Seminarium Historii Gender
Zapraszamy na Seminarium Historii Gender, które odbędzie się online (Zoom) 12 stycznia 2024 r. (piątek) o godz. 17.00
Tym razem Franziska Lamp (Universität Wien) przedstawi referat: The Resettlement of Refugee Nurses. The Gendered Dimensions of Agency of Displaced Women During their Migration Through Post-war Austria (1945–1960). Komentarz wygłosi Katarzyna Nowak (Universität Wien)
This lecture analyses the displacement experiences as well as the resettlement chances of displaced women who trained and/or worked as nurses. In her presentation Franziska M. Lamp will look closer at the different factors influencing their migration paths. While there has been substantial research focusing on the displacement experience of nationally defined groups of Displaced Persons (DPs) in post-war Austria and Germany, the interrelations between gender dynamics and resettlement schemes for displaced women have not yet stood in the focus of analysis. At the same time, historiography has paid too little attention to female DP workers in the field of post-war care and rehabilitation. By taking a closer look at what it meant for DP women to train as nurses and work for international organisations such as UNRRA or IRO, this lecture will provide insights into gendered dimensions of agency among the Displaced Persons transiting through postwar Austria.
For more information about the lecture and the project it is based on please contact: