, M. Wodziński (Eds.), Polin. Studies in Polish Jewry, vol. 27, Oxford–Portland 2015, pp. 63–87