Mailing of the Faculty of History
July 5, 2023
- On June 29, 2023, the Ranking of Universities “Perspektywy 2023” was published. In the ranking of the fields of study “history” at our Faculty once again took 1st place
- Dr. Wiesława Duży won a travel grant under the “Leibniz Research Alliance. Value of the Past” program, thanks to which she will spend a month at the Leibniz-Institut für Europäische Geschichte (IEG) in Mainz, where she will co-implement the DigiKARproject. The theme of the winning project is: “Territory, cartography, comparability of historical administrative divisions in Poland over centuries”
- Urszula Kosińska
- Decydująca noc z 26 na 27 czerwca 1697 roku, czyli co przesądziło o wyborze Augusta II na tron polski, “Kwartalnik Historyczny”, 130, 2023, z. 1, pp. 5–50 / link
- (rec.) Андрэй Мацук, Грамадска-палітычнае жыццё Вялікага Княства Літоўскага ў часыбескаралеўя 1733–1735 гг., Мінск 2020, Беларуская навука, ss. 366, “Kwartalnik Historyczny”, 130, 2023, 1, pp. 185–191 / link
- Rosja, Prusy i I rozbiór Polski – recenzja z książki: Dorota Dukwicz, Na drodze do pierwszego rozbioru. Rosja i Prusy wobec Rzeczypospolitej w latach 1768–1771, IH PAN, Warszawa 2022, ss. 518 [w:] “Mówią Wieki” 5 (766) 2023, s. 69 / link
- July 6-7, Senate Hall in the Kazimierzowski Palace (main campus, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 26/28) / participation requires registration / interdisciplinary conference “The Future of Polish Studies”/ link
- Kacper Bylinka, Anna Dryblak and Grzegorz Pac (hosts), participation in the panel during the International Medieval Congress Leeds “Connecting to the Holy: Legitimizing Power through the Cult of Saints – Norway and Poland before 1300” / link
- Nadiya Khalak, lecture “Digitizing archival collections at Ukrainian scientific, educational, and socio-cultural institutions – an Endangered Archives Program project». in the webinar” during the webinar “Digitalization in practice. Webinar for archive and library professionals in Ukraine”, organized by the International Alliance for the protection of heritage in conflict areas in cooperation with the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine
May 10, 2023
- We encourage you to listen to the lectures that will be delivered by the candidates shortlisted for the post of Assistant Professor in the Department of Medieval History at WH UW. All lectures will take place on 12 May online / link
- Marta Michalska is the winner of the Monographs competition of the Foundation for Polish Science. The Publishing Council of the FNP qualified for publication her work entitled „Dźwięki, ludzie i nasłuchiwanie Warszawy na przełomie XIX i XX wieku. Wybrane elementy fonosfery miasta” / link
- Weronika Hanna Kulczewska-Rastaszańska, a PhD student, received a grant to participate in the Memory Studies Association’s 7th Annual Conference
- Urszula Augustyniak, „Zmiany zarządu dóbr ziemskich i urzędnicy Radziwiłłów birżańskich od końca XVI do końca XVII w.”, „Rocznik Lituanistyczny”, vol. 8, 2022 / link
- Konrad Bobiatyński, „Kariera Samuela Hieronima Kociełła jako przyczynek do badania mechanizmów awansu urzędników skarbu litewskiego w drugiej połowie XVII wieku”, „Rocznik Lituanistyczny”, vol. 8, 2022 / link
- Igor M. Niewiadomski, „Sytuacja ludności cywilnej w Kreishauptmannschaft Ostrow (Ostrów) Mazowiecka z lat 1939–1940. Analiza w świetle źródeł z Głównej Komisji Badania Zbrodni Niemieckich/Hitlerowskich w Polsce”, [in:] „Studia nad Totalitaryzmami i Wiekiem XX”, ed. Kapica B., Kołzowski W., vol. 6, 2022, pp. 58–79
- 11 May, 4.00 pm, online / seminar ” Miasta Europy środkowowschodniej w XIV-XVII wieku” / paper ” Spisy członków rady miasta Krakowa z XIV-XVIII w.: niedocenione źródło do badań nad miejską ideologią władzy” will be delivered by Dr Piotr Okniński / link
- 15 May, 12.00-4.00 pm, Sala Kolumnowa, Faculty of History, University of Warsaw / workshop on book publishing , co-organised with Central European University Press / link
- 18 May, 17.00, online / medieval-news seminar by Agnieszka Bartoszewicz, Dariusz Kołodziejczyk, Grzegorz Myśliwski / lecture « Opis kraju i ludu w polskich źródłach narracyjnych XII–XVII. Perspektywa długiego trwania ” will be given by Prof. László Tapolcai / link
- 18-20 May, Sala Kolumnowa Faculty of History, University of Warsaw / international conference “Hospitals in times of crisis” / link
- 23 May, 12.00-14.00, online, registration required / Office for International Research Programmes invites to an information meeting for those interested in the role of supervisor for a foreign scientist who would like to submit a grant with the UW within the framework of the Maria Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship activities
- 24-26 May, Columned Hall at the Faculty of History of the UW / National Conference on Urban History “Miasto i miejskość na ziemiach polskich w długim wieku XIX. Społeczeństwo, przestrzeń, polityka” / link
- We invite you to submit abstracts for the conference ” Wawel w XVI wieku – XVI wiek na Wawelu”. The conference will be held in Krakow at the Wawel Royal Castle on 16-18 November 2023. CfP by 19 June 2023 / link
- Łukasz Krzyżanowski / „Badanie Zagłady i postaw wobec Żydów. Z czym zmagają się naukowcy?”/ 30 April 2023, Radio Tok Fm / link
- Agnieszka Bartoszewicz, Royal Łazienki Museum / debate on the cult of St. Stanislaus / 3 May, 4.00 pm (other participants in the debate: Krzysztof Skwierczyński, Stanisław Witecki, Kamil Frejlich, Piotr Skowroński) / link
April 14, 2023
- On the WH website, the results of the competition for subsidising the scientific activity of Faculty of History employees and doctoral students carrying out their research under the supervision of our Department’s employees in the spring 2023 edition have been published / link
- The results of the next edition of the QS World University Rankings – one of the most prestigious lists of universities in the world – have been announced. The ranking also takes into account academic disciplines. The ‘history’ major, taught at our Faculty, was ranked between 101 and 150 of the best history majors in the world (up from places 151-200 in the 2022 edition). The ranking also indicates that we are number 1 in Poland / link
- Dr Hanna Mazheika has joined the History Faculty community. She has won the competition for assistant professor in the NAWA grant
- Olga Gaidai, Tadeusz Srogosz, „Czynniki kulturowe i społeczno-polityczne wpływające na występowanie epidemii dżumy na obszarze Prawobrzeżnej Ukrainy i południowo-zachodnich guberni Rosji na przełomie XVIII i XIX w.”, Kwartalnik Historii Nauki i Techniki, 2023, Issue 1, p. 11–26
- Krzysztof Kuczyński, “Kaprzy Augusta II Wettina w latach 1700–1701 w świetle nieznanych szwedzkich poloników wojennomorskich” in: “Zapiski Historyczne”, TOM LXXXVIII – ROK 2023, No. 1 / link
- Grzegorz Myśliwski, “Between Coexistence and Persecution. Economic Activity and the Cohesion of Multi–Ethnic Societies in Cities of the Polish Territories (between the Thirteenth and the First Part of the Sixteenth Century)”, [in:] “Inter-Ethnic Relations and the Functioning of Multi-Ethnic Societies Cohesion in Multi-Ethnic Societies in Europe from c. 1000 to the Present”, vol. 2, ed. P. Wiszewski, Turnhout 2022, p. 159–207
- We would like to inform you that a new electronic issue (1/2023) of the „Kwartalnik Historii Nauki i Techniki” / link
- 17 April, 15.00 online / Francis Harvey lecture “You don’t find places on the map, you can only find locations” / link
- 18 April, 9.30 pm, University of Southern California in Los Angeles, online after registration / Mariusz Kałczewiak lecture ‘Men of Valor and Anxiety. Polish-Jewish Masculinities & the Challenge of Modernity”
- 20 April, 10.00 am / Biuro ds. Doskonałości Naukowej PAN invites you to a free online meeting in English on European Research Council (ERC) grants. Registration required until 19 April, 3.00 pm / link
- 20 April, 4.00 pm, Columned Hall at the UW History Faculty / discussion on the publication ” Wprowadzenie do metodologii historii” / link
- 25 April, 17.00, Room 125 at the UW History Faculty / Marian Małowist Seminar / lecture by Mikko Toivanen “An invitation to a party? Creating a colonial public and managing urban space in nineteenth-century Batavia” / link
- Abstracts are invited for the conference ‘Fields of Glory’, entitled ‘The History of War and Environmental History – Interconnections and Entanglements’. The conference will take place in Niepołomice (Niepołomice Castle, conference room) on 21-23 September 2023. CfP by 25 June 2023 / link
- We invite submissions of papers for the 7th National Conference of Archivists and Historians “Educare necesse est…”. This year’s theme is “Kobieta w społeczeństwie od średniowiecza do końca XX wieku “. The conference will take place on 19-20 September 2023. Applications are being accepted until 30 June 2023 / link
- Anna Dryblak / „Fundacje klasztorów żeńskich w dobie Piastów”, Polskie Radio Pr. II / 5 March 2023 / link
March 29, 2023
- The results of the next edition of the QS World University Rankings – one of the most prestigious university rankings in the world – have been announced. The ranking also takes into account academic disciplines. The ‘history’ major, taught at our Faculty, was ranked 101-150 of the best history majors in the world (up from 151-200 places in 2022). The ranking also indicates that we are number 1 in Poland / link
- We would like to inform you that the History Faculty website has been refreshed. Currently, its main part consists of: 1. slides, 2. departmental news 3. student news. The ability to add staff pages has also been created. However, we are first planning a training course for those who wish to have such a page. A date for the training will be proposed once applications have been received
- The Presidium of the Polish Academy of Sciences appointed on 21 February 2023 new members of problem committees and councils at the Presidium of the Polish Academy of Sciences for the term 2023-2026. The Council for the Propagation of Science of the Polish Academy of Sciences for the term 2023-2026 included prof. Łukasz Niesiołowski-Spanò
- Sylwia Borowska (PhD student) / Sylwia Borowska, Czy byli ich „wielką szansą”? Obraz Związku Młodzieży Polskiej w Dziennikach Agnieszki Osieckiej z lat 1949–1955” / Polska 1944/45–1989. Studia i Materiały XX/2022 / link
- Olga Morozowa, „Миколаївщина – південний форпост України в російсько-українській війні”. Collective monograph, ed. Stanislawa Stepnia. Warszawa, 2022. С. 173-192
- Monika Polit, Ewa Kuma-Zielińska (2nd year MA student of Jewish history and culture) / translation from Yiddish manuscript „Dziennik Bencjona Kalba” / Zagłada Żydów. Studia i Materiały, Nr 18 (2022), pp. 520-563 / link
- We invite submissions and participation in the national academic conference ‘The History of War and Environmental History – Interconnections and Entanglements’ / CfP until 30 June 2023 / the conference will take place from 21-23 September 2023 / link
- 20 April, 4.0 p.m., Columned Hall at the Faculty of History / discussion on the book « Wprowadzenie do metodologii historii ” with Prof. Daniel Grinberg (UB), Dr. Aleksandra Kuligowska, Dr. Aneta Pieniądz (moderation), and Prof. ucz. Piotr Węcowski / link
- Marcin Zaremba, Błażej Brzostek „Trofea i prezenty. Zegarki i mierzenie czasu w PRL. O historii polskich zegarków na rękę po II wojnie światowej” / „Polityka”, 14 March 2023 / link
- Igor Niewiadomski (PhD student)
- „Symbolika i znaczenie Pomnika Zaślubin Polski z Morzem” / Polskie Radio Koszalin, 2 February 2023 / link
- “Walki 1 Armii Wojska Polskiego w marcu 1945 roku oraz Zaślubiny Polski z Morzem” / Polskie Radio Koszalin, 18 March 2023 / link
- “O cmentarzach dla ludności niemieckiej, francuskiej, żydowskiej i polskiej w powiecie kołobrzeskim” Polskie Radio Koszalin, 28 January 2023 / link
- Jacek Kordel
- „Skarbiec nauki polskiej: rozmowa ze stypendystami Fundacji na rzecz Nauki Polskiej, dr. Jackiem Kordelem i dr Karoliną Pierzynowską”, Polskie Radio, program II, 22 March 2023 / link
- Interview with Dr Jacek Kordel on the 290th anniversary of the death of August II, „Teologia Polityczna”, 1 February 2023 / link
March 15, 2023
- The Faculty Election Committee announces that a by-election to the Council of the Faculty of History in the curia of other academics will be held on 31 March 2023 / link
- We would like to inform you that the dean’s office has determined the amount of research funding for male and female faculty members. This amount will amount to PLN 1400 gross in 2023 / link
- The Centre for Digital Competence is preparing a Database of Digital Humanities Projects currently or recently implemented at the University of Warsaw. It will be part of a university-wide digital infrastructure to support researchers in conducting humanities research and in their use of digital methods and tools. The CKC team has prepared a questionnaire to help collect data on projects and build the first resources of the shared service. We encourage you to fill it out / link
- The UW’s Office for International Research Programmes invites you to an online training on preparing proposals for the ERC Advanced Grant competition. The training will take place on 14 April 2023 from 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Registration required (by 7 April) / link
- In the IDUB New Ideas 3B competition, funding was awarded to a project by Dr Olgia Gaidai from our Faculty, entitled: “Wojna i medycyna. Lekarze w walce z epidemiami dżumy w południowo-zachodnich guberniach Rosji w latach 1770-1812” / link
- Klaudia Rogowska, „Czyli żyje? Czyli umarł?” Problem ucieczek żon i mężów w świetle ogłoszeń publikowanych w „Gazecie Warszawskiej” w latach 1775-1780, “Almanach Historyczny”, t. 24, 2022, pp. 35-48.
- 16 March, 4.30 p.m., room 125 at the Faculty of History UW / lecture by Prof. Keely Stauter-Halsted ‘Borders and Bordering in the Polish Second Republic: Refugees and the Shaping of Modern Citizenship” combined with a discussion led by Prof. Dariusz Stola (ISP PAN) / link
- 16 March, 17.00 / online (the link will be made available after sending an application for participation to one of the addresses:, or / medieval-news seminars by Agnieszka Bartoszewicz, Dariusz Kołodziejczyk, Grzegorz Myśliwski / lecture ‘Emiddio Portelli d’Ascoli at the court of Mehmed III Girey. Religious discussions between Catholic missionaries and Muslim rulers in the 17th century” will be given by Dr Natalia Królikowska-Jedlińska / link
- 20 March, at 11.30 a.m., room 125 at the Faculty of History of the University of Warsaw / lecture by Prof. Tomasz Szarota from the Institute of History of the Polish Academy of Sciences entitled “O urokach profesji i satysfakcji z wykonywaniu zawodu historyka” / link
- 17 and 19 April / 1.15 p.m. and 3.00 p.m., room no. 17 at the Faculty of History / guest lectures by Dr. Amir Ashur of Haifa University, specialist in medieval Jewish manuscripts / 1. “The Cairo Geniza and it’s discovery” / 2. “Family and marriage in the Geniza” / 3. “Maimonides in the Cairo Geniza” / 4. “The Geniza as a source for Islamic and Arabic language and culture” / link
- 22-23 March / German Historical Institute, Karnicki Palace, 39 Ujazdowskie Avenue in Warsaw / workshop funded by the ELITES project: ‘Beyond the Centres of Power. Rulers’ Negotiation of Power, Legitimacy and Communication with the Peripheries of their Realms (Central Europe and Scandinavia, 900-1350)” / link
- 3-6 April, University of Amsterdam / paper “DAISY 2.0: A field database solution for an archaeological institution” by UW researchers / Maciej Krawczyk (WH UW) and Adrian Chlebowski and Robert Mahler (CAŚ UW) / link
- Piotr M. Majewski / udział w dyskusji o książce „Niech sobie nie myślą, że jesteśmy kolaborantami. Protektorat Czech i Moraw 1939-1945” / Ośrodek Brama Grodzka – Teatr NN w Lublinie / 7 March 2023 r. / link
- Piotr M. Majewski, „Historię trzeba umieć opowiadać” / „Newsweek Historia”, 2/2023, pp. 64-69
March 8, 2023
- The Office for Scientific Excellence of the Polish Academy of Sciences invites you to an information meeting intended for scientists of all disciplines who plan to apply for an ERC Advanced Grant in the upcoming competition. The meeting will be chaired by Prof. Andrzej Jajszczyk, Vice President of the European Research Council (ERC) 2017-2022, and ERC Advanced Grant winner Prof. Andrzej Indrzejczak will talk about his experience in obtaining the grant. Registration for the meeting until 9 March at 15.00, the meeting will take place online, 14 March at 10.00 am / link
- We would like to inform you that the project of Prof. Artur Markowski ‘The Legal Status of Jews on Polish territories under the Partitions and in the Second Polish Republic. Editing the sources’ can be followed on his official Instagram profile
- Dr. Elzbieta Kwiecinska received an honorable mention in the competition for the best premiere book proposal from the British Association for Slavonic & East European Studies Study Group for Minority History (BASEES SGMH) / link
- Michał Rastaszański, Czerwone mundury. Armia Brytyjska w czasach wojny o niepodległość USA, Promohistoria, Warszawa 2023 (ebook)
- As co-organisers of the 16th Scientific Symposium “The Ancient Near East and its Heritage. Przemysław Dec in memoriam’, we invite you to submit papers and submissions for the conference. We are accepting them until 15 April 2023. The symposium will take place in Krakow on 21-22 September 2023 / link
- 8 March, 10.30 a.m., IEiAK UW, 4 Żurawia St., room 108 / seminar named after Marian Małowist in the Global History & Anthropology Seminar series. The lecture entitled “Russia and Poland: A Study in Historical Divergence” will be given by Georgi Derluguian (NYU Abu Dhabi) / link
- 9 March, 16.00, online / seminar ‘Cities of Central and Eastern Europe in the 14th-17th centuries’ / the paper ‘Street Names in Cities and Towns of Central and Eastern Europe in the Pre-Industrial Period in Comparative Perspective’ will be delivered by Orysia Vira (Doctoral School of Humanities, University of Warsaw) / link
- 16 March, 4.30 p.m., room 125 at the Faculty of History UW / lecture by Prof. Keely Stauter-Halsted ‘Borders and Bordering in the Polish Second Republic: Refugees and the Shaping of Modern Citizenship” combined with a discussion led by Prof. Dariusz Stola (ISP PAN) / link
- 16 March, 17.00 / online (the link will be made available after sending an application for participation to one of the addresses:, or / medieval-news seminars by Agnieszka Bartoszewicz, Dariusz Kołodziejczyk, Grzegorz Myśliwski / lecture ‘Emiddio Portelli d’Ascoli at the court of Mehmed III Girey. Religious discussions between Catholic missionaries and Muslim rulers in the 17th century” will be given by Dr Natalia Królikowska-Jedlińska / link
- 18 March, 9am, Oxford – 54th SPBS Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies / Paweł Nowakowski, lecture “At the mines they built places of worship.” Material Evidence for Religious Activities at Quarries and Mines in late antique Asia Minor” / link
- 20 March, at 11.30 a.m., room 125 at the Faculty of History of the University of Warsaw / lecture by Prof. Tomasz Szarota from the Institute of History of the Polish Academy of Sciences entitled “O urokach profesji i satysfakcji z wykonywaniu zawodu historyka” / link
- 21 March, 3.00 p.m., Faculty of Applied Linguistics, UW, Dobra 55 Street, room 0.410 / meeting entitled ” Aleś Bialacki – białoruski wojownik o wolność i laureat pokojowej Nagrody Nobla” / link
- 23 March, at 6.00 pm / Paweł Nowakowski, lecture “Talking Cities: The Ancient Roots of Modern Street Art”, Polish Academy of Sciences, Scientific Station in Vienna / link
- 17 and 19 April / 1.15 p.m. and 3.00 p.m., room no. 17 at the Faculty of History / guest lectures by Dr. Amir Ashur of Haifa University, specialist in medieval Jewish manuscripts / 1. “The Cairo Geniza and it’s discovery” / 2. “Family and marriage in the Geniza” / 3. “Maimonides in the Cairo Geniza” / 4. “The Geniza as a source for Islamic and Arabic language and culture” / link
- Alicja Kulecka paper ”Państwo i społeczeństwo w myśli politycznej rządów powstania styczniowego” / webinar organised by the Centre for Education Development / 28 February 2023
- Jolanta Sikorska – Kulesza paper “Fotografia – nowoczesne medium w powstaniu styczniowym” / webinar organised by the Centre for Educational Development / 28 February 2023.
March 1, 2023
- Lecturers from the member universities of the 4EU+ Alliance invite you to listen to lectures on the topic of Open Science. During the meetings you will be able to learn a lot about open access to scientific publications, preprints and the open review process, research data management. The lectures are scheduled between 22 February and 3 July 2023 / link
- NAWA invites researchers from foreign universities and research centres with a PhD to apply to the S. Ulam Programme. The aim of the programme is to increase the degree of internationalisation of Polish universities through the arrival in Poland for a period of 6 to 24 months of outstanding scientists from abroad, including Polish scientists working permanently abroad. The call for applications will last until 22 May 2023 / link
- We would like to inform you that the website of the ERC grant of Dr Paweł Nowakowski has been launched. It is available in Polish and English
- We would like to remind you that as of 1 March 2023, it is possible to submit a declaration of resignation from making contributions to the Employee Capital Plan (ECP) again. From 1 April 2023, the employer will automatically make PPK contributions for employees / link
- In the IDUB competition, which supports UW doctoral students in scientific activities that give the University a chance to increase its international visibility, funding was won by our doctoral student, Klaudia Rogowska / link (results tab)
- Kulecka Alicja, Wokół symboliki państwowej Królestwa Polskiego. Ikonografia i pismo ozdobne w dokumentach urzędowych okresu konstytucyjnego oraz innych źródłach (1815-1830), “Almanach Historyczny” t. 24, 2022, pp.69-102 / link
- 16 March, 4.30 p.m., room 125 at the UW History Faculty / lecture by Prof. Keely Stauter-Halsted ‘Borders and Bordering in the Polish Second Republic: Refugees and the Shaping of Modern Citizenship”, combined with a discussion, moderated by Prof. Dariusz Stola (ISP PAN) / link
- The organisers invite you to submit papers for the conference “Oblicza Wschodu. Eastern Churches in Central and Eastern Europe in the Modern Era – History and Research Perspectives, to be held in Toruń (UMK) on 1-2 September 2023 / link
February 22, 2023
- We encourage you to take advantage of internal development training. Under the lika full offer / link
- The Council for Scientific Excellence invites you to participate in an online training on scientific promotion proceedings. The training will be held on March 13, 2023, from 11:00 am to 4:00 pm stationary in the Auditorium of the Old Library (need to send an application by email: and online (broadcast without the possibility of active participation) / link
- Dr. Olga Morozova has been awarded a research internship in connection with the Ivan Vyhovsky Prize for scientific and social activities towards the Europeanization of Ukraine. The researcher from Ukraine, employed at our Department, has just completed two research stays: at the University of Gdansk (October-November 2022) and at the Pedagogical University of Krakow (December 2022 – January 2023) / link
- Olga Morozowa:
- Роль прессы в популяризации проблемы украиноязычного образовния (конец ХІХ – начало ХХ столетия) / “Echa przeszłości” 2022 XXIII / 1, pp. 87-97 / link
- (we współautorstwie z M. Mikolajczykiem) „Bitwa Warszawska 1920 r. W opiniach i komentarzach zachodnich uczestników i obserwatorów” / „Pamięć i sprawiedliwość” 2022, no 39, pp. 490-523 / link
- Україномовна освіта – важливий чинник становлення української державності: історіографія проблеми / „Echa przeszłości” 2022 XXIІІ/2. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Warmińsko-Mazurskiego, Olsztyn 2022, pp. 197-209 / link
- „Za wolność Waszą i Naszą! Ukraińcy w powstaniu styczniowym” / „Powstaniec Piotrkowski 1863”, Commemorative newspaper 1863-2023 on the occasion of the 160th anniversary of the January Uprising
- February 22, 5:30 pm, room 17 / lecture by Dr. Elżbieta Kwiecinska “Sources of Resistance. Nineteenth-century Ukrainian national culture and its place in the resistance against Russian aggression after February 24, 2022”. at the invitation of the History of the Nineteenth Century Section of the Student Academic Circle of Historians / link
- February 27, 18.00, online (GoogleMeet) / scientific meeting of the Department of 19th Century History / lecture “The decree of April 12/24, 1886. On some measures adopted to ensure the proper fulfillment of military duty by Jews and its consequences” will be delivered by Prof. Jacek Legieć / link
- We invite you to send applications and participate in the academic conference on historical politics in Central and Eastern Europe “Politics of memory and the identity of the nations in Central and Eastern Europe after 1989” / CfA until March 31, 2023 / the conference will be held on May 23-24, 2023 at the PAN branch in Vienna / link
- Monika Polit, „”Wspomnienia ze świata, którego już nie ma” Izraela Jehoszuy Singera” / TOK FM, February 14, 2023 / link
- Olga Morozova / paper on “Research on Ukrainian history conducted in Poland before and after the beginning of the Russian-Ukrainian war. A comparative analysis” at the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences / January 23, 2023
February 15, 2023
- The National Agency for Academic Exchange has announced the results of the call for applications for the Bekker NAWA program. Among the beneficiaries of the program were Prof. Marek Węcowski and MA Jakub Gruchalski (PhD student) / link
- Alicja Kulecka, „Powstanie styczniowe (1863-1864). Czas walki, marzeń o wolności i niespełnionych nadziei” / Muzeum Historii Polski 2023 / link
- February 20, 6:30 pm, room A / lecture by Prof. Andriy Portnov of Viadrina University „Historia Ukrainy i Polski. Między asymetrią, a splątaniem” / link
