2022 – mailing of the Faculty of History
December 21, 2022
- Work over the Christmas/New Year period 2022/2023 in the Faculty of History:
- 21 December 2022 – dean’s hours apply from 13.30 due to the organisation of the Christmas meeting
- 22 December 2022 – teaching and work activities take place as scheduled
- 23-26 December 2022 – teaching and working days off
- 27-30 December 2022 – teaching activities do not take place, administrative staff and the WH library work
- 31 December 2022 – 1 January 2023 – no classes and free days of work
- 2-5 January 2023 – no classes, administrative staff and the WH library work
- 6-8 January 2023 – days off from teaching and work
- Administration and library opening hours from 27 December 2022- 5 January 2023:
- administration: 8.00-16.00,
- library: 8.00-16.00 (reading room 9.00-15.30)
- the building will be open until 4.30 pm.
- Schedule of training and courses for employees in January 2023 / link
- The call for candidates for the Polish Institute of Advanced Studies’ scholarships for 5-month scientific internships is open until 20 January 2023. The competition is addressed to young and experienced scientists from abroad who wish to develop their research interests in Poland. The scholarships are aimed mainly at scientists working in the humanities and social sciences / link
- Doctoral students and researchers who have defended their doctorate no earlier than 5 years before the date of application are encouraged to participate in the CLARIN-PL competition for the best research paper in the humanities and social sciences. Applications can be submitted until 8 January 2023 / link
- Anna Dryblak, „Piastowskie fundacje klasztorów żeńskich w Polsce XIII w. Między recepcją obcych wzorców a tworzeniem oryginalnego modelu”, Wydawnictwa UW 2022 / link
- Alicja Kulecka, Kultura dokumentu w Polsce Ludowej 1944-1989, “Wschodni Rocznik Humanistyczny” vol. 19, 2022, no 3, Systemy dokumentowania, edit. A.Górak, s.159-186, doi: 10.36121/akulecka.19.2022.3.159 / link
- Alicja Kulecka, Eliza Krasińska wobec manifestacji patriotycznych i powstania styczniowego, “Miscellanea Historico – Archivistica” vol.29, 2022, pp. 65-83
- Jie-Hyun Lim, „Global Easts: Remembering-Imagining-Mobilizing”, New York: Columbia University Press, 2022 / link
- Jie-Hyun Lim, rozdziały książek:
- “Die Causa Mbembe im mnemonischen Kontext des globalen Ostens: Gegen den Erinnerungsprovinzialismus der Mbembe-Debatte,“ [in:] Matthias Böckmann, Matthias Gockel, Reinhart Kößler, Henning Melber eds., Jenseits von Mbembe: Erinnerung, Politik, Solidarität (Berlin: Metropol Verlag, 2022)
- „Transnational Memory Activism and Performative Nationalism,“ [in:] Yifat Gutman and Jenny Wuestenberg eds., Routledge Handbook of Memory Activism (London: Routledge, 2022)
- „Imagining West and Self in Global Easts: On Poland and Korea,“ Edward Wang et. Al. Ed., Western Historiography in Asia (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2022).
- “Critical Juxtaposition in the Postwar Japanese Mnemoscape: Saint Maksymilian Kolbe of Auschwitz and the Sublimation of the Deaths of A-Bomb in Nagasaki” [in:] Zuzanna Bogumil and Yuliya Yurchuk eds., Memory and Religion from a Postsecular Perspective (London: Routledge, 2022)
December 14, 2022
- We would like to remind you about the Christmas-New Year’s meeting with the faculty community scheduled for next week (21 December, 14.00, Columned Hall) and hope to see you there in large numbers.
- Welcome Point organises a trimester-long Polish language course for UW foreign staff / link
- The Scientific Council of the Polish Historical Mission invites applications for a scholarship for a residency in Würzburg in 2022 related to research in the historical sciences. Applications are accepted until 12 January 2023 / link
- The National Centre for Science has announced the results of the PRELUDIUM 21 competition for research projects carried out by researchers without a doctoral degree. Among the winners was Radosław Miśkiewicz, M.Sc. / link
- The Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland has announced the laureates of the 2021 Award for Achievements in Scientific Activity. Among the laureates of the Prime Minister’s Award was Dr Izabela Mrzygłód, a researcher associated with the Faculty of History of the University of Warsaw / link
- Konrad Bobiatyński, „Struktura wydatków skarbu litewskiego w latach sześćdziesiątych XVII wieku w świetle rachunków skarbnego litewskiego Gabriela Karola Kimbara”, „Roczniki dziejów społecznych i gospodarczych”, 8 December 2022, T. 83 / link
- Zbigniew Hundert, „Relikt przeszłości czy istotny stały dochód? Wpływy i rozchody z koronnych prowentów ordynaryjnych w pierwszej dekadzie rządów Jana III (1674–1683)”, „Roczniki dziejów społecznych i gospodarczych”, 8 grudnia 2022, T. 83 / link
- Marcin Kula, „Historia w teraźniejszości, teraźniejszość w historii”, Gdańsk, Stowarzyszenie Kulturalno-Edukacyjne “Kolegium Gdańskie”, 2022
- Aleksandra Kuligowska (editor auxiliary), “Wprowadzenie do metodologii historii” – chapter “Teoria źródła historycznego we współczesnej refleksji metodologicznej” / link
- Grzegorz Myśliwski, „Bałtycka strefa gospodarcza w badaniach Henryka Samsonowicza”, „Zapiski Historyczne”, t. 87, 2022, nr 4, p. 39-67 / link
- Mirosław Nagielski, „Wojsko koronne suplementowe i komputowe w latach 1648–1652 w świetle rachunków skarbowo-wojskowych z Archiwum Głównego Akt Dawnych w Warszawie”, „Roczniki dziejów społecznych i gospodarczych”, 8 grudnia 2022, T. 83 / link
- 14 December, at 3.00 p.m., online / Zespół Edytorstwa Źródeł Historycznych invites you to a meeting at which Dr Jan Błachnio will deliver a paper ” O wojennych losach Polaków litewskich – z archiwum domowego: list Eugeniusza Mancewicza” / link
- 15 December, 12.30 p.m., Sala Kolumnowa / discussion on Prof. Tadeusz P. Rutkowski’s book entitled „Dokumenty odrodzonego Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego z lat 1915-1919” / link
- 15 December, 4.45 p.m., room 209 at the Faculty of Law and Administration or online / late-night seminar by Ewa Wipszycka / paper ‘Two Research Projects Completed. What We Know and What We Do Not Know Yet about ‘Marea’/Philoxenite” will be given by Tomasz Derda / link
- 16 December, 4 p.m., room no. 1 in the building of the Institute of History, University of Wrocław, Szajnochy 7/9 / lecture by Dr Paweł Nowakowski “Obyczaj epigraficzny w późnoantycznej Syrii, Fenicji i Palestynie – nowe perspektywy i metody badań”
- 2o December, 3:00 p.m., Columned Hall / public defence of the doctoral thesis of M.Sc. Rafał Waszczuk / link
- Piotr M. Majewski, ” Bohaterowie i kolaboranci. Jak Czesi radzą sobie z pamięcią historyczną?” discussion after the film “Rekonstrukcja inwazji “, as part of the Watch Docs festival / link
- Radosław Miśkiewicz, „Dlaczego klasycy? Pytanie o realizm polityczny w dziele Tukidydesa”, Histmag, 8 September 2022 / link
December 7, 2022
- On 1 December, Paulina Wacławik, M.A., M.A., began working at our Faculty, in the grant of Dr. Francis Harvey
- The authorities of the Society of History Lovers invite employees and doctoral students from our Faculty to become members of the TMH / link
- Members of the Scientific Council of the Institute of History of the Polish Academy of Sciences for the term 2023-2026 include members of our community. Retired staff members: prof. Urszula Augustyniak, prof. Andrzej Karpiński, prof. Maria Koczerska, prof. Wojciech Kriegseisen, prof. Michał Tymowski and current staff members: prof. Zbigniew Dalewski, prof. Tomasz Kizwalter, prof. ucz. Piotr Węcowski / link
- Prof. Błażej Brzostek received the KLIO 1st degree award in the Varsaviana category for the publication ” Wstecz. Historia Warszawy do początku ” / link
- Prof. Tomasz Kizwalter has received the Scientific Award of the Division I of Humanities and Social Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences in the field of cultural history for the book “Polska nowoczesność. Genealogia y” / link
- Two of our staff members received honourable mentions in the Oskar Halecki Książka Historyczna Roku competition. The jury’s honourable mention for the publication “Pańska, szlachecka, faszystowska. Polska w sowieckiej propagandzie, kulturze i historiografii 1917-1945” was awarded to Prof. Tadeusz Paweł Rutkowski, while Prof. ucz. Paweł Skibiński for the book “Odnowa tej ziemi. I Pielgrzymka Jana Pawła II do Polski, czerwiec 1979” (The 1st Pilgrimage of John Paul II to Poland, June 1979) received both the Jury’s Honourable Mention and the Readers’ Award in the category „Najlepsza książka naukowa poświęcona dziejom Polski i Polaków w XX wieku” / link
- Paweł Nowakowski, book review: „More than a corpus of inscriptions – S. Mitchell, and D. French. 2019. The Greek and Latin Inscriptions of Ankara (Ancyra) 2: Late Roman, Byzantine, and Other Texts. Vestigia 72. Munich: Verlag C. H. Beck. Pp. viii + 347, 6 figs. ISBN 978-3-406-73234-8”, Journal of Roman Archaeology 35/2 (2022) / link
- Marek Wecowski, “Athenian Ostracism and its Original Purpose”, Oxford University Press 2022 / link
- 8 December, 4.45 p.m., Room 209 at the Faculty of Law and Administration or online / late antique seminar by Ewa Wipszycka / paper ‘Punitive and Healing Miracles in the Merovingian Life of Maurilius’ to be delivered by Juliana Santos Dinoá Medeiros / link
- 12 December, 10.00 am, Society of History Lovers, Lelewel Hall of the IH PAN (Old Town Square 29/31) / historical session „Rola prezydentów na uchodźstwie w dziejach Polski” / link
- 12 December, Collegium Minus, Lubrański Hall, UAM or online / academic conference „Wyparte historie. Antysemityzm na Uniwersytecie Poznańskim w latach 1919-1939”. During the conference a monograph under the same title will also be presented / link
- 14 December, 5.30 p.m., Sala Kolumnowa / discussion „Zawód: historyk? Profesor Andrzej Friszke” with the participation of Andrzej Friszke, Jan Olaszek, Tomasz Siewierski, Dobrochna Kałwa (moderator) / link
- 15 December, 12.30 p.m., Sala Kolumnowa / discussion on Prof. Tadeusz P. Rutkowski’s book entitled „Dokumenty odrodzonego Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego z lat 1915-1919” / link
- 21 December, at 12.00 pm / lecture by Kalina Słaboszowska on emotions in Żywot bł. Kingi by Jan Długosz as part of a meeting of the Centre for Medieval Studies in Utrecht / link
- Aneta Pieniądz, „Umysł średniowieczny – jak myślano o szczęściu, wolności i śmierci”, Radio Naukowe, December 1, 2022 / link
- 5-6 December / Pawel Nowakowski / lecture “Domestic” inscriptions from the Limestone Massif (North Syria) as manifestations of religiosity in late antique townscapes / konferencja „Artemis in the Taberna Religious Entanglement and Appropriation in Urban Spaces”, Austrian Archaeological Institute, Vienna / link
November 30, 2022
- It is a pleasure to invite you today to an intercultural christmas and new year meeting among our faculty community. We have scheduled the meeting for 21 December, at 2 p.m. in the Columned Hall. Dean’s hours will be announced on that day from 13.30
- As of 1 December, work at the Faculty of History will begin: (in alphabetical order): Dr Olga Gaidai (Department of Nineteenth-Century History), and Natalia Khomenko (Department of Twentieth-Century History), and Dr Olga Morozova (Department of Archival Studies, Didactics and History of Historiography)
- UW Rector announced public holidays for non-academic staff in 2023 / link
- December training offer for UW employees / link
- Błażej Brzostek, Ph.D., for his book “Wstecz. Historia Warszawy do początku” received the KLIO 1st degree award in the Varsaviana category / link
- Dr Aleksandra Oniszczuk for her publication “Under the pressure of modernity. Władze Księstwa Warszawskiego wobec Żydów” received two distinctions: the third Józef A. Gierowski and Chony Shmeruk Award for the best scientific book publication in the field of Jewish history and culture in Poland (link) and – ex aequo with Mikołaj Getka-Kenig – the Prof. Jerzy Skowronek Award for 2022 (link)
- William Graham Claytor and Anna Monte, “Treating Swollen Glands and Skin Conditions: A Sheet of Medical Recipes from the Michigan Collection” BASP 59 (2022), 17-28
- William Graham Claytor, “The Memphis Poll Tax Receipts and Census Declarations,” BASP 59 (2022), 121-133
- Michał Rastaszański, Dyscyplina w armii Stanów Zjednoczonych na początku wojny 1812 roku, “Przegląd Historyczno-Wojskowy”, 2022, t. 2, no. 280, s. 9-43
- Piotr Szlanta, „Der »Polenfresser« gegen die »Reichsfeinde« Kaiser Wilhelm II. und die Polen 1888 – 1918”, Verlag Publishers Harrasowitz, 2022
- Marcin Zaremba, Praktyki protestu w Polsce Gierka. Przyczynek do genezy rewolucji Solidarności, w: Strajki, manifestacje i starcia uliczne w PRL i bloku wschodnim, edit. Jakub Kufel, Konrad Knoch, Europejskie Centrum Solidarności, Gdańsk 2022, pp. 287-327
- 1 December, 4.45 p.m., Room 209 at the Faculty of Law and Administration or online / late antique seminar by Ewa Wipszycka / paper ‘The Digest as Literature: A “Russian Formalist” Approach’ will be delivered by Jakob Stagl / link
- 2-3 December, Columned Hall at the Faculty of History / conference “Two Early Modern Global Networks in Asia. The Society of Jesus and the Dutch East India Company” / link
- 5 December, 6 p.m., Sala Kolumnowa at the Faculty of History / a meeting in memory of Prof. Jerzy Tomaszewski (1930-2014), an eminent historian, long-time employee of the then Historical Institute and founder of the Mordechai Anielewicz Centre / paper ” referat „Kobiety rządzą? Role mężczyzn w twórczości żydowskich pisarek” will be delivered by Dr Maria Antosik-Piela. The lecture will be accompanied by the exhibition “The Jewish cemetery on Góra Zamkowa in Będzin – a valuable monument of the multicultural past of the city” / link
- 6 December, 17.00, room 125 at the UW History Faculty or online / seminar Marian Małowist from the series Global History & Anthropology Seminar / lecture “Global Approaches to Visual Political Dissent in the Early Modern Period” by Prof. Jorge Flores (University of Lisbon) / link
- 7-8 December, Józef Piłsudski Museum in Sulejówek and online / conference „Historię swą piszcie same. Polityka, historiografia i muzealne narracje z perspektywy kobiet” / link
- 8 December, 5 p.m., online / medieval-new-age seminar / Dr Krzysztof Nowak from the Institute of Polish Language of the Polish Academy of Sciences will give a lecture „eFontes. Elektroniczny korpus polskiej łaciny średniowiecznej”. The link will be made available after sending an application for participation to: abartoszewicz@uw.edu.pl or g.mysliwski@uw.edu.pl / link
- 12 December, at 6.00 p.m., online / scientific meeting of the Department of 19th Century History / Hubert Korzeniowski, M.A., will present a draft of his doctoral dissertation „Straty wojenne z epoki wojen napoleońskich z lat 1806-1815 w świetle prac Komisji Likwidacyjnych Księstwa Warszawskiego i Królestwa Polskiego”
- 14 December, 5.30 p.m., Sala Kolumnowa / discussion „Zawód: historyk? Profesor Andrzej Friszke” with the participation of Andrzej Friszke, Jan Olaszek, Tomasz Siewierski will be moderated by Dobrochna Kałwa / link
- We invite you to send applications for participation in the 6th All-Poland Academic Conference of Historians of the 19th Century / CfP until 15 March 2023 / the conference will be held on 16-17 June 2023 / link
- We invite applications for participation in the conference „Straty Kościoła katolickiego w Polsce w latach wojny i okupacji (1939-1945)” / CfP until 31 March 2023 / the conference will be held on 24-25 October 2023 / link
- Zuzanna Kołodziejska-Smagała, “Kochany pamiętniku”, czyli dlaczego młode kobiety nie pisały o ciele i kobiecości ponad sto lat temu, mimo ze to był ważny temat emancypacyjny? / 27 November 2022, Radio TOK FM / link (paid access)
- Łukasz Niesiołowski–Spanò, „Ile jest fikcji w narracjach biblijnych?”/ 10 November 2022 / Amfiteatr. Miejski Ośrodek Kultury w Radomiu / link
- Igor Niewiadomski, “Kołobrzeskie nekropolie. O cmentarzach kołobrzeskich” / Biblioteka Publiczna im. Galla Anonima w Kołobrzegu, 3 November 2022 / link
- Marcin Zaremba, Izabela Mrzygłód „Getta ławkowe wymyślili Polacy. Tak wykluczali nacjonaliści” / podcast Polityka, 27 November 2022 / link
November 23, 2022
- The New Ideas 3A competition in Priority Research Area IV (IDUB) has been announced / link
- We would like to inform you that as part of the “Digital Humanities” activity implemented in the IDUB programme, the Digital Humanities service at the UW has been created. We encourage you to visit the service and to cooperate with us in reporting on your current scientific activities / link
- The University-wide qualification round for teaching mobility for academic staff (STA) and training mobility (STT) within the ‘Erasmus – learning mobility with partner countries’ programme is underway. The deadline for the submission of documents is 30 November 2022 at 14.00 / link
- The University of Geneva, within the framework of the 4EU+ programme, has launched a competition to promote cooperation between the B+I sector and institutions, based in Geneva, developing or implementing different types of policies, including peace, migration or environment. Closing date of the competition: 12.02.2023 / link
- Monika Polit, Nauczanie jidysz w getcie łódzkim w świetle dokumentów z Archiwum Państwowego w Łodzi i Nachman Zonabend Collection (YIVO). Rekonesans [in:] Jidyszland – polskie przestrzenie, ed. Monika Adamczyk-Garbowska, Joanna Degler, Magdalena Ruta, published by the Jewish Historical Institute, 2022
- Adam Ziolkowski, Pollen, brooches, solidi and Restgermanen, or today’s Poland in the Migration Period” Millennium, vol. 19, no. 1, 2022, pp. 173-196 / link
- “Accounts from the Annexed Territories: Warthegau, Reichsgau Danzig-West Prussia, Regierungsbezirk Zichenau, Upper Silesia” (editors: Monika Polit, Magdalena Siek, Ewa Wiatr), published by the Jewish Historical Institute, 2022
- Published as part of Prof. Andrzej Chojnowski’s project: ” Jan Józef Lipski, Umysł niepodległy. Autobiografia odczytana”. Selected by Bartosz Kalicki, edited by Małgorzata Sopyło, Warsaw 2022, Ośrodek KARTA Publishing House
- 23 November, 12.30 p.m., room 125 at the UW History Faculty building / public defence of the doctoral thesis of Hanna Barbara Rajfura MA / link
- 24 November, 16.45, room 209 at the Faculty of Law and Administration or online / late antique seminar by Ewa Wipszycka / paper ” The Foundations of Village Leadership in Third and Fourth Century Egypt” by W. Graham Claytor / link
