Research teams
Centre for Research on Ancient Civilizations
prof. Robert Wiśniewski
At the University of Warsaw research on antiquity has a well-established tradition, good results and is conducted by researchers from various units and specializations, such as historians, classical philologists, orientalists, archaeologists and Roman lawyers. The Centre for Research on Ancient Civilizations (CRAC) is intended to help integrate this community, support its work, disseminate and promote its results, and make the UW one of the world’s important centers for the study of ancient civilizations, friendly to the Warsaw community and open to the outside world.
Academic Learning Laboratory
Prof. Jolanta Choińska-Mika
Agnieszka Janiak-Jasińska, Ph.D.
Dobrochna Kałwa, Ph.D. Habil.
Aleksandra Kuligowska, Ph.D.
Artur Markowski, Ph.D. Habil.
Paweł Nowakowski, Ph.D.
Aleksandra Oniszczuk, Ph.D.
Aneta Pieniądz, Ph.D. Habil.
The idea to create the Team arose from the need, brought to our attention by the pandemic, to undertake long-term in-depth reflection on academic didactics in the changing realities of the functioning of universities. The goal of the Team is to initiate research, disseminate innovations in the field of student education and implement pilot solutions. We would like the projects undertaken by the Team to support the didactic council, and the results of the research to be used in formulating the principles of educational and recruitment policy of our Faculty. We are committed to establishing and maintaining a dialogue with other national and foreign university centers on the subject of adapting historical studies to contemporary challenges.
Team of Scientific Editing of Historical Sources
prof. Jolanta Sikorska-Kulesza
prof. Agnieszka Bartoszewicz
Konrad Bobiatyński, Ph.D. Habil.
Marek A. Janicki, Ph.D. Habil.
prof. Urszula Kosińska
Artur Markowski, Ph.D. Habil.
prof. Anna Michałowska Mycielska
Prof. Mirosław Nagielski
Tadeusz Rutkowski, Ph.D. Habil.
Prof. Romuald Turkowski
prof. Piotr Węcowski
The aim of the Team is to create a forum for discussion and exchange of experience for historians preparing critical editions of sources (from the Middle Ages to the 20th century) and all those interested in the practice, theory and history of source editing.
Presentations of new editing projects, which take place during open meetings of the Group, are to serve the search for the best solutions of problems, and thus to care for a high standard of editing and discuss the needs of the editing of historical sources, including its academic teaching.
Global History Team
Prof. Dariusz Kołodziejczyk
Igor Chabrowski, Ph.D.
Natalia Królikowska-Jedlińska, Ph.D.
prof. Michał Leśniewski
prof. Marek Pawełczak
Laura Pozzi, Ph.D.
prof. Piotr Szlanta
Mikko Toivanen, Ph.D.
Adrian Warsiński, MA
Adam Włodarski, MA
The research team devoted to Global History is a platform for scholarly exchange between researchers specializing in non-European history. The team members also pay attention to those phenomena related to the history of Europe and Poland that at the same time constitute objects of interest for global history – the fastest growing field within historiography of the recent decades.
Membership in the team is open to all faculty members and PhD students within the Faculty of History. We also cooperate with scholars from other faculties, especially historians and cultural anthropologists.
An additional motive behind the creation of our team has been to augment the visibility of research devoted to global history conducted at the Faculty of History, both within and beyond the University of Warsaw.
Economic History Group
prof. Michał Kopczyński
Grzegorz Myśliwski, Ph.D. Habil.
prof. Marek Pawełczak
prof. Grażyna Szelągowska
The Economic History Group has been established as a platform for discussion and exchange of experience in the field of broadly understood economic history. Our ambition is to discuss economic history beyond the divisions resulting from the specialization in the history of particular epochs which is characteristic of researchers of the past.
Group for the History of Old Polish Culture
Maciej Ptaszyński, Ph.D. Habil.
prof. Urszula Augustyniak
prof. Agnieszka Bartoszewicz
Piotr Kroll, Ph.D.
Natalia Królikowska-Jedlińska, Ph.D.
Katarzyna Wagner, Ph.D.
The Unit for the History of Old Polish Culture (ZHKS) was established in 1994 within the Historical Institute of UW, initially as the Department of Old Polish Culture. In 2000 it was transformed into a permanent research unit, approved by the Senate of UW. Presently, about 20 researchers of the History Department of the University of Warsaw, PhD students and employees of other research units cooperate within ZHKS.
All interested are welcome to attend the meetings and seminars of the ZHKS!In addition to individual projects of participants, the ZHKS conducted the following team research programs:
1. in 1994-1998, a research program on The Permeation of Cultures in the Northern Areas of the Republic of Poland in the 17th and the First Half of the 18th Century;
2. in the years 2000-2001: Political Consciousness of Old Polish Society in the 16th – 18th centuries
3. 2002-2004: The functioning of classical political terminology in the language of the elites of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth from the fifteenth to the eighteenth century.
4. 2004-2009: Evangelical churches in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth 16th – 18th centuries. The result of the project is, among others, a map created by Professor Bogumil Szady.
5. 2004-2010: Warsaw townsmen’s wills of the fifteenth and one half of the seventeenth centuries as historical sources. Electronic database and source edition. The project has resulted in the following publication: A. Bartoszewicz, A. Karpiński, K. Warda, Testamenty mieszczan warszawskich od XV do końca XVII wieku. Catalog, Warsaw 2010.
6. in 2013-2017: Catalogs of wills of city dwellers from the Crown and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania until 1795. (NPRH grant, manager: Urszula Augustyniak). The project resulted in the series: Katalogi testamentów mieszkańców miast z teren Korony i Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego do 1795 roku, ed. U. Augustyniak, Warsaw 2017, 7 vols.
7. in 2013-2017: Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski. Late Humanism and the Reformation in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the Sixteenth Century. (NCN grant, supervisor: Maciej Ptaszyński). The result was, among others, the monograph M. Ptaszyński, Reformation in Poland and the heritage of Erasmus of Rotterdam, Warsaw 2018
8. in 2014-2019: Stara Warszawy jury books, refs. 527, 528, 529, 530 – preparation of a critical edition (NPRH grant, supervisor: Agnieszka Bartoszewicz).
9. in 2019-2021: Reception of the Sandomierz Concord (1570) in Europe in the 16th-18th centuries. The role of Irenaeism in shaping confessional cultures (NCN grant, head: Maciej Ptaszyński)
Warsaw History Group
Błażej Brzostek, Ph.D. Habil.
prof. Agnieszka Bartoszewicz
Katarzyna Wagner, Ph.D.
This team coordinates research on Warsaw’s past conducted at the Department of History. In particular, its members strive to stimulate interdisciplinary and comparative research, referring to different research streams such as urbanization, anthropology of the city, the question of symbolism of space, social time in the city of different epochs and questions of collective perception of Warsaw.
Military History Group
Konrad Bobiatyński, Ph.D. Habil.
prof. Jarosław Czubaty
prof. Michał Leśniewski
prof. Mirosław Nagielski
prof. Piotr Szlanta
prof. Romuald Turkowski
Piotr Kroll, Ph.D.
Jan Błachnio, Ph.D.
Izabela Śliwińska-Słomska M.A.
Members of the team are engaged in interdisciplinary research on the history of the Polish and universal military forces of the XVI-XX centuries. Their interests concern not only classical military history (history of the military and history of wars), but also widely understood social, economic, demographic and cultural phenomena accompanying military conflicts.
The research conducted includes: Polish and Lithuanian military history of the modern era, the Napoleonic period, the technical transformations taking place in the second half of the nineteenth century, the Civil War and the Boer Wars, the First and Second World Wars, as well as the history of the Polish People’s Army after 1945.
They concentrate on such problems as the organization and financing of the army, theoretical military thought, relations between the army and society, morale and discipline in the armed forces – military law and practice, the course of military campaigns and their consequences, weapons science and military technology, editing of sources for military history, war and culture: the influence of wars on cultural changes, literature, art, rituals and customs connected with wars.
The aim of the team is to coordinate research conducted by specialists from various periods, as well as to create a broad discussion forum for exchanging views and presenting current research projects.
Members of the team have for years given lectures and seminars on military history, thematically related to their research interests.
Social History Group
Agnieszka Janiak-Jasińska, Ph.D.
Dobrochna Kałwa, Ph.D. Habil.
Aleksandra Kuligowska, Ph.D.
Artur Markowski, Ph.D. Habil.
Aleksandra Oniszczuk, Ph.D.
Jolanta Sikorska-Kulesza, Ph.D. Habil.
prof. Grażyna Szelągowska
Prof. Katarzyna Sierakowska
The Social History Group was founded on the initiative of historians of the 19th and 20th centuries who are interested in analyzing social and cultural changes, but invites researchers of earlier epochs to cooperate. We are convinced that together we can tell the social history of the Polish lands in a new way! Among the issues that interest us are the transformation of social structures and hierarchies, social norms, gender roles and patterns of femininity and masculinity, the effects of social mobility, urbanization and technological transformations, the specificity of the urban lifestyle, the development of various forms of social communication and determinants of consumer behavior. We continue the traditions of research teams which have studied social history at the Historical Institute since the 1980s, especially the Research Team for the Social History of Poland in the 19th and 20th Centuries, founded by Prof. Anna Zarnowska and later directed by Prof. Andrzej Szwarc and Prof. Małgorzata Karpińska.