- February 21, 15.00, room 210 at the Faculty of Archaeology of the UW / presentation of the book ” Archeologia Ukrainy w latach niepodległości” / link
- February 22, 5.30 pm, room 17 / lecture by Dr. Elżbieta Kwiecińska “Źródła sprzeciwu. XIX-wieczna kultura narodowa ukraińska i jej miejsce w ruchu oporu przeciwko agresji rosyjskiej po 24 lutym 2022 r.”. / link
- February 27, 18.00, online (GoogleMeet) / scientific meeting of the Department of 19th Century History / lecture ” Ukaz z 12/24 kwietnia 1886 r. O niektórych środkach przyjętych dla zapewnienia prawidłowego wypełnienia powinności wojskowej przez Żydów i jego konsekwencje” will be delivered by Prof. Jacek Legieć / link
- We invite you to send applications and participate in the national scientific conference ” Kobiety – kultura – prawo – życie publiczne” / CfP until April 30, 2023 online / the conference will be held on September 20-22, 2023 / link
- Michał Kopczyński, Alicja Kulecka, „Powstanie styczniowe. Historyk: każdy koniec jest początkiem”, Polskie Radio pr. II, January 22, 2023 / link
- Alicja Kulecka, „Powstanie styczniowe wybuchło 160 lat temu. Pozostawiło bogatą spuściznę” / „Wprost”, January 22, 2023 / link
- The debate ” Polska mocarstwowa czy bal w operze? Gdzie leży prawda na temat Polski lat trzydziestych?” with the participation of Prof. Tadeusz P. Rutkowski and Prof. Pawel Skibinski / Royal Castle, February 6, 2023 / link
- Magdalena Kozłowska, „Kobiety żydowskie w XIX wieku: dlaczego pozostają w cieniu?” / meeting at the Jewish Historical Institute, February 9, 2023 / link
- Magdalena Kozłowska, „Book launch: “Adżami. Opowieści z Jafy” – meeting with the author”, Yiddish Culture Center and Filters Publishing House / February 8, 2023 / link
February 8, 2023
- We are appealing with the entire UW community to donate in-kind and financial assistance to the victims of the earthquake in Turkey and Syria / link (and UW Turkology)
- We invite applications for the promotion and popularization of research within the framework of the next IDUB competition “Promotion of scientific research” (4th edition). The competition is open to employees and doctoral students of the UW who conducted scientific work and obtained the results of this research in 2019-2022. They can apply for funding to promote and popularize the results of their research to audiences outside the scientific community. Submission of applications until March 17, 2023 / link
- We encourage you to take advantage of the training courses on the e-learning platform Campus. The program of trainings offered includes “Online classes on the Kampus platform”, “Tools and organization of group work on the Kampus platform”, “Creating interactive teaching materials”, “Assessment and gradebook” or “Exams and written credits on the Kampus platform” / link
- Agnieszka Bartoszewicz, „Inclusion and exclusion. Intercultural relationships in Old Warsaw in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries in light of the municipal registers”, in: „Networking in Late Medieval Central Europe. Friends, Families, Foes”, ed. Beata Możejko, Anna Orłowska, Leslie Carr-Riegel, London-New York: Routledge. Taylor&Francis Group 2023, pp. 64-76
- Laura Pozzi, „Going to the People: Visitors’ Responses to the Shanghai History Museum’s Representation of Colonial History”. „The Public Historian” (2023), Vol. 45, no.1: 51–72 / link
- We invite you to submit applications and participate in the National Conference on Urban History, organized by our Department. The inaugural edition of the conference will be held under the theme: “The city and urbanity in the Polish lands in the long 19th century. Society, space, politics” / CfP until March 31, 2023 / the conference will be held on May 24-26, 2023 / link
February 1, 2023
- We are appealing for financial assistance for two members of our faculty community who are struggling with serious health problems. Help is needed by Dariusz Kołodziejczyk and Konrad Kwaczyński / link
- Professor Jaroslaw Czubaty has been elected to the editorial board of “Kwartalnik Historyczny”
- The authors of the project completed after more than 70 years at the Institute of History of the Polish Academy of Sciences, “Historical Atlas of Poland. Detailed Maps of the Sixteenth Century” are asking for participation in a survey to improve the functionality of Atlas Fontium and learn about the needs of its users. Atlas Fontium is a geoinformatics system for analyzing and presenting historical data. The survey will be open until February 28, 2023 / link PL / link EN
- We would like to inform you about the possibility of performing an eye examination of children (7-14 years old) as part of the measurements for the master’s thesis, which is being prepared at the UW Department of Physics. Optometric measurement additionally includes examination of eye movements. The research has been approved by the Rector’s Committee on Ethics in Research with Human Participation / link
- As of January 25, 2023, the University of Warsaw has introduced electronic requesting of vacation leave, vacation leave “on demand” (i.e., 4 days per year from the vacation leave pool), special leave and leave – care of a child under 14 (in days or hours). Vacations should be submitted at: (after logging into the university network) / link
- Please be advised that as of April 1, 2023, the employer will automatically make contributions to the Employee Capital Plan (ECP) for employees. If an employee has previously submitted a declaration to the employer to opt out of PPK contributions, it will expire on February 28, 2023 (even if submitted in February 2023). The declaration of resignation from making contributions to the PPK again can be made on March 1, 2023 at the earliest / link
- Payment of the additional annual salary (“thirteen”) for 2022 for academic teachers and project payees will be made on February 10, 2023. Non-academic staff will receive their additional annual salary on February 28, 2023
- Marta Knajp, „Mąż córki, wspólnik teściów czy zagrożenie dla rodziny? O roli zięcia w lwowskiej rodzinie mieszczańskiej na podstawie testamentów z lat 1541-1560, „Przegląd Historyczny” 3/22, 2022
- Paweł Nowakowski, Fighting the demons and invoking the saints: prolegomenon to a study of Christian ritual texts in late antique Cyprus, in: P. Panayides, I. Jacobs (eds.), Cyprus in the Long Late Antiquity: History and Archaeology Between the Sixth and Eighth Centuries (Oxford – Philadelphia: Oxbow Books, 2022), pp. 189–210 / link
- February 6 and 13 / training for administrative staff organized by the Office for Persons with Disabilities. The program includes, among other things, legal aspects in the context of the functioning of people with disabilities, knowledge and skills to help effectively support people with mental illness, and increasing knowledge of forms of support from the UW Psychological Assistance Center / link
- February 7, 5 p.m., room 125 at the Faculty of History or online/ seminar by Marian Malowist of the Global History & Anthropology Seminar series / lecture by Prof. Stephen Smith “The politics of rumour in the Soviet Union (1917-1941) and the People’s Republic of China (1949-1976)” / link
- Organizers of the conference “Za kulisami bezpieki. Jednostki pomocnicze UB-SB na tle codziennego funkcjonowania aparatu represji PRL (1944–1990)”, invite submissions of papers / CfP until March 5, 2023 / the conference will be held in Krakow on May 18-19, 2023 / link
- Jolanta Choińska-Mika / „Konfederacja warszawska, czyli akt tolerancji sprzed 450 lat” / „Wprost” Historia / 28 January 2023 / link
January 25, 2023
- In connection with the 31st Finale of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity in Poland, our Faculty has set up a virtual piggy bank. We encourage you to make a donation. The collected income will fully support the 31st finale of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity. At the same time, we would like to inform you about the possibility of taking part in the university auctions, the proceeds from which will also be allocated to Orchestra / link
- The Department of Physical Education and Sports invites UW employees, retirees and pensioners to participate in sports classes in the summer semester 2022/2023. Registration for classes will last from January 31 to February 5 / link
- Please be advised that access to the old website ( will be maintained for only 3 more months. The site will be shut down at the end of April 2023.
- Mariusz Kałczewiak, “Jewish, Masculine, and Professional: Intersections of Profession and Masculinity in Yoshue Perle’s Novellas “Gelt” and ‘Nayn a zeyger inderfri’” European Journal of Jewish Studies, 17 (2023), 1-23 / link
- Paweł Nowakowski, Hale Güney, „A Funerary Epigram with a Quotation from Odyssey I 4, found at the Junction of the Asian–Galatian Border”, Philia. International Journal of Ancient Mediterranean Studies 8 (2022), 88–97 / link
- January 31, 9:30 a.m., UW Faculty of History, room A and online / conference “Nowa perspektywa – ukraińska edukacja historyczna” / link
- February 8-10 / Documentation Center Escape, Expulsion, Reconciliation in Berlin and online / registration required / conference “The Politics of Memory as a Weapon: Perspectives on Russia’s War against Ukraine” / link
- The organizers of the conference “Urban Narratives: Rebuilding and Rebranding European Cities from the 20th Century until Present Day” invite submissions of papers / CfP until March 19, 2023 / the conference will be held on October 19-20, 2023 stationary in Marburg (Germany) and online / link
- The organizers of the conference “Świat antyczny a my. Współczesne badania nad cywilizacjami starożytnymi” invite submissions of papers / CfP until April 30, 2023 / the conference will be held on September 13-15, 2023 in Zielona Góra / link
- O Pracowni Historii Cyfrowej / , January 21, 2023 / link
- Dr. Agnieszka Janiak-Jasińska on January 20, 2023, at the invitation of Prof. Joanna Wojcik, PhD, Vice-Rector for Student Affairs and Education at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, gave a lecture for academic teachers ” Dlaczego koncepcja kształcenia stała się ważna? Kilka słów o projektowaniu i realizacji programów studiów”
January 18, 2023
- We would like to inform you that a Digital History Laboratory is being established at our Faculty. The leadership of the laboratory has been entrusted to Dr. Aleksandra Kuligowska / link
- The Lemmermann Foundation invites master’s students and doctoral students conducting research in Italy on Roman culture to apply for a scholarship. The deadline for submitting applications is March 31, 2023 / link
- Center of Japanese Studies invites submissions of articles and reviews on the history of international relations and geopolitics in East Asia. Materials are accepted until May 31, 2023 / link
- On January 9, 2023, the work of Dr. Francis Harvey’s project was started by Mr. Adrian Warsinski
- Piotr M. Majewski, „Kdy vypukne válka? 1938. Studie o krizi”, Academia 2022
- Tomasz Opaliński, Stan chłopski w Księstwie Warszawskim w świetle akt sądowych (DiG, 2021), reviewed by Łukasz Kożuchowski, “Agricultural History Review” 2022, vol. 70, part II, p. 329 / link
- January 19-21, conference “Global Easts: Entangled Histories and Memories” / link
- January 20, 17:00, online / Gender History Seminar / paper ” Mówione herstorie sztuki artystek z Wrocławia lat 70″ will be given by Dr. Zofia Reznik. Commentary: Dr. Agata Jakubowska / link