- 25 November, 18.00, German Historical Institute, Aleje Ujazdowskie 39 / Prof. John-Paul Himka, Univeristy of Alberta “Ukrainian Radical Nationalism: Past and Present” / link
- 28-30 November / 6th Scientific Naming Conference ” Zwinięte fabuły miast” / link
- 5 December, 6 p.m., Sala Kolumnowa / lecture: paper entitled “Kobiety rządzą? Role mężczyzn w twórczości żydowskich pisarek” will be delivered by Dr Maria Antosik-Piela / link
November 16, 2022
- The results of the competition for funding of scientific activities of WH staff and doctoral students have been published / link
- We would like to inform you that the timetable for the summer semester 2022/2023 has been made available in the USOSweb system. The timetable may be subject to minor changes / link
- We encourage you to apply for a French government scholarship (SSHN). The scholarships are aimed at Polish and foreign researchers, working at Polish scientific institutions, who would like to conduct research in France. PhD students may also apply for the scholarship. The research stay can last from 1 to 3 months (must take place between 1 February and 31 December 2023). The call is open until 22 November / link
- Łukasz Niesiołowski-Spanò, “The Sea Peoples and the Conquest of Canaan: Aspects of Early Iron Age Mediterranean Migration”, [in:]: J. Godlewicz-Adamiec, P. Piszczatowski (Hg.), “Vagabunden – Flüchtlinge – Eroberer. Vormoderne Migrationsprozesse zwischen geschichtlichen Metanarrativen und Postkolonialismus”, (Interkulturelle Rhizome 1) Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz 2022
- 17 November, 17.00, online / medieval-news seminar, Dr Katarzyna Błachowska „Tożsamość Rusi Kijowskiej. Stanowiska historyków XIX–XX w.”. The link will be made available after sending an application for participation to: abartoszewicz@uw.edu.pl or g.mysliwski@uw.edu.pl / link
- 22-23 November, Department of History, Columned Hall, conference ” Getto ławkowe. Struktury wykluczenia na uczelniach międzywojennej Polski w kontekście środkowoeuropejskim”. Participation requires registration / link
- 17 November, 4.45 p.m., Room 209 at the Faculty of Law and Administration or online / late antique seminar by Ewa Wipszycka / paper “Commodianus in the Context of the Crisis of the Third Century” to be delivered by Mateusz Kusio / link
- Jan Błachnio
- „Rozejm w Compiègne – koniec I wojny światowej i początek największego dramatu XX w.” / TOK FM / 10 November 2022
- “Nie taka prosta historia” – odcinek poświęcony “C.K. Dezerterom” / TVP Historia. 12 November 2022
- Anna Czarniecka „Polityka”, „Pomocnik Historyczny”, 8 November 2022
- Michał Leśniewski
- Mirosław Nagielski, „Zygmunt Waza. Ostatnia latorośl krwi Jagiełłowej” „Polityka”, „Pomocnik Historyczny”, 8 November 2022 / link
November 9, 2022
- The Council of the Faculty of History of the UW on 26 October 2022 passed a resolution to express its position on the housing situation of our Faculty / link
- We would like to invite you to submit nominations from male and female students of both our faculties for the Michal Morawiec Award. Candidates should make social contributions to the student community, especially to those who are ill or have disabilities. Applications can be submitted until 15 November in person (secretary’s office of the dean) or by email dziekanat.wh@uw.edu.pl / link
- The Tadeusz Manteuffel Institute of History of the Polish Academy of Sciences, together with the Polish Historical Association and the Society of History Lovers in Warsaw, announces the tenth edition of the Prof. Jerzy Michalski competition for the best scientific review in the field of history published in a Polish scientific journal in the years 2021-2022. Applications are accepted until 30 November / link
- The call for applications for the ‘New Ideas 3A’ competition for young scientists has begun. The call will run until 11 January 2023. The budget for the proposed project can range from PLN 30,000 to PLN 100,000 / link
- The call for applications for the seventh edition of the ‘Science is for People’ competition, organised by the UW Centre for Cooperation and Dialogue, is now open. It is a competition for UW employees and doctoral students who conduct scientific research at the UW and want to disseminate the results. Applications are accepted until 15 November / link
- We would like to inform you about the possibility of subscribing to the University of Warsaw Cultural Newsletter. The Newsletter informs about concerts, lectures, performances prepared by UW artistic teams, interesting publications and audio/video materials produced by University units / link
- The Rector of the UW has awarded teaching prizes. Among the honoured persons was Dobrochna Kałwa, Ph.D., from our Faculty / link
- Dr Mariusz Kałczewiak received funding from “Forum Anwaltsgeschichte”, a German association dealing with the history of lawyers and the bar, to write an article on the Polish-Jewish lawyer Emil Sommerstein
- Jolanta Choińska-Mika, Agnieszka Janiak-Jasińska, article in the publication ” Kształcenie akademickie. Współczesne konteksty i wyzwania” edited by Beata Mikołajczyk, Danuta Konieczka-Śliwińska / UMCS Publishing House 2022 / link
- Jacek Kordel, Zur Genese der Mission Nikolaj Petrovič Rumjancevs in Frankfurt am Main. Ein Beitrag zur russischen Deutschlandpolitik in den 1780er Jahren, Zapiski Historyczne, LXXXVII, 2022, 3, p. 69-100 / link
- Jolanta Sikorska-Kulesza (academic editor) ‘Władysław Zahorski. Moje wspomnienia” Volume 1 (completed) and Volume 2, UW Publishers, 2022
- 10 November, 4.45 p.m., Room 209 at the Faculty of Law and Administration or online / Eve Wipszycka’s Late Antique Seminar / the paper ‘Gender, Monasticism, and Pilgrimage in the Late Antique East’ will be given by Grace Stafford / link
- 14 November, 1.00 pm, Columned Hall / public defence of the doctoral thesis Biologiczny standard życia w Królestwie Polskim przed uwłaszczeniem. Wysokość ciała poborowych, 1835-1866″ by Łukasz Sobechowicz MA (supervisor: prof. Michał Kopczyński) / link
- 15 November, Museum of Ancient Mazovian Metallurgy (Pl. Jana Pawła II 2, Pruszków) / VII Warszawskie Syssitie / link
- 17 November, 17.00, online / medieval-ancient seminar, prof. Katarzyna Błachowska „Tożsamość Rusi Kijowskiej. Stanowiska historyków XIX–XX w.”. The link will be made available after sending an application for participation to: abartoszewicz@uw.edu.pl lub g.mysliwski@uw.edu.pl / link
- 22-23 November, Faculty of History, Columned Hall, conference “Getto ławkowe. Struktury wykluczenia na uczelniach międzywojennej Polski w kontekście środkowoeuropejskim”. Participation requires registration / link
- 24 November, 18:00, online / III Warsaw University Dictation / link
- 25 November, 18:00, German Historical Institute al. Ujazdowskie 39 / lecture “Ukrainian Radical Nationalism: Past and Present” by Prof. John-Paul Himka (Univeristy of Alberta, emeritus). Lecture in English, simultaneously translated into Polish / link
- 28-30 November, Museum of Warsaw’s Praga, 50/52 Targowa St. / 6th Scientific Naming Conference “Rolled-up Plots of Cities” / participation requires registration / link
- 29-30 November / Institute of History, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn / 10th Scientific Session „Życie prywatne Polaków w XIX wieku Śmiech, humor, satyra” / link
- Konrad Bobiatyński, “Polityka”, “Pomocnik Historyczny”, 8 November 2022
- „Jan II Kazimierz 1609–72”
- „Wojny Zygmunta III i Władysława IV”
- „Wielcy wodzowie dynastii Wazów”
- „Dwa potopy: szwedzki i moskiewski”
- Michał Kopczyński “Szwecja. Od peryferium do lokalnego mocarstwa”, “Polityka”, “Pomocnik Historyczny”, 8 November 2022
- Jacek Kordel, “250Jahre Teilungen Polens, Ein Land als Spielball der Mächtigen”, Deutschlandfunk Kultur, 26 October 2022
- Piotr Kroll „Trudne relacje z Kozakami w XVII wieku”, “Polityka”, “Pomocnik Historyczny”, 8 November 2022
- Krzystof Kossarzecki, “Polityka”, “Pomocnik Historyczny”, 8 November 2022
- “Władysław IV1595–1648”
- “Potop. Szwedzkie rabunki w Rzeczpospolitej”
- Agata Niedzielska, Maciej Ptaszyński „Wazowie: jedna rodzina, dwie religie”, “Polityka”, “Pomocnik Historyczny”, 8 November 2022
- Konrad Bobiatyński, “Polityka”, “Pomocnik Historyczny”, 8 November 2022
October 26, 2022
- This is a reminder of the opportunity to submit proposals under the IDUB action “Establishing and strengthening cooperation with strategic partners”. Applications until 2 November 2022 at 16:00 / link
- Current training offer for university teachers / link
- The Centre for French Culture and Francophone Studies at the University of Warsaw invites applications for the realisation of scientific projects related to the issues of French-Polish relations. The implementation of the proposed project should not exceed 8 months. As part of and during the research, the selected persons will be employed on the basis of a contract of mandate (part-time researcher). In addition to relevant scientific interests, a Master’s degree, knowledge of the French language and participation in the organisation of OKF seminars and scientific events are required. Further questions: l.tatarenko@uw.edu.pl
- We would like to inform you that this coming Monday, 31 October, according to the UW Rector’s decree, is a day free from teaching and work. On that day, the Faculty of History building will be closed. At the same time – following a request from the WH Student Government Council – the Dean of the Faculty has decided to declare Dean’s Hours on 2 November 2022 between 8.00 and 13.00 / link
- Mariusz Kałczewiak, Judíos polacos transatlánticos. Migración entreguerras a Argentina y surgimiento de una cultura transnacional. (Buenos Aires: EDULP Editorial de la Universidad de La Plata, 2022). Spanish (Argentine) translation of monograph.
- Mariusz Kałczewiak, “Jewish Migration to Latin America” in The Routledge History of Modern Latin American Migration edited by Andreas E. Feldmann, Xochitl Bada, Jorge Durand, Stephanie Schütze (New York: Routledge, 2022): 144-156 / link
- Grace Stafford, Between the living and the dead: use, reuse, and imitation of painted portraits in Late Antiquity, Cambridge 2022.
- October 27, 4.45 pm, room 209 at the Faculty of Law and Administration or online / late antique seminar by Ewa Wipszycka / paper “Renaissance of historiography in the Theodosian era?” to be delivered by Aleksander Paradziński / link
- October 27, 5.00 pm, online, medieval-news seminar, Prof. Maciej Ptaszynski, “Iconoclasm by chance? On the Stralsund Riots of the Early Reformation’. The link will be made available after sending your request for participation to: abartoszewicz@uw.edu.pl or g.mysliwski@uw.edu.pl / link
- November 3, Royal Castle in Warsaw, scientific conference “230 lat historii Cmentarza Powązkowskiego” / link
- November 15, Muzeum Starożytnego Hutnictwa Mazowieckiego, pl. Jana Pawła II 2, Pruszków, VII Warszawskie Syssitie / link
- We invite you to submit applications for the conference “The multi-confessionalism of Central Europe under the reign of Stefan Bathory”. The conference will take place at the Faculty of History of the University of Warsaw on 26-28 June 2023. Proposals for papers with CVs are accepted until 22 December 2022 via the registration form / link
- The Institute of History at UPH in Siedlce and the State Archives in Siedlce announce a call for applications to participate in the IV Siedlce Archival Meetings (25-26 May 2023) / link
October 18, 2022
- The Polish Rectors Foundation with PWN Publishing House is implementing a project called “Digital Learning Solutions in Higher Education”, which includes an anonymous questionnaire “New technologies in the work of university teachers”. We are therefore appealing to you to complete the approximately 15-minute questionnaire by 7 November 2022 / link
- The Polish-American Fulbright Commission invites applications:
- in the “TopMinds” mentoring programme. The current edition is aimed at final-year master’s students and those already preparing their dissertation. Applications are accepted until November 7, 2022 at 4.00 pm / link
- in the Fulbright Slavic Award Programme – an offer of teaching fellowships, intended for people employed at Polish institutions of higher education, whose academic interests are related to culture (literature, media, art) or the history, politics, economics of Poland and Central and Eastern Europe. The scholarship allows the holder to teach at one of two: the University of Illinois in Chicago and The Ohio State University in Columbus. Applications are being accepted until December 12, 2022 at 4.00 pm / link
- The Office for International Cooperation announces a university-wide qualification round for academic staff travel for teaching (STA) or staff travel for training (STT) to donor countries (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway) – including in the competition to Norway.
- University of Oslo – Centre for Gender Research – 2 scholarships;
- University of South-Eastern Norway – Department of Business, History and Social Sciences – 2 scholarships.
Scholarship amount: EUR 250/day, Travel costs subsidy: EUR 275, Duration of mobility: 6 days (including 2 days for travel). Application deadline: 10 November 2022 at 14:00 / link
- Please be advised that the deadline for the submission of additional holiday funding for Christmas 2022 and New Year’s Day is 28 October 2022. PLEASE NOTE: If you have submitted your application online and have NOT RECEIVED an email about its acceptance, please contact Ms Aleksandra Gajewska (aleksandragajewska@uw.edu.pl, 22 55 20 415).
1. paper version (original application to be submitted to the WH Dean’s Office) application for a UW employee and a pensioner still employed at the UW, application for a UW pensioner.
2. application submitted electronically: https://ds.uw.edu.pl (access from the UW network is required, electronic acceptance of the application by Ms Aleksandra Gajewska) / application instructions
- We would like to inform you about the possibility of taking out annual accident insurance for employees, doctoral students and students. The protection lasts 24 hours a day for a year, also during winter holidays, summer holidays, student internships and recreational sports. ATTENTION: Applications for the purchase of insurance and premiums (cash or confirmation of transfer) are accepted by Ms Aleksandra Gajewska (Dean’s Office, room no. 18). Should you have any questions, please contact BSP – Insurance Section (tel. 22 55 20840, 22 55 20 851) / link (section “Annual accident insurance”)
- The Faculty of Law and Administration, as part of the newly established unit – the UW Centre for Regulatory Impact Assessment – announces a call for experts to participate in the Centre’s interdisciplinary work. Applications are accepted until 4 November 2022 at cosr@wpia.uw.edu.pl / link
- From 15 October, Dr Orestis Karatzoglou and Dr Laurens van der Wiel (Department of Ancient History) started their research work at our Faculty. As of 17 October, a computer scientist, Mr Maciej Krawczyk, started working under an ERC grant.
- The Jewish Historical Institute has announced the results of the 10th Mayer Balaban Competition for the best MA and PhD theses on Jews and Israel. Among the prize-winners were graduates of our course of study “Jewish history and culture”: Ms Katarzyna Kaczyńska (first prize) for her thesis entitled „Orać zagon lepszej doli”? Żydowskie rolnictwo w Polsce 1945-1950 (supervisor: August Grabski, PhD), and Zofia Agata Zięba (third prize), for her thesis entitled “Korespondencja Altera Kacyzny z Szymonem An-skim, A. Frydkinem, Lejbem i Chaną Kadison, Abrahamem Kahanem, Szmuelem Nigerem, Zalmanem Rejzenem i Baruchem W. Czarnym — tłumaczenie i edycja” (supervisor: Dr. Monika Polit) / link
- Tadeusz Paweł Rutkowski (introduction and study), “Dokumenty odrodzonego Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego z lat 1915-1919”, Warsaw, WUW 2022 / link
- Marcin Zaremba / English translation of the publication “Wielka Trwoga” / “Entangled in Fear. Everyday terror in Poland, 1944-1947”, translated by Maya Latynski, Indiana University Press, Bloomington 2022
- 19 October, at 6 p.m., Sala Kolumnowa / opening of the exhibition „Samuel Willenberg – bohater dwóch narodów” organised by the Good Grounds Foundation in cooperation with the UW Faculty of History / link
- 20 October, 4.45 p.m., Room 209 at the Faculty of Law and Administration or online / late antique seminar by Ewa Wipszycka / the paper “A Very Modern Mediaeval Project: Text Criticism and Jewish-Christian Interaction in a Coptic Psalter” will be given by Miriam L. Hjalm / link
- 24 October, 11.00 a.m., Sala Kolumnowa / inauguration of Dr Paweł Nowakowski’s ERC grant “Masters of the stone: The stonecutters’ workshops and the rise of the late antique epigraphical cultures” combined with a series of lectures / agenda / link
- 25 October, 11.00 a.m. online / public defence of the doctoral thesis „Eksploatacja i ochrona. Lasy ziem polskich pod niemieckim zarządem okupacyjnym w latach 1914-1919 ” by Łukasz Faszcza (supervisor: Piotr Szlanta, Prof.) / link
- 25 October, at 1 p.m. online / public defence of the doctoral thesis „Młodzież w walce o niepodległość i granice państwa polskiego w latach 1914 – 1921” by Piotr Kaliszewski (supervisor: Tadeusz Rutkowski, Prof.) / link
- Marcin Zaremba, „My, Komuniści” / „Polityka” no. 42 (3385), 12-18.10.2022 / link
October 12, 2022
- Maria Antosik-Piela, introduction and compilation: the series „Adele von Misses pt. Ciotka Adela opowiada…”, 12th volume, Warsaw 2022
- Jolanta Choińska-Mika, Piotr Szlanta, Andrzej Zawistowski, “Historia 4. Podręcznik. Zakres rozszerzony”, Warsaw, 2022
- Piotr M. Majewski, Czech translation of the book „Kiedy wybuchnie wojna? 1938. Studium kryzysu”, Academia Publishing House 2022 / link
- Piotr Szlanta, Andrzej Zawistowski, ” Historia 4. Podręcznik. Zakres podstawowy, Warsaw, 2022
- Piotr Szlanta, “Der “Polenfresser” gegen die “Reichsfeinde”. Kaiser Wilhelm II. und die Polen 1888-1918″, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz 2022
- Piotr Szlanta, Tannenberg 1914, Warsaw: Bellona 2022
- 17-18 listopada, Centrum Nowych Technologii UW / Szkoła Edukacji Polsko-Amerykańskiej Fundacji Wolności i Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego zaprasza na ogólnopolską konferencję naukową „Rola badań edukacyjnych w kształceniu przyszłych nauczycieli” / link
- 17 October, 6.00 pm, online / scientific meeting of the Department of Nineteenth-Century History / paper by Prof. Jarosław Czubaty, „Czy Dominik Radziwiłł (1786-1813) to postać na miarę odrębnej biografii?”
- 18 October, 5.00 pm, room 125 at the UW Faculty of History / seminar of the Marian Małowist Global History Research Team, / paper “Victimhood Nationalism: A Global History” will be given by Prof. Jie-Hyun Lim from Sogang University in Korea, visiting professor at UW / link
- 19 October, at 6 pm, Sala Kolumnowa / opening of the exhibition “Samuel Willenberg – Hero of Two Nations” organised by the Dobry Grunt Foundation in cooperation with the Faculty of History / link
- 24 October, 11.00 am, Columned Hall / inauguration event of the ERC grant “Masters of the stone” by Dr Paweł Nowakowski / link
- 27 October, online, medieval-news seminar, Prof. Maciej Ptaszynski, „Ikonoklazm z przypadku? O rozruchach w Stralsundzie początków reformacji” / link
- 17-18 November, Centre for New Technologies at the University of Warsaw / School of Education of the Polish-American Freedom Foundation and the University of Warsaw invites to a national scientific conference „Rola badań edukacyjnych w kształceniu przyszłych nauczycieli” / link
October 5, 2022
- As of 1 October, the following will start their research work in our Faculty: Dr Karolina Frank, Dr Mateusz Kusio (Department of Ancient History), Dr Nadiya Khalak (affiliated researcher, Department of 20th Century), Prof Jie-Hyun Lim (Department of 20th Century History, Global History), Dr Marina Sedova (Anielewicz Centre) and, as part of a 6-month Fulbright Foundation grant, Prof. Keely Stauter-Halsted
- Please let us know your on-call dates for the winter semester of the new academic year at sekcja.stud.wh@uw.edu.pl and/or wh@uw.edu.pl
- A BEING A PARENT AT UW survey has been launched at UW to identify the needs and difficulties of parents working and studying at UW. Those who are parents are encouraged to apply for the survey (application form to be completed by 12 October 2022 / link
- The Office of Social Affairs invites you to apply for funding for extra holiday over Christmas 2022 and New Year in:
- paper – the original application should be submitted to the WH Dean’s Office
- download an application for a UW employee and a pensioner still employed at the UW
- download an application form for a UW pensioner
- or electronically
- via https://ds.uw.edu.pl
- UW network access required
- electronic acceptance of the application by Ms Aleksandra Gajewska is required
- see also instructions for electronic submission of applications
- paper – the original application should be submitted to the WH Dean’s Office
- The UW Open University encourages course submissions for the second trimester of the 2022/2023 academic year. The deadline for receipt of applications is 2 November 2022 / link
- Welcome Point is organising a trimester Polish language course for foreign UW staff employed on a contract of employment or appointment / link
- In the Karol Modzelewski competition for the historical book of the year (edition 2022), the first prize was awarded to Prof. ucz. dr. hab. Piotr M. Majewski for the publication „Niech sobie nie myślą, że jesteśmy kolaborantami. Protektorat Czech i Moraw 1939-1945” / link
- Konrad Bobiatyński, “Lietuvos husarai didžiųjų 1648–1676 m. karų laikotarpiu: skaičiai, organizacija, kovos taktika”, “Karo archyvas”, Volume 37, Issue 1 (2022), October 2022 / link
- Jarosław Czubaty, chapter in the monograph “The Cambridge History of the Napoleonic Wars” wydanej w ramach znanej serii „The Cambridge History of…”, June 2022
- Magdalena Kozłowska (co-author) „Unwillingly Orientalist: Gustaw Herling-Grudziński’s Travel Diary to Burma as an Example of an Unusual Postcolonial Eastern European Account”, „Sage Journals”, October 1, 2022 / link
- Alicja Kulecka, Citizenship and the attempts to restore an independent state. The citizen in the ideology of political groupings during of the January Uprising of 1863-1864,”Bulletin der Polnischen Historischen Mission”, nr 17, 2022, pp.261-292 / link
- Ryszard Kulesza, „Zrozumieć przeszłość” history textbook for grammar and technical schools with a new core curriculum (new edition) / Nowa Era, 17 August 2022
- Michał Leśniewski, Maciej Ząbek „Jedność z różnorodności. Zbiór studiów nad różnymi aspektami dziejów Afryki” / Warszawa 2022 / link
- 7 October, 5.00 p.m., online (Zoom, meeting ID: 897 0950 3881, access code: 915409) / Gender History Seminar / paper by Dr Jan Burek Robotnice polskie w przemyśle tekstylnym w czasach racjonalizacji, 1923-1939: samo-wola, opór, akceptacja” with commentary by Dr habil. Dobrochna Kałwa / link
- 13 October, 4.45 p.m., Room 209 at the Faculty of Law and Administration or online (link to Zoom after email contact: m.nowak@wpia.uw.edu.pl or pawel.nowakowski@uw.edu.pl) / Late Antique seminar by Ewa Wipszycka / paper “New Documents from the Time of ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz ibn Marwān: The Archive of the Hermonthite Pagarchy” to be delivered by Lajos Berkes / link
- 13 October, 12.30 p.m., WH Columned Hall / public defence of the doctoral thesis of Karolina Morawska, MA, “Seksualność w średniowiecznej Polsce”. The thesis is supervised by Krzysztof Skwierczyński, PhD, prof.
- The Editorial Board of “Central European and Balkan Studies” of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences is recruiting scientific texts and reviews for the XXXII volume of the yearbook, which will be published in the first half of 2023. The editors invite you to send your texts until 15 November 2022 to the following email address: ssb.redakcja@pau.krakow.pl / link
- Piotr Kroll, debata „Ukraina w ramach Rzeczpospolita Obojga Narodów”, Fundacja im Janusza Kurtyki, September 22, 2022 / link
- Michał Leśniewski, „Karol nie zostanie koronowany? Historyk o możliwej abdykacji na rzecz Williama”, September 9, 2022 / link
- Michał Leśniewski, „Jej stosunek nie był obojętny”. Ekspert o związkach Elżbiety II z Polską”, September 19, 2022 / link
- Michal Leśniewski, „Monarchia a Wspólnota Narodów za czasów panowania królowej Elżbiety II”, Jedynka PR, September 20, 2022 / link
- Marcin Zaremba, „Fasada fajna, a z tyłu dziadostwo. Jak zima stulecia obnażyła katastrofę Polski węglowej” / „Krytyka Polityczna” October 1-2, 2022 / link
September 28, 2022
- As of 1 October, Dr Nadiya Khalak (research internship), MA Barbara Łochowska (Department of Archival Studies, Didactics and the History of Historiography), Dr Jerzy Szafranowski (Department of Medieval History) and Prof Laszlo Tapolcai (research internship, affiliated researcher, bilateral cooperation agreement with the Hungarian side within the NAWA programme) will start scientific work at our Faculty
- Please be informed that, in accordance with the order of the Dean of the Faculty of History, Dean’s hours will be in force at the Faculty of History on 4 October 2022. There will be no teaching activities on this day
- October training courses aimed at UW academic staff / link
- Rules for staff travel for Erasmus+ training in the academic year 2022/2023 / link
- On 3 October (Monday), in connection with the planned organisation of the inauguration of the 2022/2023 academic year, there will be a total parking restriction on UW premises (not applicable to holders of ZDM badges for 2022)
- 30 September – 1 October / Polish Academy of Sciences. 72 Nowy Świat St. / conference “Transforming State Socialism in East-Central Europe: Historical Sociology of the Long Change” / link
- 11 October, Sala Kościuszkowska, Institute of History of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Rynek Starego Miasta 29/31 in Warsaw / conference ,,Społeczne i demograficzne uwarunkowania przemian ludnościowych na ziemiach polskich w XIV-XX wieku” / link
- 12 October, 12.00, auditorium of the Old Library of the University of Warsaw / The State Archives in Poland will inaugurate a series of international archival conferences entitled ‘Konarski Lectures’. The conference inaugurating the series has been prepared on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the death of Prof. Kazimierz Konarski, an outstanding Polish historian and archivist, which falls in November / link
- 18 October, 16.00, room A at the Faculty of History / public defence of the doctoral thesis of Jakub Turek, MA. Dissertation title: ,,Jan Biskupiec (ok. 1377-1452). Dominikanin, spowiednik króla, biskup chełmski” / supervisor: prof. dr hab. Maria Koczerska / link
- 20-21 November, online, Institute of East Slavonic Philology UAM / scientific colloquium „Rosyjskość: tęsknota za tożsamością” / link
- 29-30 November 2022 in Olsztyn / 10th academic session „Życie prywatne Polaków w XIX wieku: śmiech, humor, satyra” / CfP by 1 November at: mariakorybut@o2.pl / link
September 21, 2022
- The National Science Centre has launched four new competitions for research projects. Researchers at all stages of their careers, as well as researchers from abroad who would like to work in Poland, can apply for funds totalling PLN 527 million / link
- The call for applications for the NPRH programme has started. We encourage you to read the schedule and details of the programme / link
- The Foundation for Polish Science invites applications in the START programme, in which young scholars can win a scholarship for outstanding scientific achievements. The START scholarship is a prestigious award for the most talented young scientists, granted in recognition of their scientific achievements. It can be applied for by scientists representing all fields of science who are under 30 years of age in the year of application. Applications are being accepted until 31 October / link
- On 15-17 September 2022, the Delegates’ Convention of the Polish Historical Society was held in Zielona Góra. At it, the Code of Ethics of the Polish Historical Society was adopted. The text is available on the PTH website / link. During the congress, the new PTH authorities were also elected. Prof. Krzysztof Mikulski was re-elected President for the term 2022-2025, and our employee prof. Piotr Węcowski was also elected to the Board / link
- Current opening hours of the building and the faculty library / link
- Ryszard Kulesza, Sparta: History, State and Society / link
- Zuzanna Kołodziejska-Smagała, Polish-Jewish Female Writers and the Women’s Emancipation Movements in the Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries, Aspasia vol. 16 (2022): 110-129 / link
- Just a quick reminder: the deadline for proposals for the workshop Body as a Source of Pleasure and Pain around 1900 Female Polish-Jewish Perspectives is October 1, 2022; please write to z.kolodziejska@uw.edu.pl / link
- We invite submissions for the international conference ‘Hospitals in times of crisis’ (Hospitals in times of crisis). The conference will take place at our Faculty on 18-20 May 2023. Submissions including abstracts of up to 300 words, in English, together with a short biography (up to 200 words) crisis@hospitalgeschichte.de are accepted until 15 October 2022
- 21 September, 6pm, online, ‘British flexible constitution and the limits of monarchical power. How did Elizabeth II influence politics?” meeting with Professor Jakub Polit from the Institute of History, Jagiellonian University / registration / link
- 27-29 October, Royal Castle in Warsaw conference “Odbudowa, restytucja czy trwała ruina? Nowe życie obiektów rezydencjonalnych” / link
- 19-22 October, Krakow , 4th Congress of Foreign Researchers of Polish History. The theme of the congress will be “Encounters of cultures / link
- Jacek Kordel, „W powiększeniu. Program poświęcony prof. Jerzemu Michalskiemu”, TVP Kultura, September 2022 / link
- Jacek Kordel, „Spór o historię. Dyskusja dotycząca władzy króla w nowożytnej Rzeczypospolitej”, TVP Historia, September 2022 / link
- Robert Wiśniewski, „Herezje wczesnochrześcijańskie – kto zdecydował, że Jezus jest Bogiem?”, Radio Naukowe, September 15, 2022 / link
September 14, 2022
- The ceremonial inauguration of the 2022/2023 academic year at the UW Faculty of History, combined with the oath of newly admitted students, will take place on 4 October 2022 at 10:00 am in the Column Hall. Due to the limited number of seats, in-person attendance has been restricted to the Rector’s authorities and the newly admitted students of our Faculty. The inaugural meeting of the new academic year for staff, PhD students, colleagues and guests has been scheduled for the same day, at 3 p.m. You should all already have this invitation in your email inboxes (attendance requires confirmation for organisational reasons) / link
- The Faculty of History has received a pool of nine invitations to the university-wide inauguration of the academic year. It will take place on 3 October at 2 pm in the Auditorium Maximum. If you are interested in attending, please collect the invitations from Room 15 (we only have nine invitations).
- In the by-election for the Council of the Faculty of History in the curia of non-academic staff, the mandate was given to Ms Ulyana Sharpe, while for the Scientific Council of the Discipline of History the curia of non-academic staff, Dr Katarzyna Szoblik was elected / link
- We would like to inform you about the opportunity to attend a free workshop on how to effectively position researchers online entitled. “Identifying the researcher online”. The training is organised by the University Library online, 9 November. To register for the training, email informacja.buw@uw.edu.pl (the training is being handled by Ms Maja Bogajczyk, please include the title of the training in your email). We also provide a guide on the subject, prepared by BUW / link
- The Faculty of History, together with the Warsaw Centre for Educational and Social Innovation and Training, has prepared an offer of workshops for secondary school history and social studies teachers. “HiT Academic Laboratory” consists of 16 classes, during which academics together with teachers will address key issues in recent history and wos, present in the HiT core curriculum / link
- On 15 September, two new staff members will start work at the Faculty: Dr Agata Malinowska in the Department of 20th Century History and Ms Ewa Debudaj-Krywult in the Research Section.
- Offer of sports activities for UW employees, provided by the PE and Sport Department / link
- Chabrowski, Igor Iwo. “Seventeenth-Century Foreign Lives of Ayutthaya: Sources of Cross-Cultural Cooperation and Integration in the Asian Trading Entrepôt.” Journal of World History 33, no. 3 (2022): 403-428 / link
- 26-28 September, UW, Dobra 55 Street, room 1007/1008 / ASAIHL conference “Mosty dla nauki i edukacji: współpraca, zaufanie, otwartość, kreatywność w zglobalizowanym świecie”. Registration required (until 22 September) / link
- Elżbieta Kwiecińska, “Od współczucia do trwogi. O postrzeganiu polskich powstańców w Niemczech i ukraińskich Kozaków w Polsce” / Polityka Pomocnik Historyczny, 2022 / link
September 7, 2022
- Two new calls in the IDUB progam have started:
- Call for proposals for the promotion of research conducted at the UW. Support of up to PLN 20 000 may be granted for activities that contribute to increasing the visibility of the UW, its staff and the research conducted (organisation of lectures, presentations or workshops). Applications are accepted until 29 October 2022 / link
- Call for proposals in the programme of visits to strategic partner institutions – co-financing (up to PLN 50,000) of travel and accommodation costs. Applications accepted until 31 October 2022 / link
- Towarzystwo Miłośników Historii on 6 September 2022 appointed Prof. Piotr Węcowski as its vice-president. Prof. Piotr Węcowski has replaced Prof. Andrzej Rachuba in this position
- Once again, the Faculty of History is actively involved in the programme of this year’s 26th Science Festival. We invite you to open and free history lectures / link
- We would like to inform you that the Faculty of History has a new social media channel. On 1 September, we launched the History Faculty’s Instagram / link
- On 1 September, Ms Viktoriia Cherniak began working at the Faculty of History in the student section.
- The June issue of the journal ‘Mówią wieki’, dedicated to the history of ancient Sparta, has come out / link
- 11-16 September / 16th International Numismatic Congress / link
- 29 September, 10.00 am – 5.30 pm / room A, Faculty of History / seminar named after Professor Anna Żarnowska „Robotnice i robotnicy – historia społeczno-kulturowa XIX i XX wieku” / link
- 29-30 September, Institute of History of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Rynek Starego Miasta 29/31, Warsaw / workshop “Current Themes and Methods in Intellectual History”. Registration required (by 15 September) / link
- Elżbieta Kwiecińska, „Od współczucia do trwogi. O postrzeganiu polskich powstańców w Niemczech i ukraińskich Kozaków w Polsce w XIX w.”, Polityka, Pomocnik Historyczny, August 2022 / link
August 31, 2022
- Please be advised that the Faculty Council meeting scheduled for 7 September 2022 will not be convened. Necessary decisions will be taken by the Faculty Council members by circulation vote in the Interviewer system, in accordance with the content and schedule sent out by email to the Council members
- We would like to invite you to take part in a photo shoot organised by our Faculty with staff, students and PhD students. The photos that will be created during the session will be used by the Faculty of History official promotional materials, on its website, and in the Faculty’s social media. Participation in the session is tantamount to acceptance of the statement (photos will not be shared externally, they will be used ONLY to promote the Faculty/University). SESSION DATE: 23 September 2022, 10:00 – 15:00 (you can come for any 2-3 hours, availability for 5 hours is not required). We will provide technical details by email once we have gathered volunteers. Applications by 16 September 2022 at: https://bit.ly/3QPhz3W
- Opening hours of the Faculty of History building: 30 August – 16 September / building open 8am-5pm during the week (plus Saturday 3 September 10am-3pm – revision session for part-time students) and the library is open until 5pm; from 19 September 2022 / building open 7am-8pm during the week (and on reunion weekends). Administration is open 8am-3pm in September.
- Grzegorz Pac, The papal monopoly of the canonisation and translation of saints on the peripheries of Latin Christendom: the case of Bohemia before c.1150, “Journal of Medieval History”, Volume 48, 2022 – Issue 4, July 21, 2022 / link
- 6-7 września, godz. 9.00-15.00, sala 209, Collegium Iuridicum I (WPiA UW) / Centrum Pozasądowego Rozwiązywania Sporów zaprasza do udziału w szkoleniu “Konflikty międzyludzkie, a zjawiska mobbingu i dyskryminacji – profilaktyka, diagnoza, reagowanie”. Formularz zgłoszeniowy należy wysyłać na adres: mediacje@uw.edu.pl
August 24, 2022
- In the latest evaluation of scientific units, the Faculty of History received the highest possible category – A + / link
- The Foundation for Polish Science has launched the second competition for Polish-Ukrainian research projects in the field of social sciences and humanities. Couples of scientists from Poland and Ukraine may submit their applications by September 30 / link
- The building’s opening hours during the re-sit session: Monday-Friday until 17:00, additionally on Saturday, September 3 from 10.00-15.00 (retake session during extramural studies)
- From 25 to 28 August (Thursday-Sunday), a parking restriction will apply on the premises of the University of Warsaw (not applicable to the holders of ZDM badges for 2022)
- From June 1, 2022, reports by University Administration employees regarding IT support will be handled only through the JIRA notification system. Applications can be submitted by logging in with an Active Directory / link
- Please be advised that from August 1, Mr. Michał Przygocki, an IT specialist, began working at the Faculty of History
- Dr Anna Czarniecka received a scholarship from the Lanckoroński Foundation to conduct research in Paris (query at the Center des Archives diplomatiques de La Courneuve and the Bibliothèque nationale de France). The query concerns the ongoing project “Queen Widow in exile – the status and political influence of Marie Casimire in Rome” / link
- The National Science Center announced the results of the SONATINA 6 competition. Among the distinguished persons was our graduate, Dr. Karolina Frank, who will be implementing her project ” Kobieca północ: Portret greckich kobiet w Epirze, Ilirii i Tesalii w okresie późnoklasycznym i hellenistycznym” at our Faculty / link
- Grzegorz Myśliwski, Balazs Nagy „Mining, Finances, and Commerce in Medieval Central Europe” [in:] „Oxford Handbook of Medieval Central Europe”, red. N. Zecevic, D. Ziemann, Oxford 2022, s. 295–317 / link
- Laura Pozzi, „China, the Maritime Silk Road, and the Memory of Colonialism in the Asia Region” [in:] Lewis, S., Olick, J., Wawrzyniak, J., Pakier, M. (eds) Regions of Memory. Palgrave Macmillan Memory Studies. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, 2022 / link
- September 7, Royal Castle in Warsaw, Concert Hall and online / conference “Karolina Lanckorońska – noblesse oblige. W służbie nauki i edukacji z okazji 20. rocznicy śmierci prof. Karoliny Lanckorońskiej” / link
- October 12, IH PAN in Warsaw / conference „Społeczne i demograficzne uwarunkowania przemian ludnościowych na ziemiach polskich w XIV-XX wieku” / link
- The Faculty of History in cooperation with the Józef Piłsudski Museum in Sulejówek and the Tadeusz Manteuffel of the Polish Academy of Sciences, invite you to submit applications for the conference: „Historię swą piszcie same. Polityka, historiografia i muzealne narracje z perspektywy kobiet”. The conference will be held on December 7-8, 2022 at the Józef Piłsudski Museum in Sulejówek. Applications for papers are accepted until September 18, 2022 / link
- Interview with Dr. Francis Harvey on the project “People, Places and Events: Innovative Spatial Humanities Research to support Interpretation and Explanation” / August 2022 / link
- Conversation around Piotr’s book. M. Majewski ” Niech sobie nie myślą, że jesteśmy kolaborantami” recorded at the festival “Literacki Sopot” August 18-21, 2022 (recording of the conversation will be available from August 29, 2022 on the YouTube channel of the Festival) / link
July 27, 2022
- How to prepare an ERC grant application? Information about open competitions, trainings and information meetings / link
- We would like to inform you that an update of the USOS system and related applications (e.g. USOSweb, USOSadm Java, APD, EVA, Interviewer) will take place on 3 August 2022 from 14:00 -22:00. There may be interruptions in access to the above USOS system and applications on the stated date.
- Bartłomiej Bednarek was awarded a Humboldt Fellowship for experienced researchers for an eighteen-month research stay in Munich.
- Bartłomiej Bednarek, (2022): Some notes and observations on the Tbilisi hymn to Dionysus (P. Ross. Georg. 1.11). Classical Philology 117.3, 553-63.
- Bartłomiej Bednarek, (2022): Some dirty thoughts about chairs and stools: Iconography of erotic foreplay. In: Sex and the ancient city: Aspects of sexuality in Greco-Roman antiquity, Eds. G. Kazantzidis, A. Serafim, K. Demetriou. Berlin, Boston. De Gruyter, Trends in Classics Supplementary Volume, 197-217.
- Grzegorz Pac, “The papal monopoly of the canonisation and translation of saints on the peripheries of Latin Christendom: the case of Bohemia before c.1150” / Journal of Medieval History, Volume 48, Issue 3, 2022 / link
- Piotr Szlanta, Bitwa pod Gorlicami, July 27, 2022, YouTube / link
July 20, 2022
- William Graham Claytor “A Receipt for the Didrachmia of Souchos from the Mikkalos Archive” Pylon 1 (2022) / link
- William Graham Claytor “Funerary Workers and Village Society: Notes on the Archive of the Allophyloi Hatres and Isas,” ZPE 222 (2022), 184-192
- Michał Kopczyński, „Bezkresna granica Vannevara Busha” / „Mówią wieki” Gospodarka Wojenna: XX wiek, no. 1/2021 / link
- Michał Kopczyński, „Henry Ford w Bletchley Park. Rzecz o gospodarce i wojnie” / „Mówią wieki” Gospodarka Wojenna: XX wiek, no. 1/2021 / link
- Tadeusz Mroziuk, “Projekt programu uroczystości rocznicy uchwalenia Ustawy Rządowej a ich przebieg w Warszawie w 1792 r.” / „Przegląd Historyczny”, 2022, volume 113, book 1 / link
- Maciej Mycielski, „Sejmik płocki w latach 1817–1830” / „Przegląd Historyczny”, 2022, volume 113, book 1/ link
- 27-28 October / online / National Academic Conference „Komizm historyczny i współczesny” / link
- The organisers of the conference „Historię swą piszcie same. Polityka, historiografia i muzealne narracje z perspektywy kobiet” invite submissions of papers. The conference will be held hybrid on 7-8 December 2022 at the Józef Piłsudski Museum in Sulejówek. Submissions of papers are accepted until 18 September 2022 / link
- The Faculty of History of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań invites proposals for papers in the 2nd National Conference of the series “Kultura Pracy” entitled „Mali robotnicy. Praca dzieci w perspektywie społeczno-kulturowej i ekonomicznej na przestrzeni dziejów”. The conference will take place on 1-2 December 2022, the deadline for submissions is 30 October 2022 / link
- Jarosław Czubaty, „95 lat temu sprowadzono prochy Słowackiego do Polski”, TOK FM, 28 June 2022 / link
July 13, 2022
- IDUB has announced a new “Program for Young Female Researchers and Teachers.” The purpose of the program is to sustain the involvement of women in the development of scientific careers at the UW and to promote at the UW the idea of supporting the development of young talents in the field of science. Application submission until August 19, 2022 / link
- Holiday training for employees / link
- The Pilecki Institute with the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum in Oświęcim announce a call for applications for the International Witold Pilecki Prize / link
- We would like to inform you that new academics have started working at the Faculty of History (in alphabetical order): Dr. Jan Burek (Department of 20th Century History), Dr. Anna Czarniecka (Department of Modern History), Dr. Olga Gaidai (Department of 19th Century History), Dr. Zbigniew Hundert (Department of Modern History), Dr. Natalia Khomenko (Department of 20th Century History), Dr. Krzysztof Kossarzecki (Department of Modern History), Dr. hab. Olga Morozova (Department of Archival Studies, Didactics and History of Historiography), Dr. Vladyslava Moskalets (Center for the Study and Teaching of Jewish History and Culture in Poland), Dr. Inna Shostak (Department of 19th Century History)
- Grzegorz Pac became one of the editors of Brepols series “Comparative Perspectives on Medieval History” / link
- Michał Kopczyński, „Aspiryna nie zostałaby dziś dopuszczona do użycia” / July 6, 2022, TOK FM / link
July 6, 2022
- The Rector of the University of Warsaw, in consultation with trade unions operating at the University of Warsaw, has decided on a one-time payment of a social benefit – non-refundable aid in connection with special economic conditions in 2022. The amount of the benefit is PLN 1,000 or PLN 1,100. To receive the money you need to submit an application. Details and conditions / link
- We would like to inform you that in accordance with the order of the Prime Minister, the alert degrees CHARLIE-CRP and BRAVO have been extended throughout Poland until July 31, 2022. In this regard, we remind you of increased vigilance and the applicable recommendations / link
- We would like to inform you that as of July 1, Ms. Justyna Kot began working in the research section of the Faculty of History
- The Dean of the Faculty of History at the UW for the academic year 2021/2022 awarded first and second degree prizes to our employees for scientific, teaching and organizational achievements / link
- The Minister of Education and Science has awarded scholarships to outstanding young scholars demonstrating significant achievements in scientific activities. Among those awarded was our employee, Lukasz Krzyzanowski / link
- At a meeting of the UW Senate on June 29, 2022, decisions were made to hire four of our employees as university professors. Among them were: Artur Markowski, Maciej Ptaszynski, Tadeusz Pawel Rutkowski, Marzena Zawanowska / link
- July 4-7 / International Medieval Congress 2022 / a series of panels with the participation of staff from Faculty of History / link
- July 18 / Department of History / “Historical Data Network Analysis. Workshop for Polish cultural heritage institutions” / The workshop is aimed at specialists and experts of cultural heritage institutions and students who want to develop new skills related to network analysis and digital humanities / link
- January 23, 2023 / stationary in London and online / Workshop “Body as a Source of Pleasure and Pain around 1900: Female Polish-Jewish Perspective” organized as part of the implementation of Zuzanna Kolodziejska-Smagała’s project: “Discourses on Corporeality and Sexuality in Polish-Jewish Women’s Writing, 1890-1918” / link
- June 23 / Dr. Francis Harvey and Dr. Eng. Marta Kuzma / Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C²DH), University of Luxembourg / workshop “Zoomland. Exploring Scale in Digital History and Humanities’ / discussions on a planned book on the concept of scale in digital history and humanities and preparation of the first manuscript of an edited volume within the series: ‘Studies in Digital History and Hermeneutics’ Volume (publication spring 2023)
- June 22-24 / Dr. Wieslawa Duży / participation in the conference “1772 – 2022 – Consequences of the Partitions – New perspectives on the aftermath of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth” organized by the German Historical Institute in Warsaw / paper “Dividing territory. On administrative units in Polish territory in the 18th and 19th century” / link
- June 24 – July 3 / Dr. Wieslawa Duży / research internship at the Institute for Digital Humanities at the University of Cologne / discussion of the digital humanities curriculum / link
June 29, 2022
- We invite you to participate in open lectures that will be delivered by candidates qualified for the second stage of the competition for the position of teaching assistant in the Department of Archival Studies, Didactics and History of Historiography. The lectures will take place on July 1, 2022 in Room A of the Faculty of History (from 11:00 am to 12:35 pm). All candidates will present a lecture entitled Wyzwania współczesnej edukacji historycznej / link
- NAWA has announced the call for applications for the NAWA Polish Returns 2022 Program, which enables outstanding Polish scientists to return to Poland and take up employment in Polish universities, scientific institutes or research institutes. Applications in the program are accepted until July 25, 2022, 3:00 p.m. electronically, through the NAWA ICT system. The application on behalf of oneself and the UW is submitted by a returning scientist / link
- The call for applications for the 6th edition of the “Nauka jest dla ludzi” competition, organized by the Centrum Współpracy i Dialogu UW, is now open. It is a competition for employees and doctoral students of the University of Warsaw who conduct scientific research at the University and want to disseminate its results. Applications are accepted until July 12, 2022 / link
- The building of the Faculty of History hours and administration work from June 27-July 1, 2022 / link
- The National Center for Science has announced the ranking list of activities selected for funding in the competition MINIATURA 6. Among the winners of funding was Dr. Jan Błachnio, who received nearly 14 thousand. for the project “Biała śmierć w szeregach. Walka z gruźlicą w armii austro-węgierskiej w latach 1882-1918” / link
- 29 June – 1 July / Bamberg / Paweł Nowakowski, paper “Epigraphically preserved constitutions” during the 6th International Bamberg Workshop Novel Trends in Research on Unabridged Constitutions / link
- 4-7 July / Leeds / Paweł Nowakowski, International Medieval Congress / link
- The organizers of the 4th International Congress of Polish History entitled “Encounters of Cultures” invite you to familiarize yourself with information and the program of the Congress and encourage you to participate in it. The Congress will be held on 19-22 October 2022 in Cracow / link
June 22, 2022
- On 22 June 2022 the Ranking of Higher Education Institutions “Perspektywy 2022” was published. In the ranking of fields of study History at our Faculty once again took 1st place. Warsaw University after 3 years returned to the top podium / link
- July training for university teachers / link
- Prof. Błażej Brzostek, is one of five laureates of this year’s 15th Literary Award of the Capital City of Warsaw. Our employee received the award in the category ‘books on Warsaw’ for the publication entitled ‘Wstecz. Historia Warszawy do początku”. Błażej Brzostek’s book also received the ZAiKS Karol Małcużyński Award in the “varsaviana” category / link
- Prof. Łukasz Niesiołowski-Spanò, Ph.D., became a member of the editorial board of the Scandinavian Journal of the Old Testament / link
- 30 June – 2 July / Auditorium Maximum, Adam Mickiewicz Hall / jubilee conference „W dialogu. Nowe wizje nauczania historii” organised on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Polish-German textbook commission for historians and geographers / link
- Piotr Kroll, „Nowy przedmiot Historia i teraźniejszość od września w szkołach” / „Strefa edukacji”, 21 June 2022 / link
- Alicja Kulecka, „Idea niepodległego państwa polskiego w myśli politycznej powstania styczniowego” / „Teologia Polityczna Co Tydzień”, 14 June 2022 / link
- Piotr M. Majewski / Zarzuty Putina wobec Ukrainy do złudzenia przypominają hitlerowską propagandę / „Gazeta Wyborcza”, 17 June 2022 / link (paid access)
June 15, 2022
- Two new kits have been launched in the IDUB program:
- a set of contributions to the “Program for young educators and didactics”. Contributions are accepted until July 19, 2022. / link
- set of micro-grants for co-financing the activities of publishing and scientific activities for doctoral students “Complex program of research for UW doctoral students”. Contributions are accepted in the trial period until the exhaustion of funds intended for the first edition, ie. 2,500,000 zł / link
- The University of Warsaw has been using the European Commission’s HR Excellence in Research award since 2016. This is a distinction awarded to universities that implement strategies to develop high standards in recruitment, mobility, research working conditions and support for male and female researchers. The distinction is awarded for a limited period of time, and the University is currently seeking renewal of this award. More information. University officials request that you use the HR Excellence in Research logo footer in your business email correspondence. The Department has prepared graphics and instructions for setting up such an e-mail footer / link
- To those of you who have already submitted the staff report, we would like to thank you. We remind the rest of you about this obligation. To submit a report, the form must be completed, printed, signed and submitted to the Student Section by June 30, 2022. Additional explanations are provided by Bogumiła Siebyla from the Student Section (room 5, tel. 22 55 20 771, email: b.siebyla@uw.edu.pl)
- Please be advised that on June 16-19, 2022, the building of the Faculty of History will be closed
- We would like to inform you that Jury has been promoted by the Institute of Science Foundation. Alexander Gieysztor was defeated by our employee, dr. Piotr Okniński Award to them. Alexander Gieysztor for young people in the category of “articles”. Dr. Piotr Okniński won the first prize for the article Kodeks Baltazara Behema jako świadectwo miejskiej ideologii władzy published in “Studia Źródłoznawcze” 58, 2020, p. 137-150. The awards are also recognized for 2019. For the articles obtained: our graduate, M.Sc. Maksymilian Sas and PhD student, M.Sc. Patrycja Szwedo-Kiełczewska / link
- Igor Chabrowski, „Ruling the Stage: Social and Cultural History of Opera in Sichuan from the Qing to the People’s Republic of China”, Brill 2022 / link
- Review of Professor Michał Leśniewski’s book “The Zulu-Boer War 1837-1840” / Ian F.W. Beckett, War in History, vol. 29, 2022, pp. 270-271 / link
- 15 June, at 5.30 p.m., room 209, Faculty of Law and Administration, or online, / seminar Late Antique by Ewa Wipszycka / paper “Constantius II and Christian Rome” by Ian Wood (University of Leeds) / link
- 20th June, 6.00 p.m., Faculty of Archaeology, room 212 and remotely (registration required) / conference ” Polacy nad Nilem”
- June 22-24 / international conference organized in connection with the 250th anniversary of the first partition of the Republic of Poland „Po co nam niepodległość?” / link
- 23 June, 16.00, Google meet: registration: abartoszewicz@uw.edu.pl / seminar ” Miasta Europy środkowowschodniej w XIV-XVII wieku” / paper ” Lwowianie roku 1662. Analiza statystyczna modeli życia domowego w mieście” by Dr. Jakub Wysmułek (Institute of Political Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences)
- June 27-28 / workshop “Socialist (Dis-)Connections in the Global Cold War” with participation of, among others, Dr. Igor Chabrowski / University of Vienna, main building, Erika-Weinzierl room / link
- Radosław Domazet, „Perfumy Kleopatry – mocne, pikantne i słodkie”, Polskie Radio Czwórka, 3 June 2022 / link
- Piotr M. Majewski, „Jak zginął Reinhard Heydrich, groźny paladyn Hitlera w Czechach” / „Polityka” 3 June 2022 / link (paid access)
- Marek Węcowski, „Wojna Putina i wojny Krezusa”, „Tygodnik Powszechny”, May 23, 2022 / link (paid access)
June 8, 2022
- To those of you who have already submitted the staff report, we would like to thank you. We remind the rest of you about this obligation. To submit a report, the form must be completed, printed, signed and submitted to the Student Section by June 30, 2022. Additional explanations are provided by Bogumiła Siebyla from the Student Section (room 5, tel. 22 55 20 771, email: b.siebyla@uw.edu.pl)
- The USOSweb system has made available the timetable for the winter semester 2022/2023 at our Faculty
- Due to the extension by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland of the validity of the BRAVO (2nd level) and CHARLIE-CRP (3rd level) alerts, please read the information on the Faculty’s website / link
- We would like to inform you about the possibility of using the databases of Oxford University Press (access to the databases expires on December 31, 2022) / link
- Report of the Dean of the Faculty of History for 2021 / link
- On June 9 and 10 (Thursday and Friday), parking restrictions will apply on the premises of the University of Warsaw (not applicable to the holders of ZDM badges for 2022)
- June 8 at 4.00 p.m., online (Zoom, meeting ID: 882 2132 5174, access code: 273074) / scientific meeting of the Department of 20th Century History / lecture by Dr. Izabela Mrzygłód „Potrzeba wodza. Charyzmatyczne przywództwo Bolesława Piaseckiego w latach 30.” / link
- June 9 at 9.45 a.m. and 11.30 a.m., Faculty of Sociology, Karowa 18, Stefan Nowak room on the ground floor / presentation of the results of the study on the assessment of the organization of our studies and their inclusiveness as well as expectations related to the labor market. The research was conducted on our students in the summer semester by students of the Faculty of Sociology of the University of Warsaw / link
- June 9 at 4.45 p.m., room 209 at the Faculty of Law and Administration or online / Ewa Wipszycka’s late antique seminar / Phil Booth’s talk (University of Oxford), “The Second Arab Siege of Constantinople (717-18): Crucible of the Copts?” / link
- June 10 at 5.00 p.m., Joachim Lelewel room of the Institute of History of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Rynek Starego Miasta no. 29/31 / Council and Board of the Scientific Foundation Aleksander Gieysztor would like to invite you to the award ceremony. Aleksander Gieysztor for young researchers. In the program: introductory word about Aleksander Gieysztor, information about the Aleksander Gieysztor in 2022, speech by this year’s laureate / link
- June 13 at 4:45 p.m., room 206 at the Faculty of Archeology / “Papyrology and epigraphy” seminar / lecture by dr. Dominika Grzesik (University of Wrocław), „Więcej różnic, czy więcej podobieństw? Zwyczaj honoryfikacyjny Delos, Delf i Oropos”
- Łukasz Linowski, Agata Niedzielska, “Polski parlamentaryzm a lekcje historii. Zbiór artykułów i scenariuszy lekcji dotyczących polskiego parlamentaryzmu”, Wydawnictwa UW 2022 / link
- Video review of Jan Błachnia’s book “Kraśnik 1914”, channel “Jarosław Centek”, June 5, 2022 / link
- Piotr Kroll, „Masakra polskich elit wzbudziła przerażenie. Historyk: Istnieje wiele podobieństw do zbrodni katyńskiej” / „Wprost Historia”, June 3, 2022 / link (paid access)
- Elżbieta Kwiecińska, „O pacyfistycznym dyskursie przywileju: Europa Zachodnia i rosyjska wojna przeciwko Ukrainie”, „Kontakt”, June 2, 2022 / link
- During the student conference “Private life in material sources – a Danish family in a Victorian apartment at the end of the 19th century”, the inaugural lecture was delivered by prof. UW Grażyna Szelągowska
June 1, 2022
- We are looking for PhD students and students (second degree) to work in a research project financed by the National Science Center entitled “Bishop’s trees. Environmental history of the Biała Forest ”. If you know people interested in such work, please provide a link to the information and encourage them to come to the information meeting / link
- On June 3, a parking restriction will apply at the University of Warsaw (does not apply to holders of ZDM badges for 2022). At the same time, the Facility Security Section appeals to people who can use public transport on June 6-12, not to come to the University of Warsaw by car. On these days, the KRASP meeting and the Medical Humanization Congress will be held and there will be serious difficulties in parking
- The German Historical Institute in Warsaw is looking for a new director. Applications until June 30 / link
- June 2 at 16.45, Room 209 at the Faculty of Law and Administration or online / Ewa Wipszycka’s late antique seminar / presentation by Julia Borczyńska, “Haec quicumque vides nimio perfecta labore, desine mirari, minus est quam martyr habetur. Epigrammata pseudodamasiana and the culture of commemoration and patronage of Roman city elites in the 4th-6th centuries” / link
- June 2 at 5.00 p.m., online / medieval-modern seminar / lecture by prof. Marcin Pauk „Niemcy, „prawdziwy Czech” zwany Dalimilem i narodziny ksenofobii” / link
- June 2, scientific symposium „Działalność humanitarna Chile na rzecz Polaków w czasie II wojny światowej” / link
- June 6 at 12.00, online / webinar with prof. Agnieszka Bartoszewicz / “Skąd się wzięły testamenty, czyli kto i dlaczego stworzył te dokumenty” / link
- June 6 at 9.00 a.m. – 7.00 p.m., Faculty of History, Sala Kolumnowa / 5th International Conference “Azerbaijan – Poland”, organized on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of establishing diplomatic relations between Poland and Azerbaijan / link
- June 8 at 4.00 p.m., online/ open meeting of the Historical Sources Editing Team / lecture by Dr. Aleksandra Kuligowska „Czy potrzebna jest nowa, dalsza, poszerzona edycja pism teoretyczno-historycznych Lelewela?” / link
- June 9 at 4.00 p.m., room 3.012 Ośrodek Kultury Francuskiej, Dobra 55 in Warsaw / seminar “Thursdays with historical sociology” / paper entitled Memory and experience of the compulsory military service in the Czech lands 1969-2004 by Petr Wohlmuth (FHS Great Britain) / link
- June 9 at 5.00 p.m., Muzeum Jana Pawła II i Prymasa Wyszyńskiego, Prymasa Augusta Hlonda St. 1 in Warsaw Warszawie, there is a registration / debate „Jedni drugich…” with the participation of prof. Paweł Skibiński / link
- June 21 at 10:00 a.m. / Institute of History of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Rynek Old Town 29/31 in Warsaw / oral history seminar „Panowie się nie lubili…” with the participation of dr hab. Dobrochna Kałwa / link
- June 21-22, Faculty of History, Sala Kolumnowa / 5th National Scientific Conference of Historians of the 19th Century / link
- June 23-24, online, registration required / international conference “Schools of Feeling. Gender in historical processes of shaping emotions ”/ link
- Jolanta Choińska-Mika, „Szlachta była nieufna wobec obcych kandydatów na króla. Dlatego spisała konstytucję 200 lat przed 3 maja”, “Wprost”, May 20, 2022 / link
- Robert Wiśniewski / „Czy kult relikwii jest chrześcijański?” / podcast of the Pantheon Foundation, May 23, 2022 / link
May 25, 2022
- Instruction for syllabus filling “Sylabus krok po kroku. Praktyczne informacje dotyczące wypełniania formularza opisu przedmiotu wprowadzonego”/ link (in polish)
- The third edition of the UW minigrants program for inter-university research teams under 4EU + and other strategic partnerships has started. The submitted applications should concern research carried out in four areas: health and demographic changes in the urban environment; Europeanness: multilingualism, diversity, citizenship; data – models – transformations and environmental changes. Applications can be submitted until July 15 / link
- Informed about the competition. Majera Bałabana 2022 organized by the Jewish Institute of History. Emanuel Ringelblum’s best master’s and doctoral dissertations on daydach and Israel. Deadline for acceptance of agreements until May 30, 2022 / link
- UW Open University wants to announce courses for the first trimester of the academic year 2022/2023. Acceptance date: June 3, 2022 / link
- We remind you that the deadline for compiling entries in the competition “POB IV dla Rodziców – Nowe Idee” / link
- School for teachers (June 2022) / link
- Dr. Magdalena Kozłowska received a grant to finance the project “Inhabitants of the East: Jews from the Middle East in the eyes of Polish Jews in the interwar period”. The grant was awarded by the National Science Center as part of the SONATA 17 competition. The grant is PLN 219,952 / link
- Elżbieta Kwiecińska, „Poland’s Civilizing Mission and Ukrainian Statehood at the Paris Peace Conference”, in: (ed. Olena Palko, Constantin Ardeleanu) „Making Ukraine. Negotiating, Contesting, and Drawing the Borders in the Twentieth Century”, McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2022 / link
- May 25, at 11.00 a.m., German Historical Institute, Al. Ujazdowskie 39 / lecture by Dr. Łukasz Krzyżanowski “Życie codzienne i relacje władzy na polskiej wsi podczas okupacji niemieckiej i Zagłady” / link
- May 25, at 5:00 p.m., Tyszkiewicz-Potocki Palace, Sala Balowa or online / lecture by prof. Hieronim Grala “Ruthenia vs Moscovia: ukraiński kontekst rywalizacji polsko-rosyjskiej w XVI-XVII w.” / link
- May 26, at 4.45 p.m., room 209 at the Faculty of Law and Administration or online / Ewa Wipszycka’s late antique seminar, presentation by Tomasz Derda, “Going to Abu Mena: ‘Marea’ / Philoxenite on the Lake Mareotis” / link
- May 27, at 11.00 a.m., Tyszkiewicz-Potocki Palace, Sala Balowa / lecture by French historian and politician Jean-Noël Jeanneney entitled “Georges Clemenceau – A Portrait of a Free Man”. Lecture in French with translation / link
- May 30 4:45 p.m., Faculty of Archeology, room 206 / lecture by prof. Krzysztof Nawotka from the University of Wrocław „Zwyczaj epigraficzny we wschodniej części basenu Morza Śródziemnego w starożytności” / link
- June 9 at 9.45 a.m. and 11.30 a.m., Faculty of Sociology, Karowa 18, Stefan Nowak on the ground floor / presentation of the results of the study on the assessment of the organization of our studies and their inclusiveness as well as expectations related to the labor market. The research was conducted on our students in the summer semester by students of the Faculty of Sociology of the University of Warsaw / link
- June 10 at 5.30 p.m. Crown Tribunal, Rynek 1, Lublin, German Historical Institute / debate with the participation of Dr. Łukasz Krzyżanowski as the leader of “30 Years after ‘Ordinary Men’: Groundbreaking and New Perspectives in Holocaust Research” / link
- June 21-22, Sala Kolumnowa, Faculty of History / 5th National Scientific Conference of Historians of the 19th century / link
- The Team of Social History of the Faculty of History of the University of Warsaw invites you to submit proposals for presentations to the annual seminar of professor Anna Żarnowska. This year’s session will be titled „Robotnice i robotnicy – historia społeczno-kulturowa XIX i XX wieku”. The seminar will be held on September 29, 2022, applications are accepted until June 24, 2022 / link
- The organizers of the 6th National Conference of Archivists and Historians “Educare necesse est …” invite you to submit papers for the conference entitled „My wśród obcych, obcy wśród nas od średniowiecza do końca XX w.” The conference will be held on September 21-22, submissions of papers are accepted until June 30, 2022 / link
- The organizers of the XLVII Congress of the International Military History Commission “Defense of the borders in military history” invite you to submit papers for the congress, which will be held on August 28 – September 2, 2022 in Wrocław and Opole. Submission of papers by June 15, 2022 / link
May 18, 2022
- The European Research Council has launched a new mentoring initiative (ERC Mentoring Initiative), which is to help increase the participation in ERC grants of institutions from less successful countries in applying for grants from framework programs, including Poland . The Council has established a mentor base of researchers who have previously served on ERC evaluation panels and ERC laureates / link
- On May 20, at the University of Warsaw, in connection with the planned organization of Students ” Miasteczka na styku kultur”, parking restrictions will apply (not applicable to the holders of ZDM badges for 2022)
- The results of the 14th edition of the Władysław Pobóg-Malinowski for the best historical debut of the year among master’s and doctoral theses. The first prize in the category of doctoral dissertations was won by Dr. Olekansdr Avramczuk for the thesis entitled ” Pisząc historię narodu „niehistorycznego”. Powstanie studiów ukraińskich i polsko-ukraiński dialog historyczny w USA (1939-1991)”, written under the supervision of dr hab. Katarzyna Błachowska. The work was also awarded in a competition organized by the Kultura Literary Institute Association and the Paris Culture Foundation / link
- In the IDUB Nowe Idee 2A and 2B competitions, our employees obtained financing for projects. Among the awarded people were Dr. Jan Błachnio, Dr. Jacek Kordel (Nowe Idee 2A) and Dr. Bartłomiej Bednarek (Nowe Idee 2B) / link
- May 18, 12.00 p.m., Faculty of Psychology, University of Warsaw, ul. Stawki 5/7, room 74 / open seminar, Center for Research on Prejudice, Dr. Łukasz Krzyżanowski / lecture “Zagłada na wsi jako proces społeczny”
- May 18, 4.00, p.m., room 125 / prof. Vincent Azoulay / lecture “Démocratie athénienne et participation citoyenne: un modèle pour aujourd’hui?” / link
- May 18, 5.30 p.m. / seminar for them. Brygidy Kürbis / dr Aleksandra Kuligowska / lecture “O młodzieńczych pismach metodologicznych Lelewela raz jeszcze. Powrót do rękopisu”/ link
- May 19, 5.00 p.m., room A / prof. François Guesnet (University College London) “Radical anti-Jewish attitudes in Poland – early 19th century roots”, lecture combined with a discussion, Professor Guesnet will be debated by Professor Michał Bilewicz from the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Warsaw / link
- May 19, 12.00 p.m., ISP PAN seminar, online, registration required / Paweł Sasanka, talk entitled ” Odwilż w fabryce. Warszawscy robotnicy i struktury PZPR w przemyśle w czasie kryzysu 1955-57″
- May 19, 4.45 p.m., room 209 at the Faculty of Law and Administration or online, Ewa Wipszycka’s late antique seminar, David Frankfurter’s (Boston University) lecture, “The Supernatural vulnerabilities of domestic space in Late Antique Egypt (according to magical amulets)” / link
- May 20, online / open lectures of candidates for the second stage of the competition for the position of assistant lecturer in the Department of 20th Century History / link
- May 25, 11.00 a.m., German Historical Institute, Al. Ujazdowskie 39 / Dr. Łukasz Krzyżanowski / lecture ” Życie codzienne i relacje władzy na polskiej wsi podczas okupacji niemieckiej i Zagłady”
- The Team of Social History of the Faculty of History of the University of Warsaw invites you to submit proposals for their speeches to the annual seminar of professor Anna Żarnowska. This year’s session will be titled ” Robotnice i robotnicy – historia społeczno-kulturowa XIX i XX wieku “. The seminar will be held on September 29, 2022, applications are accepted until June 24, 2022 / link
- Piotr Okniński, Przewiń Warszawę do początku. O książce „Wstecz” Błażeja Brzostka / Kultura Liberalna, May 17, 2022 / link
May 11, 2022
- The director of the Doctoral School in the Humanities appointed a qualification team for the history discipline. Members of such a team are appointed to conduct the recruitment procedure and select candidates recommended for admission to the School. The team (appointed for a one-year term of office, i.e. until May 27, 2023) consists of: Błażej Brzostek, Paweł Janiszewski, Piotr Jaworski, Urszula Kosińska, Marcin Pauk, Hanna Rubinkowska-Anioł / link
- The results of the IDUB competition under the New Ideas 2A action have been announced. Out of the 7 awarded projects, 2 come from the Department of History. The awarded scientists are Jan Błachnio and Jacek Kordel / link
- May 12, at 1.15 p.m., Sala Kolumnowa / seminar combined with a discussion panel, dedicated to the memory of Łukasz Kądziela on the 25th anniversary of his death / link
- May 12 16.45 / room 209 at the Faculty of Law and Administration or online / late antique seminar by Ewa Wipszycka, paper ” Re-thinking the hereafter in Egypt during the Origenist crisis: The Apocalypse of Paul” will be given by Emiliano Bronisław Fiori (Università Ca ‘Foscari Venezia) / link
- May 12, at 5.00 p.m., room B2 / lecture by business historian prof. James Hoopes “The Most Successful Strategy Can Be Partly Non-Strategic” / link
- May 12, at 5.00 p.m., online / medieval and modern times seminar, lecture “„Zrozumieć „Bożego Skrybę”. Kronika Galberta z Brugii w świetle dotychczasowych badań” will be given by Julia Nowakowska (UW) / link
- May 12, at 5:15 p.m., online / lecture by prof. Laury Levitt (Temple University in Philadelphia) “Amerykańscy Żydzi, Zagłada, strata: Rozważania o przedmiotach pamięci” / link
- 14 May, Royal Castle in Warsaw / conference ” Parlamentaryzm, konstytucjonalizm, myśl polityczna Rzeczypospolitej okresu Sejmu Wielkiego w oczach Europy / link
- May 16, at 3.00 p.m., room B2 / lecture by prof. Vincent Azoulay (Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales in Paris) Fri. “A Violent Amnesty. The Athenian reconciliation of 403 BCE ”/ link
- May 16, at 4.00 p.m., online (registration) / lecture by Francis Harvey “Relation between the hermeneutics of zoomable digital mapping and the digital humanities” / link
- May 16, at 5.30 p.m., Sala Kolumnowa and online on Facebook profile / debate ” Od rzezi Pragi do rzezi Buczy. Wojna à la russe” / link
- May 18, at 4.00 p.m., room 125 / lecture by prof. Vincent Azoulay (Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales in Paris) “Démocratie athénienne et participation citoyenne: un modèle pour aujourd’hui?” / link
- The organizers of the conference ” Artystyczne refleksy Zagłady. Między poetyką wyciszenia a poetyką kiczu” invite you to submit papers. The conference will be held on September 23, 2022, online. Applications are accepted until August 15, 2022 / link
- Jacek Kordel, „Co u Państwa na warsztacie?” / Łazienki Królewskie, May 2, 2022/ link
- Jacek Kordel, Konstytucja 3 Maja i staropolski parlamentaryzm / Radio dla Ciebie, May 7, 2022 / link/ link
May 4, 2022
- The recruitment to the “Mentor Program”, implemented under the “Excellence Initiative – Research University” Program, was extended until May 13. knowledge and experience with UW employees / link
- On behalf of the Centrum Kompetencji Cyfrowych UW, we encourage you to participate in the Forum Dobrych Praktyk. It is a meeting among practitioners who deal with didactics on a daily basis. The organizers want to exchange experiences – both positive and negative. The meeting will be held online on May 24, 2022 (Zoom). Registration for panelists: until May 5, registration for participants until May 19 / link
- Polska Akademia Umiejętności invites you to apply for scholarships from the Lanckoroński Foundation and the Lanckoroński Foundation to conduct research in Rome, Vienna, London and other European research centers. Mediterranean archaeologists, historians, art historians, classical philologists and historians of philosophy may apply for the fellowships. The scope of topics discussed by historians, art historians and historians of philosophy should not extend beyond 1939 and only in exceptional cases may reach 1989. Applications are accepted until May 17 / link
