Ph.D. Julia Doroszewska
Master’s degree in classical philology in 2006, followed by a doctorate in 2012; BA in Polish philology in 2009; postgraduate degree in glottodidactics of Polish language in 2010; all degrees obtained at the University of Warsaw. Research fellowships in Paris (Sorbonne), Bloomington, USA, Switzerland (Fondation Hardt), London (Lanckoroński Foundation).
2013-2017 – assistant professor in the Department of Classical Philology at the University of Silesia. 2017-2018 – assistant professor in the research project “Cult of Saints in Late Antiquity” (ERC Advanced Grant). From 2019 – head of the project “Epiphanies of Saints in Late Antique Greek Literature” (NCN, Sonata).
Research interests: imperial Greek and Latin prose; history of mentality, anthropology of literature (especially the concept of liminality).
Most important scholarly articles
“Windows of Curiosity: Eyes and Vision in Plutarch’s ‘De Curiositate'”, Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies 59.1, 2019, p. 158-179.
“Beyond the Limits of the Human Body: Phlegon of Tralles’ Medical Curiosities,” w: G. Kazantzidis (ed.), Medicine and Paradoxography in the Ancient World, De Gruyter 2019, pp. 117-142.
Julia Doroszewska, Janek Kucharski, “A Ritual of the Afterlife or the Afterlife of a Ritual: Maschalismos in Ancient Greece and Beyond”, w: J. Harrisson (ed.), Imagining the Afterlife in the Ancient World, Routledge 2019, pp.155-172.
The Liminal Space: Suburbs as a Demonic Domain in Classical Literature”, Preternature: Critical and Historical Studies on the Preternatural, 6.1, 2017, p. 1-30.