Scientific projects

Legal status of Jews in the Polish lands under partitions and in the Second Polish Republic. Editing of sources

Masters of the stone: The stonecutters’ workshops and the rise of the late antique epigraphical cultures (third–fifth century AD) STONE-MASTERS

Originality and imitation in Polish political and religious culture (10th-13th century)

Places, People and Events: Innovative Spatial Humanities Research to support Interpretation and Explanation

Royal economies in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in 1780-1795

Sexual offenses with the death penalty in the territory of the Ruthenian Voivodeship in the 18th century

Sources of monastic culture patterns – transformation and reception in medieval Poland: written culture, oral and visual transmission

Symbolic resources and political structures in the periphery. Legitimization of elites in Poland and Norway, c. 1000-1300

The crisis of the Empire in the third century: causes and reflection in ancient sources
- Dwa stanowiska adiunkta (typu post-doc) oraz dwa stanowiska asystenta (z kompetencjami programisty) do zespołu badawczego kierowanego przez prof. Francisa Harveya, Miejsca, ludzie, wydarzenia: innowacje, badania z zakresu przestrzennej humanistyki dla wsparcia interpretacji i wyjaśniania” / “Places, People and Events: Innovative Spatial Humanities Research to support Interpretation and Explanation”, realizowanego w ramach programu Profesura Gościnna – NAWA. Składanie dokumentów do 6 maja.Ogłoszenia poniżej:
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