- From 4 to 6 May in the UW, in connection with the planned organization of JUWENALIA 2022, parking restrictions will apply (does not
- May 5, at 2.00 p.m. Warsaw time / online / seminar “Cities of Central and Eastern Europe in the 14th-17th centuries” / paper “Nazwiska i imiona rzemieślników Hetmanatu” will be given by Dr. Oksana Kovalenko (University of Poltava) / link
- May 5, at 4.45 p.m., room 209 at the Faculty of Law and Administration or online / late antique seminar by Ewa Wipszycka, paper by Arietta Papaconstantinou (University of Reading) “The monks and the consul: status and precedence in the resolution of a debt dispute (P.Oxy. LXIII 4397) “/ link
- May 10, at 11.00 a.m., Archiwum Główne Akt Dawnych, Warszawa, Długa 7, / promotion of the publication entitled„Katalog Zbioru Kartograficznego Towarzystwa Historyczno-Literackiego Biblioteki Polskiej w Paryżu (t. I)” / link
April 27,2022
- Current trainings and courses for academic teachers / link
- Polish Television, Polish Radio, the Institute of National Remembrance and the National Center for Culture announce the 13th edition of the “Historical Book of the Year” competition for the Oskar Halecki / link
- The Ministry of Education and Science together with the National Council of Doctoral Students organized a competition„Popularyzacja nie boli”. In the category of „Doktorancki Erudyta Roku 2020”, which assessed the achievements in the field of popularization in the media, our doctoral student, Roman Żuchowicz, won. Congratulations! / link
- “Księga Pamięci Żydów augustowskich”, trans. Magdalena Sommer (from Hebrew) and a team of students of Jewish history and culture under the supervision of Monika Polit (from Yiddish). The team included students and graduates: Kornelia Bałdyka, Katarzyna Kowalczyk, Jowita Pańczyk, Aleksandra Wydro and Dr. Maciej Staniszewski
- April 27 at 12.00 p.m. online (registration) / seminar “Warsaw Spatial Humanities” / lecture “Mapping the Field (s): New Intersections in Spatial Humanities” will be given by Prof. Keith Lilley from Queen’s University in Belfast
- April 28 at 3.00 p.m., online / research meeting of the Department of History of the 20th century / paper entitled “In reserve and ranks – white death, French disease and more. Infectious diseases in the Habsburg state 1882-1918 ”will be given by Dr. Jan Błachnio / link
- April 28 at 4.45 p.m., room 209 at the Faculty of Law and Administration or online / late antique seminar by Ewa Wipszycka, paper by Aleksander Paradziński (UW) “The boundaries of genre from Aristotle to Isidore of Seville – Can history be versified?” / link
- April 28 at 6.00 p.m., Medieval-modern era seminar / lecture “The prince against the townspeople, the townspeople against the prince. Bogusław X’s (1474 / 1478–1523) conflicts with Szczecin ”will be delivered by dr hab. Rafał Simiński (University of Szczecin). The link will be made available after sending the application for participation to the following address: abartoszewicz@uw.edu.pl or g.mysliwski@uw.edu.pl / link
- May 6 12.00 p.m., room 125 at the Faculty of History of the University of Warsaw / public defense of the doctoral dissertation by Jerzy Szafranowski. Dissertation title: ,, Presbyters and deacons in monastic communities of late antique Gaul ”. Supervisor: prof. dr hab. Robert Wiśniewski / link
- May 12 1.15 p.m., Sala Kolumnowa / seminar combined with a discussion panel, dedicated to the memory of Dr. Łukasz Kądziela on the 25th anniversary of his death / link
- May 27 11.00 a.m., Ballroom, Tyszkiewiczów-Potocki Palace / lecture by French historian and politician Jean-Noël Jeanneney entitled “Georges Clemenceau – A Portrait of a Free Man”. Lecture in French with translation / link
- The organizers of the conference for PhD students “History and Literature: Methods, Theories, Fields” invite you to submit abstracts. The conference, co-organized by the University of Warsaw and the École des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS), deals with the relationship between history and literature. Abstracts should be sent by May 16, 2022 to the address a.kula2@uw.edu.pl / link
April 20, 2022
- The “POB IV for Parents” competition has been announced. It is intended for young women researchers and researchers in the humanities who return to scientific work after breaks caused by childcare. You can apply for a grant in the amount of PLN 30,000 to PLN 100,000. The call for applications lasts until May 31, 2022 / link
- „Sięgając po niezbadane. Osiągnięcia naukowe współfinansowane przez FNP” –publication issued on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the Foundation for Polish Science. Among the people distinguished in the publication, there were three researchers from our Faculty: prof. Roman Michałowski, prof. Łukasz Niesiołowski-Spanò and prof. Marek Węcowski / link
- April 21 at 4.45 p.m., room 209 at the Faculty of Law and Administration or online / Ewa Wipszycka’s late antique seminar, Juliette Day’s paper “The contexts and contents of baptismal catechesis in the 4th century” / link
- April 24 at 5.00 p.m., Monastery Hall, Fr. Dominikanie, Lublin, lecture by prof. teach dr. hab. Łukasz Niesiołowski-Spanò “Religie starożytnej Judei i Izraela. Rekonstrukcja niebiblijna?” / link
- April 25 at 6.00 p.m., online / scientific meeting of the Department of History of the 19th century / assumptions and preliminary results of research on the topic: ” Od marginalizacji społecznej do mniejszości kulturowej. Głusi w Królestwie Polskim w XIX wieku” will be presented by dr Aleksandra Oniszczuk and dr hab. Artur Markowski / link
- April 28 at 3:00 p.m. online / scientific meeting of the Department of 20th Century History, talk entitled “W rezerwie oraz szeregach – biała śmierć, francuska choroba i nie tylko. Choroby zakaźne w państwie Habsburgów 1882-1918” presented by Dr. Jan Błachnio / link
- May 10 at 12:00 p.m., online or stationary at the Institute of History of the Polish Academy of Sciences / lecture “Streets as Heritage – research on cultural heritage and urban history in Central European Context” will be given by Dr. Tamara Zaninović / link
- May 12 at 1.15 p.m., Sala Kolumnowa / seminar combined with a discussion panel, dedicated to the memory of Dr. Łukasz Kądziela on the 25th anniversary of his death / link
- May 27 at 11.00 a.m., Sala Balowa, Tyszkiewiczów-Potocki Palace / lecture by French historian and politician Jean-Noël Jeanneney entitled “Georges Clemenceau – A Portrait of a Free Man”. Lecture in French with translation / link
- Conference on the relationship between history and literature “History and Literature: Methods, Theories, Fields” organized on June 23-24, 2022 by the University of Warsaw and École des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS). Sending abstracts (up to 300 words) by May 16, 2022 / link
- Andrzej Chojnowski „Mniejszość ukraińska w II RP”, Polskie Radio pr. II, April 11, 2022 / link
- Paweł Nowakowski „Obraz przeszłości”, „Uniwersytet Warszawski”, nr 1 (102) 2022, s. 27 / link
- Jan Siwoń (student, participant of journalism workshops) „Ludowa historia spowiedzi. Chłop u spowiedzi. Pan zmuszał, kapłan odpytywał”, „Polityka” nr 16, April 2022 / link (paid access)
April 13, 2022
Peace and goodness.
We wish you peace and health. Dean’s team |
- We encourage doctoral students to take advantage of subsidies for foreign internships. Co-financing is offered as part of the second edition of the IDUB competition. In the current recruitment, grants can be obtained for internships starting between June 2 and December 31, 2022 and lasting from 90 to 180 calendar days. The call for applications ends on May 4, 2022 / link
- President of the Capital City of Warsaw invites the authors of master’s theses and doctoral dissertations defended in 2021 on the subject of Warsaw and the development of the city to apply for the President’s Award for diploma theses in the field of Warsaw development. The deadline for submitting applications is April 29, 2022 / link
- The Scientific Publishing House of the “Pamięć i Przyszłość” Center is organizing a competition for the publication of a historical monograph on the history of Poland after 1945, with particular emphasis on the Western and Northern Territories; oral history; history in public space; reconciliation between nations after 1945 (especially Polish-German reconciliation) and the anti-communist opposition in the Western and Northern Territories (with particular emphasis on Lower Silesia). The prize is to finance the publication of the monograph and the remuneration in the amount of PLN 8,000 / link
- We encourage you to participate in two collections for Ukrainians in need, organized by the employees of our Faculty.
- A group of volunteers collects laptops and desktops and gives them free of charge to Ukrainian children from Warsaw and the surrounding area who continue their distance learning. Laptops and computers are repaired, disks are formatted, a system in Ukrainian is installed. Other computer accessories are also collected: cameras, microphones, speakers, wi-fi cards, cases, power supplies, motherboards, processors, graphics cards, RAM memories and drives. Warehouse in room 15
- We would like to inform you about the online collection for protective equipment for Ukrainian volunteer soldiers fighting in Ukraine, which is run by our employee, Elżbieta Kwiecińska / link
- We would like to inform you that the working hours of the administration and the opening hours of the building of the Faculty of History will be changed in the pre-holiday Easter week. April 14, 2022 (Thursday) – the administration works until 2 p.m., the building will be open until 2 p.m., April 15, 2022 (Friday) – it will be a day off, therefore the building will be closed on that day.
- On April 19-23, 2022 (from Tuesday to Saturday), due to the organization of the Open Day, parking will be restricted on the central campus (not applicable to the holders of ZDM badges for 2022 and repair crew vehicles).
- Summary of the collected vouchers (data as of April 13, 2022): drugstores – PLN 4510, grocery stores – PLN 1770, clothing stores – PLN 650, toy stores – PLN 200, household appliances – PLN 150. We sincerely thank all the donors.
- April 5 a general meeting of the members of the Society of History Enthusiasts took place at the seat of the Institute of History of the Polish Academy of Sciences. At the meeting, the new authorities of TMH were elected. Dr. hab. Robert Gawkowski, employee of the Archives of the University of Warsaw. Members of the Main Board were elected, inter alia, former and current employees of the Faculty of History at the University of Warsaw: prof. prof. Andrzej Karpiński, Maria Koczerska, Łukasz Niesiołowski-Spanò, Piotr Węcowski, Zofia Zielińska, while Dr. Piotr Okniński became a member of the Audit Committee / link
- On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the Foundation for Polish Science, a publication entitled „Sięgając po niezbadane. Osiągnięcia naukowe współfinansowane przez FNP”. Among the people distinguished in the publication, there were three researchers from our Faculty: prof. Roman Michałowski, prof. Łukasz Niesiołowski-Spanò and prof. Marek Węcowski. The premiere of the book took place on April 12, 2022 / link
- Konrad Artur Bobiatyński, „Rachunki wojskowe hetmana polnego litewskiego Michała Kazimierza Radziwiłła”, part II, „Klio” vol. 61 Nr 1 2022 / link
- Elżbieta Kwiecińska, Pavel Skigin, “The discourse of privilege. Western Europe and tge Russian War Against Ukraine”, Review of Democracy, Central European University / April 7, 2022 / link
- April 14 at 12.00 p.m., online, registration / seminar at ISP PAN / Anna Wylegała, lecture “Był dwór, nie ma dworu. Reforma rolna w Polsce”
- April 25 at 6.00 p.m., online / scientific meeting of the Department of the History of the 19th century / assumptions and preliminary results of research on the topic: ” Od marginalizacji społecznej do mniejszości kulturowej. Głusi w Królestwie Polskim w XIX wieku” will be presented by Dr. Aleksandra Oniszczuk and Dr. hab. Artur Markowski / link
- II scientific conference devoted to Galician archives “Archives, libraries, collections in Galicia from the end of the 18th century to the interwar period”. The conference will be held on September 9, 2022 at the Public Library of Przemysl. Submission of papers by June 1, 2022 / link
- National conference “Zarządzanie dokumentacją – aspekty prawne i historyczne” organized on December 8-9, 2022 by the Institute of History of the University of Szczecin. Submission of proposals for speeches by June 30, 2022 / link
- Masha Makarowa (PhD student) “Odpowiedzialność moralna spada na wszystkich Rosjan. Skończyły się czasy bycia poza polityką”, Gazeta Wyborcza, April 8, 2022 / link
- Michał Rastaszański (student), ” Morale w mundurze- Rewolucja francuska. O sile armii zawsze świadczy jej morale”,” Polityka – Historia “, April 5, 2022 / link (paid access)
- Marcin Zaremba, “Ćwiczenia z paniki. Panika po wojnie była potężna. Czego bali się Polacy?”, Polityka “April 11, 2022 / link (paid access)
- Piotr M. Majewski, lecture ” Niemiecka Praga”, delivered at the International Cultural Center in Krakow on April 7, 2022 / link
- Elżbieta Kwiecińska, paper “Between a Pity and a Fear: The Concept of the ‘Civilizing Mission’ as Cultural Transfer in East-Central Europe, 1815–1919” during “23rd International Conference on the History of Concepts. Global Modernity, Emotions, Temporalities , and Concepts “, 7-9 April 2022 / link
April 6, 2022
- We provide free access to e-books and magazine articles published by DE GRUYTER & PUBLISHING PARTNERS on Ukraine and Russia. Topics: European history, international relations, law, modern history, political science, Slavic literature and sociology. The materials will be available free of charge until June 30, 2022 / link
- We would like to inform you that the working hours of the administration and the opening hours of the building of the Faculty of History will be changed in the pre-holiday Easter week. April 14, 2022 (Thursday) – the administration works until 2 p.m., the building will be open until 2 p.m., April 15, 2022 (Friday) – it will be a day off, therefore the building will be closed on that day
- Due to the still high needs of refugees and your interest in the campaign “Vouchers for refugees from Ukraine”, we extend the collection of vouchers until Easter 2022. Brief summary of the collected vouchers (data as of April 6, 2022): drugstores – PLN 4360, grocery stores – 1720 PLN, clothing stores – PLN 650, toy stores – PLN 200, household appliances – PLN 150. We sincerely thank all the donors
- The university IT team asks you to stop using Kaspersky Lab products, in particular to uninstall it from all work devices due to the current FCC and BSI recommendations, please stop using Kaspersky Lab products, in particular uninstalling it from all work devices
- Foundation prof. Tomasz Strzembosz announced the 14th edition of the competition for the best debut book of the year in the field of modern history, concerning the period 1939-1989. A debut book or the second book in the author’s output, published in the year preceding the competition, may be submitted to the competition. Only books originally written in Polish will be eligible. Proposals can be submitted until April 30, 2022 to the email address: kontakt@fundacjastrzembosza.pl or by traditional mail / link
- The Research Center of the German Minority announces a competition for the implementation of research projects conducted by young scientists, including doctoral students and students. We invite everyone whose area of interest concerns issues related to the past, present or future of Germans in Poland. Applications are accepted until April 30, 2022 / link
- Barbara Wagner, „Wiejska oświata w Polsce w latach 1918-1939”, 1st edition, Warsaw 2021 / link
- April 7 at 4.45 p.m., room 209 at the Faculty of Law and Administration, Ewa Wipszycka’s late antique seminar, paper “Monasticism as the dreamlife of Angels: a twist of perspective” will be delivered by Delphine Lauritzen (Sorbonne Université) / link
- April 7 at 5.00 p.m., online / Medieval-modern seminar / lecture „Relacje zwierzę – człowiek – środowisko na przykładzie średniowiecznego bartnictwa. Zarys problematyki” will be delivered by prof. Aneta Pieniądz. The link will be made available after sending the application for participation to the following address: abartoszewicz@uw.edu.pl or g.mysliwski@uw.edu.pl / link
- Jacek Kordel , „Spór o historię Biskupi wobec rozbiorów Polski” / TVP Historia, March 2022 / link
- Jan Siwoń (student), „Skrupule”, że „nikt jeszcze nikogo piórem nie zwojował”. Przez ostatnie pół wieku istnienia Rzeczpospolita była obiektem zasilanej z zewnątrz dezinformacji / „Polityka”, Historia / March 29, 2022 / link
- Zofia Zielińska, „Co u Państwa na warsztacie?” / Łazienki Królewskie, Facebook, April 4, 2022 / link
- On March 23-25, 2022, the “Cultural Heritage Geodata: Polish Perspectives” workshop was held at our Faculty. The participants of the event discussed spatial data in cultural institutions with colleagues from the National Library, the Main Office of Geodesy and Cartography, academics and guests from abroad. Andrea Nanetti and Muki Haklay gave guest lectures. Dr. Paweł Nowakowski also presented his project. The organizers of the workshops: the Institute of History of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Faculty of History of the University of Warsaw, completed the task thanks to the financial support of the Europeana program. The result of the work is the declaration on spatial data in cultural heritage / link
- Muzeum Początków Państwa Polskiego w Gnieźnie, as part of the series “We wczesnym to było…”, invited Dr. Tomasz Pełech to participate in a meeting devoted to the history of crusades and crusaders from the end of the 11th century to the end of the 13th century / March 31, 2021 / link
- As part of the “Late antique and byzantine virtual seminar series”, Dr. Paweł Nowakowski delivered a speech on “Parallel universes or shared environment? Testing different scenarios for the coexistence of Greek and Syriac epigraphies in early Byzantium”, April 5, 2022 / link
March 30, 2022
- Results of the competition for funding research activities of employees and doctoral students – spring 2022 / link
- We have announced a competition for historians from Ukraine (3 places). We encourage you to disseminate among refugees and refugees from Ukraine who are looking for a job. The deadline for submitting documents is April 14 / link
- The Academic Bookstore in Krakow announces the “From the drawer n @ shelf” competition, in which the prize is the publication of a scientific monograph by this publisher. Works in the field of humanities and social sciences are accepted. The preferred issues are: Polish Romanticism, the activity of the Polish Underground State and women in science. Competition works can be submitted until May 31, 2022 / link
- Summary of the action “Vouchers for refugees from Ukraine” (data as of March 29, 2022): drugstores – PLN 4,260, grocery stores – PLN 1,470, clothing stores – PLN 650, toy stores – PLN 200. We sincerely thank all the donors.