- January 23, 2023 / stationary and online / workshop “Body as a Source of Pleasure and Pain around 1900: Female Polish-Jewish Perspective” organized within the framework of the implementation of the project of Zuzanna Kolodziejska-Smagała: “Discourses of the Body and Sexuality in Polish-Jewish Women’s Literature from 1890-1918” / link
- January 31, 9:30 a.m., Faculty of History, room A and online / conference “A new perspective – Ukrainian historical education” / link
January 11, 2023
- Hubert Korzeniowski was awarded the NBP Money Centre Prize for the best master’s thesis in economic and social history, defended in 2021. The thesis, entitled „Kwestia aprowizacji wojska w Księstwie Warszawskim ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem przygotowań do wojny 1812 r.” was supervised by Professor Jarosław Czubaty
- Marta Knajp, “Służą, czuwają, krytykują, czyli o dworkach Świętej Elżbiety Turyńskiej”, “Perspektywy Kultury”, 2022, nr, 4 (39)
- Graham Claytor, „Pylon 2”, 2022
- Kalina Słaboszowska, „Płacz i łzy w księgach X—XII Roczników Jana Długosza”, “Średniowiecze Polskie I Powszechne”, 14 (2022), 160-184 / link
- 12 January, 16.45, Room 209 at the Faculty of Law and Administration or online / Eve Wipszycka’s Late Antique Seminar / the paper ‘Problem Solving in Early Islamic Egypt: The Coptic Protection Letters’ will be given by Eline Scheerlinck / link
- 17 January, 18.00, Pałac na Wyspie, Łazienki Królewskie / premiere of the book „Korespondencja Stanisława Augusta z Katarzyną II i jej współpracownikami (1764-1796)” by Prof. Zofia Zielińska / link
- 19 January, 17.00, online / medieval-news seminar, Dr Tomasz Pełech, „Dlaczego państwa krzyżowców wydały tak niewielu świętych? (Polemika z Bernardem Hamiltonem)”. A link will be provided when you send your request to attend to: or / link
- 24 January, 17.00, room 125 at the UW History Faculty or online / seminar by Marian Małowist in the Global History & Anthropology Seminar series / lecture “Medina and the Red Sea from the Perspective of the Local Ottoman Governor in the 18th Century” by Henning Sievert (University of Heidelberg) / link
- We invite you to send in your applications and to participate in the 6th National Academic Conference of Historians of the 19th Century / CfP until 15 March 2023 / the conference will take place on 16-17 June 2023 / link
- The Polish Historical Association and the Faculty of Historical Sciences at the Nicolaus Copernicus University invite you to send applications for participation in the 1st Forum on History Education / CfP by 30 April 2023 / the Forum will be held on 8-9 September 2023 in Toruń / link
January 4, 2023
- The UW Open University encourages course submissions for the third trimester of the 2022/2023 academic year (submission via form). The deadline for receipt of applications is 1 February 2023 at 17.00 / link
- The competition of the National Programme for the Development of the Humanities has been resolved. In the module ‘National Heritage’, among the winning applications was Dr Katarzyna Wagner’s project ‘Łupy wojenne. Szwedzkie grabieże Rzeczypospolitej w XVII i XVIII w.’. The application received funding in the amount of PLN 1,088,307 / link
- The results of the competition for the Best Historical Debut of the Year organised by the IPN have been announced. A distinction in the competition was awarded to Michał Puchalski, for his master’s thesis, written under the supervision of Professor Tadeusz Rutkowski, ” Sprawa Jana Kaima (1947-1949)” / link This thesis was also recognised in a competition organised by the Institute for the Heritage of National Thought (3rd place). In the latter competition, a distinction for the thesis ” Prawo patronatu w Kodeksie Prawa Kanonicznego z 1917 r. i jego wykonanie przez Uniwersytet Jagielloński w okresie międzywojennym” (written outside the UW) was also awarded to a PhD student of the Doctoral School of Humanities, affiliated to the WH, Tomasz Kisiel / link
- Krzysztof Bielawski, „Miniatury macew w zbiorach polskich muzeów i osób prywatnych”, „Kwartalnik Historii Żydów. Jewish History Quarterly” 2022, no. 4 (287).
- Krzysztof Bielawski, Tarajko M., „Cmentarz żydowski w Serocku – specyfika kulturowa, historia i stan zachowania”, [in:] „Serock i okolice. Z dziejów dawnych i najnowszych”, ed. M. Pakuła, Serock 2022
- Urszula Kosińska, (review) Collmer, Peter: “Verwaltete Vielfalt. Die königlichen Tafelgüter in Polen-Litauen, 1697–1763” / H-Soz-Kult, Stuttgart 14 December 2022 / link
- Igor Niewiadomski, „Pomnik Wyzwolenia Kołobrzegu. Historia Pomnika Zaślubin Polski z Morzem na podstawie zasobu Archiwum Państwowego w Koszalinie”, [in:] “Rocznik Kołobrzeski 2022”, ed. R. Dziemba, M. Miedziński, A. Wasiewski, E. Stępień, no. 3, Kołobrzeg 2022, p. 111-120 / link
- Ed. Maciej Ptaszyński i Kazimierz Bem “Searching for Compromise? Interreligious Dialogue, Agreements, and Toleration in 16th–18th Century Eastern Europe”, (Series: Studies in Medieval and Reformation Traditions, tom 235), Brill, Leiden 2022 / link
- Grażyna Szelągowska (co-edition), exhibition catalogue of the National Museum „Przesilenie. Malarstwo Północy 1880–1910” / link
- 16 January, 18.00, online / scientific meeting of the Department of Nineteenth-Century History / paper by Prof Martyna Deszczyńska Wzorzec publikacji naukowej w polskiej kulturze intelektualnej pierwszej połowy XIX wieku”
- 9-10 February, registration up to 12 January / Muzeum Początku Państwa Polskiego in Gniezno / popular science conference „Wielka Lechia – wielka ściema” / link
- Andrzej Chojnowski, „Polityka. Pomocnik historyczny”, December 18, 2022 (paid access)
- Tadeusz Rutkowski, „Rola polskich kryptologów była minimalizowana i nienagłaśniana”,, 31 December2022 / link