Scientific projects

“Ordinari Post Tijdender” as a source of knowledge about the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth – preliminary research

A feminine North: The portrait of Greek women in Epirus, Illyria, and Thessaly during the Late Classical and Hellenistic periods

Agent of revolutionary France in the service of the Republic of Poland. The activity of Piotr Parandier in the years 1792-1799

Biological standard of living in Poland, 1800-1950: changes in height and body mass

Blood sacrifice and related rituals in the cult of Dionysus: myth, history and the area in between

Communication between Moscow and the province in the light of the collective supplications of 1613-1649. A study of the political culture of the Muscovite state in the 17th century

Conflicts over servitudes in Galicia in the second half of the 19th century. The Process of Purchase and Regulation of Servitudes in Central Galicia

Danes as a “community of text” in the 12th-century narratives of Danish chronicles preceding Saxa Gramatyka

Discourses of the Body and Sexuality in Polish-Jewish Women’s Literature from 1890-1918
- Dwa stanowiska adiunkta (typu post-doc) oraz dwa stanowiska asystenta (z kompetencjami programisty) do zespołu badawczego kierowanego przez prof. Francisa Harveya, Miejsca, ludzie, wydarzenia: innowacje, badania z zakresu przestrzennej humanistyki dla wsparcia interpretacji i wyjaśniania” / “Places, People and Events: Innovative Spatial Humanities Research to support Interpretation and Explanation”, realizowanego w ramach programu Profesura Gościnna – NAWA. Składanie dokumentów do 6 maja.Ogłoszenia poniżej:
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