- March 31 at 4.45 p.m., room 209 at the Faculty of Law and Administration, Ewa Wipszycka’s late antique seminar, paper “Ephesus in Late Antiquity: Urban landscapes from architectural reuse” will be given by Luke Lavan (University of Kent) / link
- II Congress of Researchers of the Vasa Age and Countrymen Kings Parliamentarism and parliamentary elites in the 17th century (September 28-30, 2022, Olsztyn), submission of papers by May 31, 2022 / link
- Piotr Kroll “The history of Poland and the history of Ukraine were often intertwined” History & Culture, March 22, 2022 / link
- Tadeusz Rutkowski “Generał Anders i jego armia przez komunistów byli postrzegani jako wrogowie”, Dzieje.pl / 24 March 24, 2022 r. / link
- Michał Kopczyński / March 18, 2022 / lecture ” Ignacy Jan Paderewski – między sztuką a polityką” at the Polish Baltic Philharmonic Frederic Chopin in Gdańsk. The lecture was an introduction to the symphony concert Paderewski – Głos Niepodległej
March 23, 2022
- The National Science Center has informed about recruitment to the competitions Opus 23, Preludium 21, Polonaise Bis / link
- The deadlines for accepting applications in two IDUB competitions – Nowe Idee 2a and Nowe Idee 2b – have been extended. In the New Ideas 2a competition, applications may be submitted until April 4, 2022. In the New Ideas 2b competition, until April 15, 2022 / link
- Recruitment to the Erasmus + program for academic teachers and non-academic staff is ongoing / link
- April offer of trainings and courses for academic teachers / link
- We provide information on the possibility of participating in summer schools for PhD students. ESEH 2022 Summer School of Environmental History, Bristol, UK, 10-13 July 2022 and Summer School of Digital Methods in Humanities and Social Sciences, Tartu, Estonia, 21-25 August 2022 / link
- We have completed a project awarded in the IDUB competition for the promotion of scientific research. The work has resulted in 7 films promoting multidisciplinary research on antiquity / link
- Until March 23, 2022, thanks to your generosity, we have collected vouchers for refugees from Ukraine in the amount of PLN 5,130. You donated vouchers to drugstores (PLN 3600), grocery stores (PLN 1230), clothing stores (PLN 300). Please be advised that in some clothing stores (H&M, Calcedonia, Intimissimi, CCC) it is also possible to buy digital gift cards. The purchased voucher is sent to the buyer by e-mail, it can be printed and given to refugees. Thank you for your help! We encourage people who have hosted refugees or act as volunteers and have contact with people in need, to collect vouchers from room 15.
- Jolanta Choińska-Mika, „Zgoda wszystkich czy arytmetyka? Liberum veto i polski parlamentaryzm” [in] „Teologia Polityczna co Tydzień”, no. 310/2022, 7 III 2022 / link
- Kamil Frejlich, „Pod przysądem horodnictwa wileńskiego. O pewnej jurydyce i jej mieszkańcach w XVII wieku”, Wydawnictwo Naukowe UMK, 2022
- Urszula Kosińska, „Liberum veto jako narzędzie wpływu obcych mocarstw na sprawy Rzeczypospolitej” [in] „Teologia Polityczna co Tydzień”, no. 310/2022, 7 III 2022 / link
- Zofia Zielińska, „Jak liberum veto „wygórowało” w Rzeczypospolitej” [in] „Teologia Polityczna co Tydzień”, no. 310/2022, 7 III 2022 / link
- March 24 at 4.45 p.m., room 209 at the Faculty of Law and Administration, Ewa Wipszycka’s late antique seminar, paper: “Simony: why it is not easy to study. Commentary on two novels by Justinian (Nov. 56; 123,3 and 16) ”will be given by prof. Ewa Wipszycka / link
- March 28 at 6:00 p.m., room no. 14 at the Faculty of History / “The elites in the face of the interregnum” / meeting with prof. Andrzej Marc (Jagiellonian University) / link
- March 29 at 10.00 a.m., online, registration / meeting „Kampus i okolice. Przewodnik po platformie e-learningowej dla pracowników administracji UW” organized by Centrum Kompetencji Cyfrowych UW / link
- April 12 at 11.30 a.m., Sala Kolumnowa / public defense of the doctoral dissertation by Stanisław Zawadzki. The title of the dissertation: „Gospodarowanie ekonomiami królewskimi w Wielkim Księstwie Litewskim w świetle kontraktów dzierżawnych z II poł. XVII wieku”
Supervisor: prof. Piotr Ugniewski / link
March 16, 2022
- The campaign to collect vouchers for refugees from Ukraine was well received. From the moment of its announcement (less than a week), we collected and handed over to refugees vouchers worth PLN 1300 (PLN 810 in drogerie, PLN 390 for food, PLN 100 for clothing). The action lasts until the end of March 2022. Thank you very much / link
- On March 11, 2022, the call for applications in the “Mentor Program” competition, organized as part of the “Excellence Initiative – Research University” program, began. The aim of the program is to increase the chances of researchers from the University of Warsaw to include teams implementing ground-breaking research projects in the work of science, by enabling the building of an international network of contacts with scientists from universities from other countries. In-house mentoring visits will be co-financed. The application deadline is April 20 / link
- Among the newly recruited employees of the Faculty of History are: Beata Grzybowska-Bil (administration), Grace Stafford and Mikko Toivanen (academic staff)
- Please be advised that the seminar organized by the Faculty of History of the University of Warsaw and the Faculty of Humanities of the Ukrainian Catholic University “Cities of Central and Eastern Europe in the 14th-17th centuries”, planned for March 2022, will not be held / link
- Mariusz Kałczewiak, Magdalena Kozłowska, „The World beyond the West: Perspectives from Eastern Europe”, New York-Oxford 2022 / link
- Karolina Mętrak, „Odbudowa kościołów Warszawy jako przedmiot relacji między państwem a Kościołem. Wybrane zagadnienia (1945-1968)”, Almanach Warszawy, vol. 14, 2022 / link
- March 15 at 6.00 p.m., Marzyciele i Rzemieślnicy, Bracka St. 25, the debate “Za totalitarną kurtyną. Nowa rzeczywistość w Rosji” with Masha Makarova, Maria Domańska, Arleta Boyke (host) / link
- March 17 at 4.45 p.m., room 209 at the Faculty of Law and Administration or online, Ewa Wipszycka’s late antique seminar, a presentation by Carlos Machado (St Andrews) “Looking for the poor in late antique Rome: identity, knowledge, and power” / link
- March 17 at 5.00 p.m., room 3.012 at the French Culture Center of the University of Warsaw, ul. Dobra 55 or online, report by Karolina Ćwiek-Rogalska “Zapamiętane w krajobrazie. Krajobraz kulturowy czesko-niemieckiego pogranicza w czasach przemian”, commentary by Grzegorz Studnicki / link
- March 23-25, room B1, we invite you to participate in the workshop “Cultural Heritage Geodata: Polish Perspectives”, organized with the support of Europeana by our faculty stationary (room B1) registration / link
- 27th National Congress of Student Historians (May 9-13, 2022, WH UW), submission of papers by April 1, 2022 / link
- Nationwide Student-Doctoral Conference “Miasta (nie)idealne. Spełnione i niespełnione wizje” (online, 5-7 May 2022, WH UW), applications until April 4, 2002 / link
- 23rd National Congress of Archival Students (June 1-3, 2022, NCU Toruń), submission of papers by March 15, 2022 / link
- Marek Węcowski, wykład „Herodotus, the Persian Wars, and Greek political patronage” / „Herodotus Helpline”, March 9, 2022 / link
- Piotr Kroll, „Historia Polski oraz historia Ukrainy bardzo często się przeplatały”, Dzieje.pl, March 12, 2022 / link
March 9, 2022
- The “New Ideas 2B” competition was opened as part of IDUB activities. Applications may be submitted by employees holding at least a doctor’s degree, 7 years or longer from which have passed, included in the number N, conducting research, falling within the scope of POB IV. The call for applications will last until April 15, 2022. / link
- Recruitment for the Polish-U.S. Fulbright Commission scholarship programs has started, addressed to Polish students, educators and researchers / link
- We encourage you to watch the debate “The History of Ukraine à la russe …” with the participation of Joanna Getka, Hieronim Grala, Bartłomiej Gajos, Piotr Kroll and Artur Markowski / link
- Sports classes at the University of Warsaw: free judo classes for children of UW employees / link and information on the possibility of using sports cards under the contract with Fitprofit / link
- Prof. Marcin Zaremba became a member of the Polish PEN Club
- Grzegorz Pac, „Women in the Piast Dynasty. A Comparative Study of Piast Wives and Daughters (c. 965–c.1144)” / Brill 2022 / link
- March 9 at 5.30 p.m. / Brygida Kürbis seminar / Paweł Nowakowski Ph.D. / lecture ” TEI XML we współczesnych edycjach źródeł epigraficznych: stan, narzędzia i możliwości badawcze” / link (meeting ID: 968 9701 0188, access code: w4hN9r)
- March 10 at 4.45 p.m. / stationary (room 209 at the Faculty of Law and Administration, Collegium Iuridicum I), or online late antique seminar by Ewa Wipszycka, talk by Daniel Syrbe “A world of small towns and nomads. The Mauretania provinces of the Roman Empire as ‘areas of limited statehood’ (1st – 6th c.)? ” / link
- 14-18 March / conference of the Faculty of Archeology of the University of Warsaw “Przeszłość ma przyszłość!/ The Past has a Future!” / link
- March 17 at 2.00 p.m. online, registration required / seminar of ISP PAN / paper by Piotr H. Kosicki ” Kościół powszechny czy polski. Maria Winowska, transnacjonalna szara eminencja polskiego katolicyzmu w latach 1940-79″
- April 5-6 at 9.00 a.m. -3.00 p.m. / room 209, building WPiA UW / Center for Out-of-Court Dispute Resolution at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Warsaw invites UW employees to participate in a free training course “Konflikty międzyludzkie, a zjawiska mobbingu i dyskryminacji- profilaktyka, diagnoza, reagowanie” / link
- Piotr Kroll, Artur Markowski, / Historia Ukrainy – Ruś Kijowska, Kozacy, ukraiński Donbas / Radio Naukowe, 5 March 2022 / link
- Adam Ziółkowski / „Cezar: demagog, polityk, grabarz republiki” oraz „Cezara życie drugie, trzecie, czwarte” / „Mówią Wieki” No. 3 (752), 7 March 2022 / link
March 1, 2022
Шановні Cтуденти, Аспіранти, Співробітники та Друзі Історичного факультету Варшавського університету з України!
В цей драматичний для Вас час жорстокого нападу на Вашу Батьківщину ми хочемо висловити Вам усю можливу допомогу і підтримку. Ми поділяємо Ваші занепокоєння та тривогу за Ваші Сім’ї.
Рада Деканів Історичного факультету.
Будь ласка, зв’яжіться з нами, якщо Вам потрібна допомога: dziekanat.wh@uw.edu.pl
Dear students, PhD and PhD students, employees and employees as well as friends of the Faculty of History from Ukraine!
In this dramatic moment of brutal attack on your homeland for you, we declare all possible help and support.
We are united with you in concern for your families.
Dean’s College of WH If you need help, please contact dziekanat.wh@uw.edu.pl
- Current trainings and courses for academic teachers / link
- On behalf of the 4EU + Team, we invite you to participate in two interdisciplinary doctoral conferences: Social Logics Of Culture In Contemporary Central Europe (from the 19th to the 21st Century). Between Conflics And Innovations / April 11-13, 2022, online formula, applications until March 10 / link and Mnemonic Encounters in Europe: New Directions and Dilemmas / May 18-20, 2022, online formula, applications until March 14 / link
- From the beginning of the 2021/2022 summer semester, a pink box can be found in the building of the Faculty of History. The pink box is a free personal care product (sanitary napkins and tampons) that can be used by women in an emergency. The pink boxes are designed to facilitate the functioning of students, PhD students and employees at the university and to ensure their psychological comfort. At the Faculty of History, the box was placed on the third floor, in the toilet for people with disabilities / link
- We encourage you to apply for the Laura Bassi Scholarship, which has been established by Editing Press to provide editorial assistance to graduate students, PhD students and young scientists / application deadline is March 27, 2022 / link
- Professor Jarosław Czubaty was invited to the editorial board of the international scientific journal, “Napoleonica the journal” / link
- Dr Julia Doroszewska won a grant of over PLN 3 million for the implementation of the Thinking of Thinking: Conceptual Metaphors of Cognition in the Plutarchan Corpus project in the Sonata BIS 11 competition of the National Science Center / link
- „Dziwne są losów koleje… Listy i pamiętniki Ignacego Boernera 1914-1918”, prepared by Jerzy Kochanowski, in collaboration with Jan Błachnio, Naczelna Dyrekcja Archiwów Państwowych, Warszawa 2021
- March 2 at 4.00 p.m., Faculty of History, room 125 / lecture ” Gdańsk i Wenecja w epoce nowożytnej w ujęciu porównawczym ” will be given by prof. Michael G. Müller / link
- March 3 at 3.00 p.m., at the Department of 20th Century History (room 124) and by Google Meet / scientific meeting of the Department of 20th Century History / Katarzyna Jóźwik’s lecture ” Partycypacja polityczna kobiet w Drugiej Rzeczypospolitej” / link
- March 3 at 4.45 p.m. room 209 at the Faculty of Law and Administration or online (link available after contact: r.wisniewski@uw.edu.pl) / Seminarium late antique by Ewa Wipszycka / Katharina Rieger “Filling some gaps: Settlements and life-strategies between the Nile Delta and the Gulf of Sollum from Roman to Byzantine Times” / link
- March 3 at 5.00 p.m., online / Medieval and modern times seminar / lecture by prof. Anna Adamska from the University of Utrecht entitled ” Rex litteratus czy Król Gryzipiórków? Średniowieczni władcy jako eksperci oceniający autentyczność dokumentów”/ link
- March 3 at 6.00 p.m., Marzyciele i Rzemieślnicy, Dom Braci Jabłkowskich, Bracka 25 St. / Rosyjska okupacja Donbasu z perspektywy prawa międzynarodowego / debate with prof. Władysław Czapliński, prof. Ireneusz Kamiński, Dr. Łukasz Adamski (host) languages: Polish, English, Ukrainian (simultaneous translation)
- March 7 at 6.00 p.m., by Google Meet / scientific meeting of the Department of the History of the 19th Century / Agata Koprowicz’s lecture ” Historia kulturowa fotografii chłopów w Królestwie Polskim do 1914 roku. Plan badań i wyzwania źródłowe”/ link
- Artur Markowski, Putinowska manipulacja historią / Radio Tok FM, February 27, 2022 / link
- Marek Węcowski, Mit II RP, „Polityka”, February 22, 2022 / link (paid access)
February 23, 2022
- At the beginning of the summer semester of the 2021/2022 academic year, the duties of the Vice-Dean for Student Affairs and the Head of the Teaching Unit are taken over by dr hab. Aneta Pieniądz / link
- We encourage you to pay special attention to any unusual events related to the virtual space, i.e. mailboxes, websites, applications that you have on your computers and phones. Let’s not go into unfamiliar links, don’t open attachments from unknown senders. Let’s try to use proven websites. Our appeal is related to the information about the introduction of the third alert level in the field of cybersecurity (CHARLIE-CRP) in our country. If you notice unusual events, e-mails or fraud attempts, please inform us about these events by sending an e-mail with information to the address dziekanat.wh@uw.edu.pl
- Centrum Kompetencji Cyfrowych asks you to fill in the questionnaire on the digital experiences of lecturers related to distance learning in the winter semester 2021/2022, even if you did not conduct remote classes yourself in the last semester. Filling out the questionnaire takes approx. 10 minutes. / link (in polish)
- Professor Agnieszka Bartoszewicz received the award of the Minister of Education and Science in the category “Significant achievements in the field of teaching”. The winners were awarded, inter alia, for activity in the field of educating students and doctoral students and promoting teaching staff; conducting specialist education or other forms of education serving the economic or social development of a region or country; authorship or co-authorship of outstanding and innovative academic textbooks / link
- February 23 at 4.00 p.m., Faculty of History, room 125 / lecture “Models of PhD students education in Europe” will be given by professor Michael G. Müller. The meeting will be chaired by prof. Jolanta Choińska-Mika / meeting in English / link
- February 24-25, Sala Kolumnowa, Faculty of History / National Scientific Session „Krajobraz po burzy. Kryzysy społeczne i ich przezwyciężanie w XX wieku”, organized by the 20th century section of the Students’ Club of Inter-Epoch Historical Research / link
- February 28 at 6:30 p.m., online / Gender History Seminar / lecture by Dr. Agnieszka Mrozik (IBL PAN) “„Wskazać drogę dziewczętom. Edukowanie młodych Polek do nowoczesnej socjalistyczne kobiecości w długich latach 60” with a comment by dr. Katarzyna Stańczak-Wiślicz / link
- March 2 at 4.00 p.m., Faculty of History, room 125 / lecture “Gdańsk i Wenecja w epoce nowożytnej w ujęciu porównawczym” will be given by prof. Michael G. Müller / link
- March 3 at 5.00 p.m., online / Medieval and modern times seminar / lecture by prof. Anna Adamska from the University of Utrecht entitled „Rex litteratus czy Król Gryzipiórków? Średniowieczni władcy jako eksperci oceniający autentyczność dokumentów”/ link
- March 7 at 6.00 p.m., online / scientific meeting of the Department of the History of the 19th Century / a presentation by Agata Koprowicz presenting the concept of a doctoral dissertation: „Historia kulturowa fotografii chłopów w Królestwie Polskim do 1914 roku. Plan badań i wyzwania źródłowe”/ link
- The organizers of the conference „Odbudowa, restytucja czy trwała ruina – nowe życie rezydencji królewsko-magnackich” invite you to submit applications with abstracts of their speeches. The event is organized as part of the 50th anniversary of the reconstruction of the Royal Castle in Warsaw. Abstracts should be sent by June 30, 2022. according to the data provided on the form, the conference will be held on October 27-28, 2022 / link
- Łukasz Niesiołowski-Spanò „Krótka historia boga Jahwe” / Fundacja Panteon, February 18, 2022 / link
- Paweł Nowakowski „Czym zajmuje się epigrafika? Co da się wyczytać z inskrypcji kamiennych?” / Radio Kampus, February 9, 2022 / link
February 16, 2022
- According to the announcement by the Rector of the University of Warsaw of February 15, 2022, the main mode of education in the summer semester will be full-time. At the same time, it will be possible to implement selected didactic activities remotely
- The announced “New Ideas 2A” competition was opened as part of IDUB activities. Applications may be submitted by employees holding at least a doctoral degree, from which no more than 7 years have elapsed, included in the number N, conducting research, falling within the scope of POB IV. The call for applications will last until March 21, 2022 / link
- The Council of the Faculty of History, at its meeting on February 2, 2022, adopted a resolution expressing support for the “Appeal in defense of the Memorial Association” in connection with the judgment of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation ordering the liquidation of this Association / link
- Foundation Janusz Kurtyka invites you to participate in the 6th edition of the Competition for the Janusz Kurtyka. The subject of the edition for 2022 is: “The Home Army and the attitudes of Poles during World War II. History and Heritage “. The competition consists in selecting publications in the field of humanities, social or legal sciences, the subject matter of which corresponds to the subject of the edition / link
- The Jewish Historical Institute invites you to nominate candidates for the Maria and Łukasz Hirszowicz for the year 2021! The prize is awarded in recognition of scientific, artistic or educational achievements in the field of research or popularization of the history of the Jewish presence in Poland and Polish-Jewish relations. Applications are accepted until March 10 / link
- On February 16, between 20:00 and 04:00, work is planned in the backbone network of the University of Warsaw. At the indicated times, there will be short breaks in access to all central IT services (eduroam, CAS, usosweb, usosadm, APD, mail adm, jira, SAP, sharepoint, VPN, websites
- Professor Jolanta Choińska-Mika was elected to the Education Evaluation Council of the University of Gdańsk for the 2022-2025 term / link
- February 23 at 16.00, room 125 at the Faculty of History / lecture “Models of PhD students education in Europe” will be given by visiting professor at the Faculty of History, Michael G. Müller. The meeting will be chaired by prof. Jolanta Choińska-Mika / meeting in English / link
- February 24 at 17.00, stationary in room 3.012 of the French Culture Center of the University of Warsaw, ul. Dobra 55 in Warsaw or online / ” Czwartki z socjologia historyczną”, a speech by Maciej Górny (IH PAN) entitled ” Porównanie kultur klęski: Polska i USA” with a commentary by prof. Michaela G. Müller / link
- Interview with prof. Łukasz Niesiołowski-Spanò “Studiowanie historii to nie zapamiętywanie jak największej ilości dat. Na czym więc polega?” / Radio Kampus, February 7, 2022 / link
- Mateusz Fiuczek (our student), „Święty pies i myszy na wygnaniu”, „Polityka” no. 8 16.02-22.02.2022 / link (paid access)
February 9, 2022
- We encourage you to submit applications in the competition for funding doctoral research. The call for applications will last until March 1, 2022. The maximum amount of funding is PLN 30,000 / link
- Please be advised that PITs for 2021 are already available on the Employee Self-Service Portal. People who have not logged in to this portal, we encourage you to use the prepared instructions on how to download PIT from the university SAP system / link
- In connection with the examination session and the inter-semester break, the building of the Faculty of History will be open from 3 to 18 February from 7.30 a.m. to 5 p.m. The Library of the Faculty will be open from 8.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m., and the reading room from 9.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m.
