Seminarium Późnoantyczne Ewy Wipszyckiej – sem. letni 2023/2024

W imieniu organizatorów warszawskiego Seminarium Późnoantycznego Ewy Wipszyckiej zapraszamy na wykłady organizowane w ramach seminarium w semestrze letnim 2023/2024.
Spotkania odbywają się w czwartki, o 16.45 w sali 203 Wydziału Prawa i Administracji oraz online na platformie Zoom.
Kontakt: Robert Wiśniewski (
Aktualne abstrakty dostępne na stronie seminarium.
Pełen program:
22.02.2023 | Alexandra Madeła (UW) | Mapping out mythical Troy: The spaces of Dares Phrygius’ De Excidio Troiae and ancient scholarship on Homer’s geography |
29.02.2023 | Haggai Olshanetsky (UW) & Lev Cosijns (Oxford University) | Using macro-scale data to understand the relationship between climate, demography and economy in Late Antiquity |
7.03.2023 | Philippe Blaudeau (Université d’Angers) | Seeking to re-establish contact in the midst of the Acacian schism. Study of an attempt to renew contact between the sees of Alexandria and Rome under imperial auspices in 497 |
14.03.2023 | Kontantinos Balamoshev, Maria Nowak & Marzena Wojtczak (UW) | Law in Social Networks of late antique Aphrodite – preliminary results and a case study |
21.03.2023 | Jerzy Szafranowski (UW) | The founder, the cleric, and the bishop. Private churches in the sixth-century West |
4.04.2023 | Katinka Sewing (Universität Heidelberg) | Broken and buried. The curious case of the marble slabs from the Bishop’s church in Doliche (Southeast Turkey) |
11.04.2023 | Paweł Nowakowski (UW) | ‘I pray, do not focus on their barbarous tongue.’ The written and spoken languages in monasteries of early Byzantine Syria |
18.04.2023 | Roberto Alciati (Università degli Studi di Firenze) | Before the relics: Cases of Christian resistance to the agency of objects |
25.04.2023 | Maya Maskarinec (USC Dornsife) | Property and piety: the houses of saints in late antique and early medieval Rome |
9.05.2023 | Tomasz Waliszewski (UW) | Contemporary approaches to the study of the Roman city: a multi-disciplinary dialogue around processes of urbanisation and Romanisation in Mustis (Africa) |
16.05.2023 | Alexander Sarantis (Leibniz-Zentrum für Archäologie, Mainz) | Patterns of raiding and the nature of the Byzantine-Islamic frontier, 640-750 |
23.05.2023 | Anna Sitz (Universität Tübingen) | The writing on the wall: the fates of ancient inscriptions in late antique cities |
6.06.2023 | Arietta Papaconstantinou (Aix-Marseille Université) | Identifying the governor’s secretaries in eighth-century Fustat: another look at the Aphrodito archive |
13.06.2023 | Phil Booth (Oxford University) | John of Ephesus as historian |