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Professor Marek Pawełczak


MA in history 1994, doctorate (1999) and habilitation (2011) at the University of Warsaw. Scholarship holder, incl. Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (Humboldt University in Berlin), Garstka Foundation (University of Notre Dame, IN) and the Polish-U.S. Fulbright Commission (Boston University). Prime Minister’s Award for habilitation thesis (2011). Research interests: History of East Africa and the Indian Ocean basin in the pre-colonial period, including the
political organization of African societies, caravan and overseas trade, trade diasporas, the effects of the revolution in maritime transport and the influx of foreign capital in the 19th century, the informal empire of Great Britain in Africa. Also: power, society, religion and customary law in Africa during the colonial era.

Most important publications

Most important scholarly articles

  • The Death of Captain Brownrigg and the Decline of Planters’ Rule in Pemba, “International Journal of African Historical Studies” 53, 2020,1, 71-96.


  • British Jurisdiction and Legal Protection of Non- Europeans in the Sultanate of Zanzibar, 1841-1888 , “Journal of Indian Ocean World Studies” (Mc Gill University), 4, 2020, 52-74.


  • Dane statystyczne dotyczące handlu międzynarodowego w brytyjskich raportach konsularnych z Sułtanatu Zanzibaru w XIX wieku, “Roczniki Dziejów Społecznych i Gospodarczych” 81, 2020, 187-223.


  • Customs House, Steamers, and the Entrepôt. Zanzibar Trade Infrastructure Circa 1830-1888, “African Economic History” 48, 2020, 2, p. 92-137.