- Anna Michałowska-Mycielska, „Jewish Delegates at the Noble Sejm and Sejmiki between the Sixteenth and Eighteenth Centuries” [in:] Polin: Studies in Polish Jewry Volume 34 / link
- Artur Markowski, „Did Jewish Self-Government Exist in the Kingdom of Poland between 1815 and 1915” [in:] Polin: Studies in Polish Jewry Volume 34 / link
- Szymon Rudnicki, „The Struggle in the Polish Parliament for Jewish Autonomy and the Nature of the Jewish Community” [in:] Polin: Studies in Polish Jewry Volume 34 / link
- February 10, 12.00 p.m., online / talk by Izabela Mrzygłód, Ph.D. “Uniwersytety w cieniu kryzysu. Prawicowa radykalizacja studentów Warszawy i Wiednia w okresie międzywojennym”/ registration required / link
- February 15, 6.00 p.m., room no. 3, Kinoteka at the Palace of Culture and Science, admission free after filling in the form (until February 14 at the latest) / screening of a documentary about the Association “Memorial” entitled ” Czystka pamięci “, combined with a discussion / invite: Centrum Polsko-Rosyjskiego Dialogu i Porozumienia, Stowarzyszenie „Memoriał” i Stowarzyszenie „Za wolną Rosję” / link
- The organizers of the ” Rosyjskość: tęsknota za tożsamością” conference encourage submitting applications with abstracts of their speeches in the conference by April 28, 2022. The conference will be held on September 20-21, 2022 / link
- „Czy są powody, by tęsknić do rządów Edwarda Gierka?” – z Marcinem Zarembą rozmawia Józef Krzyk / „Gazeta Wyborcza – Ale Historia” January 30, 2022 / link (paid access)
- „Historyk o filmie Gierek” – z Marcinem Zaremba rozmawia Olga Giersz / „Natemat” January 22, 2022 / link
- Marcin Zaremba, „Bajka o Edwardzie odnowicielu” / „Polityka”, February 4, 2022 / link (paid access)
- Marcin Zaremba: leading the panel: „O (od)tworzenie Historii w historii życia. Dyskusja wokół książki Izabeli Wagner Bauman. Biografia” with the participation of prof. Piotr Osęka, Joanna Tokarska-Bakir, Izabela Wagner, organizer: Laboratorium im. Richarda Pipesa, ISP PAN, January 21, 2022
February 2, 2022
- The calendar for the academic year 2022/2023 has been published / link
- The schedule of recruitment to Doctoral Schools for the academic year 2022/2023 / link
- PhD scholarship for those who wish to do research in Rome. The scholarship is awarded by the Lemmermann Foundation. Applications are accepted until March 31 / link
- Grzegorz Myśliwski, „Professor Henryk Samsonowicz (1930-2021)” [in:] „Quaestiones Medii Aevi Novae” 26 (2021), pp. 329–334
- Tomasz Pełech, „From the house of the devil to the God’s temple – “abrenuntiatio diaboli” and “confessio fidei” in the narration about the foundation of the bishopric of Albara during the First Crusade in the Gesta Francorum and the Historia de Hierosolymitano Itinere” [in:] „Quaestiones Medii Aevi Novae” 26 (2021), pp. 33–53
- Tomasz Pełech, „Miles, nobilis, baro – przyczynek do studiów nad normańską elitą władzy w świetle dokumentów Rogera I, hrabiego Sycylii i Kalabrii” (na marginesie pracy Jeana Floriego „Lexicologie et société”), [w:] „Dux, milites et clerici, mercatores et scriptores. Z badań nad dziejami elit w średniowieczu i dobie nowożytnej”, edit. M. Goliński, S. Rosik, Wrocław 2021, pp. 9–22
- 5th National Scientific Conference of Historians of the 19th century / submissions of papers by March 15, 2022 / link
- February 7, at 6.30 p.m. online / lecture by prof. Natalii Aleksiun from the Polish Institute of Advanced Studies / ” Pisanie historii Żydów polskich przed zagładą ” / link
- Łukasz Niesiołowski-Spanò, „Jak powstawała Biblia? Spisano ją później niż myślisz, a inspiracji dostarczała grecka filozofia i mitologia”, Newsweek, 30 January 2022 / link (paid access)
- An article about the seminar that took place at the EUI in Florence as part of the 4EU + program with the participation of, among others dr hab. Dobrochny Kałwy / “History of European cooperation since 1919: research skills for junior researchers” / 26 January 2022 / link
January 26, 2022
- In accordance No. 2 of 24 January 2022 exams and credits in the winter session 2021/2022 at the Faculty of History at the University of Warsaw will be held remotely / link
- University of Warsaw employees and doctoral students can undergo free tests for active SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus infection. The test can also be performed by people who have already benefited from the study conducted by Warsaw Genomics. Swab collection will last until March 31, 2022 / link
- Current trainings and courses for academic teachers / link
- Foundation Janusz Kurtyka in Warsaw invites you to participate in the 6th edition of the Competition for the Janusz Kurtyka. This year’s theme: “The Home Army and the attitudes of Poles during World War II. History and Heritage “. The deadline for sending books and documents is February 28 / link
- Please be advised that on the website of the Faculty of History, instructions have been prepared for setting the e-mail footer in Google e-mail and / or in the e-mail program (Outlook). We encourage you to use the instructions. You only have to go through it once – after a single setting, the footer will remain permanently / link
- Robert Wiśniewski, by the decision of the President of the Republic of Poland, Andrzej Duda of January 4, 2022, was awarded the title of professor of humanities / link
- Igor Chabrowski, Instrumentalization of “China” in Southeast Asia’s Global Entrepôt: Ayutthaya in the Times of the Ming and the Early Qing Dynasties” [in:] „Journal of Chinese History” (2022), 6, 69–91, Cambridge University Press / link
- Urszula Kosińska, „Stanisław Poniatowski, ojciec króla Stanisława Augusta” [in:] „Teologia Polityczna Co Tydzień”, no. 303/2022 / link
- January 26 at 4.00 p.m., online / meeting of the Historical Sources Editing Team / talk by Dr. hab. Tadeusz Rutkowski „Edycja nieznanych dokumentów z dziejów odrodzonego UW (1915 – 1919)” / link
- February 3 at 10.00, online, fee 30 PLN / seminar ” Wybór i ludzkie postawy wobec holocaustu” / link
- “Z innej planety: Paweł Nowakowski wśród laureatów Starting Grants” / podcast “Radio dla Ciebie”, January 18, 2021 / link
January 19, 2022
- The Council of the Faculty of History of the University of Warsaw, at its meeting on January 12, 2022, adopted a resolution on expressing an opinion on the project of the Ministry of Education and Science on the core curriculum for secondary schools in the subjects “History”, “History and the present” and “Knowledge about society” / link
- The Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange has prepared a schedule for the call for applications for 2022. for foreign internships or research trips / link
- The competition of the National Program for the Development of Humanities, organized in two modules: “National Heritage” and “Uniwersalia 2.1”, has been adjudicated. The winning projects include: the project of Konrad Bobiatyński, 2 projects byArtur Markowski and the project of Maciej Ptaszyński / link
- Jarosław Czubaty, by the decision of the President of the Republic of Poland, Andrzej Duda of December 16, 2021, was awarded the title of professor of humanities / link
- „Niedosyt ” – a conversation between Dobrochna Kałwa and Małgorzata Szpakowska, „Dialog” , 11-12 2021 / link
- Marcin R. Pauk „Language of Power and Communication in the Piast Dynasty: Toward a Reappraisal of Polish Political Culture of the 12th–13th Century”, [in:] „Rulership in Medieval East Central Europe Power, Ritual and Legitimacy in Bohemia, Hungary and Poland”, edit. G. Vercamer, D. Zupka, Leiden – Brill 2022 / link
- Karol Modzelewski (the last scientific text of Prof. Modzelewski, who died in 2019), „Przełom antypozytywistyczny i strukturalizm w Mitologii Słowian Aleksandra Gieysztora”, ” Historia Slavorum Occidentis” 30, 2021, vol. 3 / link
- Andrzej Chojnowski, „Prezydent Ignacy Mościcki. Pan na Zamku Królewskim w Warszawie” [in:] „Zamek Królewski w okresie II Rzeczypospolitej” edit. Anny Czekaj, Arx Regia – Wydawnictwo Zamku Królewskiego w Warszawie, 2021
- January 20 at 4.45 p.m., room 209 at the Faculty of Law and Administration or online / Ewa Wipszycka’s late antique seminar / papers will be given by: Flavia Ruani (Institut de Recherche et d’Histoire des Textes CNRS), Jimmy Daccache (Yale University) i Simon Brelaud (University of California Berkeley), E-Twoto Digital Paleography of Syriac Inscriptions / link
- January 20 at 5.30 p.m. / seminar “Rozumienie faktu historycznego w metodologii historii i źródłoznawstwie historycznym” / online (Meeting ID: 979 5732 7949, Passcode: 193200) / link
- January 26 at 1 p.m., online / Flagship 2 Open Session – it is one of four flagships under the 4EU+ Alliance. Participants will learn how to get involved in creating the educational offer of the 4EU+ Alliance, as well as discuss flexible learning pathways. Application deadline expires on 23rd January / link
January 12, 2022
- We encourage you to submit applications for the promotion of research under the next IDUB competition “Promotion of scientific research”. The competition assumptions assume that the subject of co-financing may be all activities that will bring the results of the research closer to a wide audience. Co-financing may include, for example, the preparation of an article, publication, book, podcast, blog, website related to the conducted research. Submission of applications by February 4, 2022 / link
- The Open University of the University of Warsaw invites employees and doctoral students of the Faculty of History to submit proposals for courses for the third trimester of the 2021/2022 academic year. Course proposals are accepted from February 2, 2022 / link
- Introduction to the USOSweb – online training for international UW employees / link
- Ph.D. Igor Chabrowski, won a scholarship for a research stay in France in the call for applications to the SSHN Scholarship Program of the French government / link
- Ph.D. Paweł Nowakowski has received a prestigious grant from the European Research Council (ERC). The researcher was awarded in the field of humanities and will implement the project entitled “Masters of the stone: The stonecutters’ workshops and the rise of the late antique epigraphical cultures (third – fifth century AD)” acronym: STONE-MASTERS / link
- Katarzyna Kaczyńska “Orać zagon lepszej doli. Żydowskie rolnictwo w Polsce w latach 1945-1950” (the book was written as a thesis defended in the field of History and Culture of Jews, supervisor August Grabski) , Żydowski Instytut Historyczny / link
- Elżbieta Kwiecińska „Współobywatele czy dyskryminowana mniejszość? Ukraińcy w Niepodległej”, Zeszyty do Debat Historycznych, Muzeum Józefa Piłsudskiego in Sulejówek, Fundacja Polska Debatuje, 2021 / link
- Marta Michalska, „Do kogo należy pieśń? Boże, coś Polskę i fonosfera protestu – przypadek manifestacji religijno-patriotycznych 1861 i rewolucji 1905 roku”, [in:] „Song Studies. Polityka i poetyka wytwarzania piosenki”, ed. Waldemar Kuligowski, Paweł Tański, Poznań: Wydawnictwo Instytutu im. Oskara Kolberga, 2021, pp. 17-40.
- „Sources on Jewish Self-Government in the Polish Lands from Its Inception to the Present” collection of works edited by Francois Guesnet and Jerzy Tomaszewski (died 2014) / articles: August Grabski and Artur Markowski / Brill 2022 / link
- January 12 at 10.00 a.m., Bracka 25 (3rd floor) or online / meeting with prof. Tomasz Kizwalter ” Polska droga do nowoczesności – zwyczajna czy wyjątkowa?” / link
- January 13 at 3.00 p.m., online / lecture by Ph.D. Łukasz Krzyżanowski “An Ordinary Man: A Police Informer in the Polish Countryside during the German Occupation and the Holocaust” / link
- January 13 at 4.45 p.m. / Biblioteka Papirologii i Prawa Rzymskiego na Wydziale Prawa i Administracji (Collegium Iuridicum I) or online / Late antique seminar by Ewa Wipszycka / presentation by Jakub Urbanik (UW), “The ἔθος and the Egyptian Priests. A Contribution to study of Law Application in Roman Egypt ”/ link
January 5, 2022
- Pursuant to the resolution of the University Education Council, from January 10, 2022, questionnaires for the evaluation of didactic classes in the winter semester 2021/2022 will be launched via the USOSweb system. Please carry out the questionnaire during the last classes of the semester and allocate 10-15 minutes for it. If there is a final test in the last class, the questionnaire should be carried out in the penultimate class. Students will be able to complete a questionnaire on the USOSweb website or using the USOS mobile application. For the time of filling it in, in order to provide students with adequate comfort, please leave the lecture hall. In case of technical problems, please contact the student section: section.stud.wh@uw.edu.pl
- We encourage you to donate 1% of your tax to the Faculty of History / link
- Doctoral thesis by Dr. Oleksandr Avramchuk, written under the supervision of Dr. Katarzyna Błachowska, entitled ” Pisząc historię narodu ‘niehistorycznego’. Powstanie studiów ukraińskich i polsko-ukraiński dialog historyczny w USA (1939-1991)”won first prizes in two competitions: in the competition organized by the Kultura Literary Institute Association and the Paris Culture Foundation for the best doctoral and master’s theses, and in the Władysław Pobóg-Malinowski for the Best Historical Debut of the Year in the field of recent history / link
- Please be advised that Ms Aleksandra Gajewska, employee of the main dean’s office, on December 29, 2021, defended her master’s thesis entitled “Commemoration and dissemination in the collective memory of the English powder conspiracy 1605 (selected aspects)” written under the guidance of prof. Jolanta Choińska-Miki and received a master’s degree.
- Urszula Kosińska, „Saksonia, Rzeczpospolita i Szwecja a koniec wojny północnej (1721 – 1732)”, in Zapiski Historyczne” 86, 2021, no. 4 / link
- Urszula Kosińska, The Winding Paths of Russian Imperial Politics: On „Die Geburt des russländischen Imperiums: Herrschaftskonzepte und -praktiken im 18. Jahrhundert” by Ricarda Vulpius / in „Kwartalnik Historyczny” Vol. CXXVIII, 2021 / link
- Magdalena Kozłowska, „Razem i osobno: stosunki polsko-żydowskie w Związku Stowarzyszeń Zawodowych w latach dwudziestych XX wieku”, in: „Gospodarka. Wybrane problemy gospodarcze na ziemiach polskich w XIX i XX wieku”, edit. A. Landau-Czajka, vol. 4, Warszawa 2021, pp. 111–125 / link
- Jacek Kordel, The motif of the ‘Bloodbath of Toruń’ in voltairean writings concerning the dissident question of 1767/68 and the first partition of Poland / in „Kwartalnik Historyczny” Vol. CXXVIII, 2021 / link
- January 12 at 6.00 pm / online and in person (ul. Bracka 25, Warsaw) / meeting with prof. Tomasz Kizwalter, ” Polska droga do nowoczesności – zwyczajna czy wyjątkowa?” / link
- Robert Wiśniewski „Opowieść o narodzeniu Jezusa jest silnie zmitologizowana”, 23 January 2021 / dzieje.pl / link